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Become a trusted resource for your subscribers by consistently bringing them the best reads to inform, entertain, and inspire action.

Last Updated

Want to be that email that people are excited to receive? Having trouble keeping your audience engaged because you just can’t manage to get enough great information consistently into your campaigns? Feeling compelled to help those who trust you stay on top of the trends and challenges they should be considering? No, then we likely aren’t for you.

UpContent's partnership with Mailchimp allows you to easily, and efficiently, position your brand as a trusted resource for your subscribers through the consistent delivery of curated 3rd party articles. We present over 1.3 million new articles to our customers from around the web each month and, in as little as 20 minutes each week, you can surface what matters and get it to your customers, partners, prospects, and team members with only a few clicks.

  • Easily surface articles that matter by building custom topics and add your own sources and articles into the mix,
  • Collaborate with your team to triage the best content for your social media, email, and website audiences.
  • Manage your curation strategy from any device (i.e. phone, tablet, computer).
  • Automatically overlay custom calls-to-action on curated articles to entice conversion.

How it works:

  • Step 1 – Create an UpContent Collection To get started, log in or sign up to UpContent. Create some topics around the types of articles you’d like to deliver, and a Collection where you want to place those that are a fit for your email campaign.
  • Step 2 – Activate the Mailchimp Powerup Activate the Mailchimp Powerup and set the parameters for what sort order, frequency in which you want to send the campaign, and the number of articles you want included.
  • Step 3 – Populate your Mailchimp-connected UpContent Collection As you discover articles relevant for your Mailchimp audience, simply click a button, select the Collection connected to Mailchimp and let UpContent and Mailchimp handle the rest.

Additional Information & Help

Learn more about Mailchimp Integration
Use Mailchimp to Craft a Curated Email Digest


Knowledge Base
+1 412 447 1773

Image of connecting UpContent to Mailchimp

Activate the Mailchimp Integration within UpContent

image of Creating an e-mail campaign in UpContent

Create your Mailchimp email digest campaign from an UpContent Collection