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zzBots makes integrating your apps with Mailchimp simple and automating your workflow a breeze.


With zzBots, you can avoid redundant tasks such as manually importing/exporting subscribers and managing campaigns. zzBots is an easy-to-use app integration platform that enables you to sync data between Mailchimp and your other apps, manage subscribers, send and build custom email drip campaigns, and much more.

zzBots syncs data between all of your apps using automations called bots. You can install prebuilt bots called plugins, or create customized bots that work exactly to your needs.

Popular apps you can integrate with Mailchimp using zzBots include HubSpot, Google Sheets, Slack, Zoho CRM, Google Contacts, Airtable, Square, Shopify, Agile CRM, and many more.

Popular Mailchimp Plugins

Google Contacts ➜ Mailchimp Subscribers | 1-Way Sync

Google Sheets ➜ Mailchimp Subscribers | 1-Way Sync

Mailchimp Subscribers ➜ Slack Messages | 1-Way Sync

Mailchimp Subscribers ➜ Send Emails

Hubspot Deals ➜ Mailchimp Campaigns | 1-Way Sync

Shopify Customers ➜ Mailchimp Subscribers | 1-Way Sync

View all plugins here:

We are here to help! Chat with us on our website, or email us at to get 1-on-1 support from a certified Bot Expert.


This is where you will start your automation journey. Start by clicking "Sign Up".

This is where you will start your automation journey. Start by clicking "Sign Up".

This is your workspace, you will be directed here once you create an account and login.

This is your workspace, you will be directed here once you create an account and login.

Click "+ New Bot" to access the Plugin Store pop-up to search for pre-built bots, called plugins, or create your own custom bot.

Click "+ New Bot" to access the Plugin Store pop-up to search for pre-built bots, called plugins, or create your own custom bot.

Watch this to learn how zzBots works with Mailchimp!

Watch this to learn how zzBots works with Mailchimp!

Watch this to learn how zzBots works with Mailchimp!

Learn how to set up a Mailchimp email drip campaign automation for your new subscribers using zzBots!

Learn how to set up a Mailchimp email drip campaign automation for your new subscribers using zzBots!

Learn how to set up a Mailchimp email drip campaign automation for your new subscribers using zzBots!