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Automate multiple RSS feeds within email newsletters personalised to subscriber preferences.


FlipRSS enables you to supercharge your Mailchimp RSS email campaigns. It lets you automate email campaigns containing multiple RSS feeds based on your subscribers’ content preferences.

For example, say you have a blog with a number of different post categories. FlipRSS enables your subscribers to choose the topics they are interested in when they sign up to your campaign. When they receive your email, it will only ever contain the content they care about. And guess what? Open rates go up, click through rates increase, and subscriber satisfaction is high.

You can automate your RSS campaign by scheduling it to send daily, weekly or monthly. Or, you can send your campaigns manually for full control. FlipRSS brings a new level of personalisation to automated RSS-to-email campaigns.


Saves hours of time. Just setup and sit back. Email campaigns are fully automated, using the content from multiple RSS feeds to power your campaigns and deliver relevant, timely content to your subscribers. Asset 1 - FlipRSS Integration

It's personal. Your subscribers choose the content they receive. Automating multiple RSS feeds in your newsletters with FlipRSS has an added advantage of enabling your subscribers to pick just the content they are interested in. It's also GDPR compliant! Assest 2 - FlipRSS Integration

Boosts ROI & engagement. Increases open and click through rate Clients are seeing industry leading engagement rates from their email campaigns. FlipRSS helps you to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time. Asset 3 - FlipRSS Integration