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  • February 6, 2020

    Major update to the Open Commerce API

    Open Commerce


    We’ve released version 3.0 of the Open Commerce API. This is the culmination of months of smaller updates and changes to the platform, including:

    • GraphQL API for all functionality, replacing Meteor.

    • New admin application for managing shops in a web browser.

    • Plugins are now distributed as NPM packages.

    • New identity service to manage users, including Hydra integration with OAuth 2.

    • Faster startup times for development, enabled by public Docker images.

    These are breaking changes, so existing plugins will need to be updated and future plugins should be built on the 3.0 platform.


    These changes will greatly improve the experience of both developers and shop administrators: NPM plugins simplify development, allowing the use of plugins without forking the entire Open Commerce project; removing the Meteor dependency improves development speed; and completing the GraphQL API provides consistency when building UI plugins.