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Marketing Help 103

Sometimes you know exactly what you want to achieve, but you’re not quite sure who you need to hire to get those desired results.

Sometimes you know exactly what you want to achieve, but you’re not quite sure who you need to hire to get those desired results. Let us help you figure out what professional skill set you need, including what various job titles mean, what different certifications to keep an eye out for and how to discern a freelancer or agency’s specialty.

Click on what you want help with, and we’ll tell you what skill set to hire.

Build me a website

Climb Google’s rankings

Custom email templates

General Mailchimp training

Grow my audience

Handle my social for me

Improve my customers’ experiences

Logos and branding

Makeover my website

Set up an abandoned cart email for me

Sell more products

Set up a welcome series for me

Up my open rates

Use integrations

Write my tweets or newsletter for me

Learn which marketing experts to hire to bring each aspect of your marketing strategy to life.


Another way to think of a copywriter is as an expert wordsmith. They can articulate what your brand is offering with clear, concise and elegant language. Need someone to punch up your tweets or other social media posts? Do you want someone who can write pithy prose that will educate and enlighten customers as they browse your website? Copywriters have you covered.

Email automation expert

With Mailchimp’s marketing automation tools, you can send the right message to the right people at the right time. It’s like having a second brain for your business. If you aren’t interested in setting up the automation yourself, one of our certified Mailchimp partners can help. They have been specially trained in the process and can make it all effortless for you.

Email marketer

At Mailchimp, we love helping people get the most out of email marketing. We also recognize that not every business has an in-house marketing pro or team who wants to take on the responsibility. Our Mailchimp partners are trained and certified in our platform. They can help your marketing strategy succeed, offering ways to increase your open rate, suggesting methods to grow your audience or providing general email marketing training. Wondering if one subject line works better than another? They can do the A/B testing and so much more.

Graphic designer

Do you need a new logo? Are you re-thinking the visual identity of your brand? Graphic designers are masters of visual communications. They can distill sometimes complex ideas into clear, understandable logos, icons and graphics—all the while making everything look super gorgeous.

Integrations Expert

An email marketer with integration expertise can plug all the platforms you use directly into Mailchimp. Once everything’s seamlessly synced and centralized, you’ll have a 360-degree view of your audience, which means you’ll be able to market smarter. Mailchimp partners can also help you navigate our integration library. With nearly 300 integrations on offer, partners know which apps can help your business grow.

Mailchimp mentor

Our Mailchimp partners are experts, with training and certification in all aspects of the Mailchimp platform. Many are also teachers, who offer workshops, 1-on-1s and courses in email automations, making new templates, ecommerce integrations and more. Taking some lessons from a Mailchimp partner is a great way to boost your confidence and make you feel more in control of your marketing destiny.

SEO expert

If you want to drive more traffic to your site, and have a higher page rank on Google and other search engines, you might want to boost your search engine optimization. Hiring an SEO expert will enable you to navigate the ins and outs of getting your website seen by your target audience—the people searching online right now for your exact products and services.

Social media manager

A successful social media approach involves more than writing the occasional witty Facebook post (though those are good, too). A savvy social media manager uses their strategic thinking and organizational skills to engage with your audience on their favourite platforms—Instagram, TIkTok, Twitter. When they do it at the right times and in the right ways, they can build exposure for your brand, increase traffic to your site and generate new leads.


Mailchimp partners look at campaign data from both a bird’s-eye view and at a granular level. By monitoring trends and tracking performance, they’ll find out what’s working—and where and how you can improve your marketing strategy, so you can sell more products. If you’re specifically seeking help with online sales, an ecommerce expert can also be a tremendous asset.

UX designer

If people are leaving your site before purchasing a product or service, or abandoning their online shopping cart before completing a sale, it might be worth hiring a user experience (UX) designer. Essentially, UX experts are masters of empathy. They get inside the mind of your clients to understand exactly what’s confusing or frustrating to them, then find ways to improve any pain points. They differ from general web designers in that they approach their trade specifically from the user perspective.

Web designer

Are you thinking of launching a new website, or improving the one you already have? A web designer can make it happen. They have the creativity to imagine beautiful, functional pages and the technical coding know-how to make it all come together. Some web designers offer speciality approaches, including UX design that specifically hones in on how your customers can have the smoothest, most enjoyable experience on your site.

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