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Mailchimp Joins the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism

Mailchimp is pleased to join the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), which brings together the technology industry, government, civil society, and academia to foster collaboration and information-sharing to counter terrorist and violent extremist activity online.

We’re proud of our Abuse Prevention and Compliance programs, which protect our users and our platform from malicious actors. As a member of GIFCT, Mailchimp will have access to additional resources to advance this work.

Mailchimp became a member of Tech Against Terrorism, a global consortium which assists the tech industry in fighting terrorist exploitation of the internet while respecting human rights, in December 2018. Mailchimp’s engagement with Tech Against Terrorism led to an increased interest in this important work, and we quickly pursued membership with GIFCT as a result.

As part of our membership, Mailchimp committed to publish transparency reports on an annual basis or more frequently as needed. Our first transparency report was published in August 2019, and our second was published in October 2020 and updated in November. These reports can be found on our website at

December 10, 2020

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