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Engage, Convert, Repeat: The Winning Formula of SMS and Email Marketing

In this report by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, we explore best practices for marketers looking to combine email and SMS marketing channels to drive customer engagement.

SMS text messages are opened by recipients nearly 98% of the time

Combine SMS and email marketing to drive better customer engagement and business outcomes

SMS marketing offers the ability to connect with customers directly and in a timely fashion. It can also help strengthen relationships and increase customer loyalty and trust.

Mobile displaying the report cover
Three screens showing different, high quality marketing emails

Meeting customers where they are today means companies have to meet them on their cell phones

When you streamline your email and SMS campaigns in one place, you’re making a big stride in accelerating growth and automating your marketing. The winning formula of SMS and email marketing can drive  outcomes such as cost efficiency, higher sales and revenues, and increased customer loyalty.