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How to Start a Podcast in 6 Steps

Many businesses can benefit from starting a podcast. If you're trying to build a brand, you can reach your public through broadcasting.

There was a time when businesses large and small thought the best way to generate brand awareness was to run ads on television. But what's the first thing young consumers do when an ad appears on their TV sets?

They reach for their phones!

Their attention moves to Twitter, to Snapchat, to TikTok and to YouTube. While tweets may spike during TV commercials, podcast listeners can remain engaged. Why?

Podcasting is a medium that respects the time of your customers. You don't try to reach out to potential clients on your schedule. You allow possible buyers to come to you on their own time and when they can give you their undivided attention.

When you create a podcast, you're making content that most people can access from their devices 24/7. If you're in the United States, your First Amendment rights allow you to create content on any subject that doesn't incite violence or exploit others. You provide content at the price people want—for free!

The more people tune into your podcast, the more they trust you. Instead of cramming several points in your call-to-action in a 30-second ad on television or radio, you can reinforce your unique selling proposition slowly and subtly, winning over your customers as they keep coming back for more of the information and entertainment you offer them.

What is a podcast?

In 2021, Statista estimated that there were 120 million podcast listeners in the U.S., making it a great avenue for growing your business. But, what exactly is a podcast?

In 2021, there were an estimated 120 million podcast listeners in the United States.

A podcast provides audio content listeners can start, stop, and resume anytime on demand. This entertainment medium can also be accessed from any internet-enabled device, such as a smartphone, laptop, tablet, smartwatch, or smart speaker.

But you don't have to invest in expensive production equipment to start your podcast. Your creativity can win listeners from all over the world.

Benefits of starting a podcast

Podcasting offers a great ROI, or return on investment. It can also provide your business with several benefits.

Benefits of starting a podcast and sharing episodes on a podcast hosting platform

Drive traffic to your website

Some people have websites, while others have podcasts. However, not a lot of individuals have both. If you own a website, you can build your brand with iTunes and Spotify and scale up your traffic through social media and Google.

Deepen connection with audience

Not everybody likes watching a video or reading a blog. Some people simply have other things to do while taking in information and entertainment from the internet. The audio format gives you the opportunity to connect with people you couldn't reach otherwise.

Boost credibility and authority

One of the biggest benefits of starting your own podcast is the opportunity to become recognized as an authority in your industry. As you accumulate podcast episodes, all of which your listeners can index for future reference, you become the go-to source for information in your field.

Increase awareness

Podcasting allows listeners to multitask. They're listening to podcasts because they're often interested in a range of engaging topics. They return to you because there's something in your format that they find worthy of additional attention.

You might provide the comedic moment that helps someone get through their day, maybe you have engaging music, or perhaps you invite guests to your podcast who are influencers or on their way to becoming influencers. Your ability to consistently provide something just a little new and different keeps your brand in front of your audience.

Repurpose existing content

Another way podcasts work for brands is they give new life to old content. Sometimes great writing goes unappreciated, but when it becomes listenable audio, it reaches a new, larger audience. If you already have a blog, you have a lot of research ready for your podcast.

How to start a podcast

As we mentioned earlier, every business should have a podcast, and any business can. The basics of starting a podcast come down to these 6 simple steps.

1. Determine your topic

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, there were approximately 2 million active podcasts in 2022. So, why should someone choose your podcast over 2 million alternatives?

There were approximately 2 million active podcasts in 2021

The answer is that you provide the information they want.

To attract an audience and grow it over time, you must develop a deep understanding of what you're trying to share with the world and why.

When selecting a topic, you also want to identify the best podcast format. There are many types of podcast styles you can follow, including conversational, monologue, and interview. Choose the one that suits your future podcast episode the most.

2. Pick a podcast name

Once you know what you are podcasting about and who you are podcasting to, it's time to give your podcast a name. The title of your podcast needs to be:

  • Short, easy to remember, and easy to say out loud
  • Easy to spell
  • Descriptive
  • Unique (and not violating trademarks of other shows)
  • Original
  • Appealing to your audience

Don't let ego enter into the decision about how to name your show. Unless you are famous, don't use your name in the title.

Your marketing strategy must take into account the need to capture the attention of consumers immediately, or they'll click away.

Along with deciding the name of your podcast, you can create a logo and other branding essentials.

3. Find your audience

One of the most important tips for starting a podcast is that you must determine who your audience is and what you can offer them. The clearer the definition you can give your target audience, the easier it'll be to produce and promote your podcast.

Your target audience consists of: People who are interested in your topic People who have the time to listen to your podcast. People with the demographic characteristics (age, gender, income, education, location, interests, and so on) that you're trying to reach.

You can get valuable information from Google Trends, Facebook Insights, and the analytics provided by Mailchimp.

4. Get high-quality podcast equipment

Podcasters usually need a decent-quality microphone for their podcast set up. They may remember to get headphones and consider spending a few thousand dollars for a screen to block extraneous sounds. But they often overlook getting a computer with enough RAM for heavy-duty editing and storing their podcasts for future episodes.

Keep in mind that you don't need expensive equipment to get started. The most important thing is that your audio quality is good and clear.

5. Record, edit, and publish

When you’re ready, hit the recording button and let the show begin. You can conduct your first episode with or without a script, but make sure you stick to the topic of your episode. Regardless of your decision, make sure you engage the audience with powerful storytelling.

After you’re done recording, you’ll want to edit and publish your podcast on one or various hosting sites. There are multiple platforms where you can upload your audio files to, including Buzzsprout, Libsyn, and What podcast hosting service you use depends on your specific needs, such as budget and episode length. You’ll also need to consider if the hosting service can distribute your episodes to different podcast directories, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Additionally, there's plenty of room for podcasts on YouTube, which has an important advantage over other platforms. Podcasts on YouTube are indexed by Google, making them easy to find for anyone almost anywhere in the world. If you use YouTube as your podcast host, all of your podcasts become searchable through the hashtags you add to them.

Nineteen percent of “super listeners” find podcasts through YouTube, while 13% discover new podcasts by searching the internet (via Edison Research). So, it may be worth your time to learn how to upload videos on YouTube and how to edit podcast videos.

No matter where you decide to publish your podcast, make sure to optimize your podcast description with keywords and other vital details that can entice people to stop and listen.

6. Promote your podcast

Lastly, you'll need to promote your podcast on social media and other marketing channels, including email and direct mail, for a successful podcast career.

Word of mouth always helps, but a full-scale promotion campaign will be essential for your podcast, allowing you to grow your audience and reach its potential.

You can also promote your business through influencer marketing. Influencer marketing takes the trust established by word-of-mouth campaigns to encourage listeners to flock to your podcast.

To edit your podcast, you may need to invest in editing software. Doing so ensures your podcast recording is of good quality. You can add podcast music and other fun sounds to your audio recording during the editing process.

Grow your brand by starting a podcast

Podcasting is a valuable tool that can help you sell to any audience. Starting a podcast has many other benefits, including boosting credibility and authority, increasing awareness, and driving traffic to your business. Plus, getting started is relatively easy. Make sure to keep the points mentioned in mind as you begin podcasting.

If you're ready to jumpstart your podcasting career, use Mailchimp to enhance your efforts. With Mailchimp, you'll have access to several email marketing and automation tools that can help you generate more engagement.

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