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Mailchimp Acquires BigTeam

We’re acquiring BigTeam, a feedback management platform for small businesses, startups, entrepreneurs, and growing brands

Mailchimp has acquired BigTeam, a feedback management platform for small businesses, startups, entrepreneurs, and growing brands, to continue improving our survey tools and marketing technology for small businesses.

Mailchimp launched its survey tool in February of this year. Since launch, nearly 150,000 surveys have been created in Mailchimp enabling our users to turn their customer insights into actionable marketing and audience‑centric product strategies seamlessly in our platform. In May alone, Mailchimp delivered more than 1 million survey results to its users.

The BigTeam team’s experience building feedback tools for small businesses will allow Mailchimp to continue helping small businesses better understand their customers, get smarter with their marketing, and grow.

BigTeam came out of the TechStars Atlanta accelerator in 2018, and has also participated in the Bridge Community program. Mailchimp made a small, minority investment in BigTeam last summer with the goal of helping accelerate their product development. We’re excited for the team to now be joining Mailchimp.

BigTeam was founded by Trevor Wolfe in 2018 and is based in Atlanta, Georgia. As part of the acquisition, Trevor will be joining Mailchimp as Director of Product Marketing, and other team members will be joining in engineering roles.

June 22, 2020

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