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Conversion Marketing Platform - Pop ups, exit intent, cart abandonment offers, coupons, banners, contests, and more!

Last Updated

One Platform for All Your Conversion Marketing Needs

  • Email Pop Ups - The simplest and most effective way to build your email list and generate sales opportunities. Use a pre-built theme or take complete control of your design!
  • Exit Pop Ups - Add exit intent pop ups to your site to capture emails before your visitor leaves.
  • Mobile Optimized Pop Ups (SEO Friendly) - Engage and convert mobile traffic with mobile-specific pop ups. In compliance with Google’s recent mobile SEO policies.
  • Cart and Checkout Abandonment Offers - Prevent cart abandonment with targeted offers proven to convert shoppers into customers.
  • Banners, Bars and Slide-Ins - Use for email capture, sale notifications, and effective website messaging.
  • Contests - Run enticing contests to convert high-intent traffic into leads.
  • Conversion Focused Themes - Full screen, countdown timer, spin-to-win, age verification, holiday specific, mobile, social media, and many more! No need for single use apps when you have access to every theme you’ll ever need!

Platform Highlights

Versatile Targeting and Segmentation - Target visitors based on exit, page views, referral site, time on site, visit frequency, geo-location, device type, scroll, cart value, order history, local date & time, previous engagement activity, and much more!

Drag-and-Drop Design Canvas - Bring your pop up and promotion designs to life with the most customizable design canvas in the app store. Start with a theme and make it your own or design from scratch.

A/B Testing - Test your designs, offers, and marketing copy to better understand shoppers and optimize your conversion funnel.

Single use and bulk coupon codes - Upload bulk and single-use coupon codes. Add coupon codes to pop ups, banners, slide-ins, and follow up emails.

Log into Mailchimp and seamlessly integrate your lists with Justuno and insert any form to your popups and banners. The integration also enables you to automatically tag and segment new contacts based on onsite behavior and actions.

With this integration you can:

  • Optimize email capture campaigns with customizable design, powerful targeting & segmentation, and A/B testing.
  • Reinforce email marketing campaigns with on-site messaging, promotions, and email auto-responders.

Email Auto-responses for newly acquired leads - In addition to providing visitors with an incentive on-site, you can reach new leads with a relevant marketing message, coupon code, or content download immediately after they opt in. No 3rd party app required!

Real Time Dashboard and Analytics - Receive a real-time snapshot of your conversion marketing success and overall website performance. Measure the impact of your marketing campaigns, identify optimization opportunities and implement campaigns backed by data.

Features Added Monthly - Our team adds new features to the platform based on user feedback, Shopify updates, and industry trends. We are constantly adding/updating integrations, designing new themes, adding requested targeting rules, and more! With Justuno, you can expect the latest and greatest functionality to help you grow your business.

Additional Information & Help

Mailchimp Integration
How-to Video: How to Integrate Mailchimp with Email Capture from Justuno
Collect More Information with MailChimp Form Integration
Read Blog

