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Q&A: Emily Ryan on how the Mailchimp & Co network landed her a unicorn client

Thanks to a referral from fellow partner Marcy Chu, Emily Ryan took her business to the next level

Although Westfield Creative co-founder Emily Ryan still considers her Mailchimp marketing firm “a micro-agency” (just 2 are on her payroll), her business has grown exponentially over the last few years. Recently, she even landed an Ivy League client, thanks to a referral from fellow Mailchimp partner Marcy Chu. Now, with a steady flow of incoming leads, Emily reflects on why Mailchimp’s tight-knit network of expert marketers was the key to leveling up her business.

We hear you recently landed a great gig thanks to another partner?

Yes! It was huge for us. Another partner was going on maternity leave, and she referred her client—Teachers College, Columbia University—to me. They first hired us to create an email series that would add some oomph to their virtual convocation ceremonies. Since then, we’ve continued to work for them, creating more email campaigns. Having an Ivy League institution in our client roster is helping open more doors.

Wow, that’s incredible!

People underestimate the power of partner referrals—one great referral can really change your business.

Is sharing leads common?

A lot of us have niche skill sets (my business is mostly e-commerce focused). So, I often have work to pass on to other freelancers that isn’t the right fit for us. When I refer a client to another pro partner, I know they’ll be in good hands.

"People underestimate the power of partner referrals—one great referral can really change your business."

- Emily Ryan, Co-Founder at Westfield Creative

How else has Mailchimp & Co helped you grow your business?

Being listed in the expert directory has grown my business substantially. Now, around 75% of our clients are acquired through the directory.

MC&Co Networking Q+A Illo

What do you love most about the Mailchimp & Co community?

Our partner Slack is incredible. Through it, I’ve been able to form relationships with fellow marketers all over the world. We share leads, problem solve, and give each other advice. I even changed my rate structure after another partner told me I was under-charging. Knowing that there are over 1,000 other Mailchimp-focused marketers out there that you can reach out to for support and encouragement is incredible.

"Thanks to this community, networking has become more about building relationships with my peers."

- Emily Ryan, Co-Founder at Westfield Creative

Since joining Mailchimp & Co, has the way you network changed?

In a way, I used to think of networking as a chore. Now, thanks to this community, networking has become more about building relationships with my peers. Even though I haven’t met them all in person, they’re some of my closest biz besties. I recently had a baby and was touched that several members of my Mailchimp & Co family sent me gifts and cards.

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