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Build Customer Journeys to Help Drive Conversions

Learn how pre‑built marketing automations can help you engage existing customers and welcome new ones.

Build Customer Journeys to Help Drive Conversions

One-size-fits-all emails that aren’t relevant to a customer’s specific needs can be ignored, or worse yet, can be destined for the spam folder. That’s why delivering personalized content should be at the heart of every successful marketing strategy—and that all starts with automations.

Mailchimp’s automations help you stay in touch with your customers at every stage of their shopping experience—whether it’s automatically sending out a welcome message when they first visit your site or a pre-made follow-up message when they make a purchase. Not only do they help you save valuable time, they also help you more actively connect with your customers. Mailchimp customers who use automated emails found an average 49% increase in open rates and 170% increase in click rates when compared to non personalized bulk emails. But if setting up email automations sounds too technical or scary, don’t worry. Our Customer Journey Builder helps make it easy.

In just a few steps, we’ll show you how this simple tool can help you quickly create audience-engaging automations that may lead you to a successful holiday season.

1. Use Pre-built Customer Journeys

Pre-built Customer Journeys are the perfect way to get a head start on your automations with just a few simple clicks. Pre-built journeys are set up with different objectives, which you can customize further to fit your goals and strategy. Here are 3 of our most popular journeys to create today.

Welcome new contacts

Make sure your newest potential customers get that same warm, personal welcome they would expect to get in a brick-and-mortar store. When a person signs up for your newsletter on your website, you can automatically send them a welcome email to stay top of mind and keep them engaged with your brand.

This is especially helpful for people who aren’t quite ready to buy from you, but are interested enough in your brand to sign up for your emails. Those customers automatically receive a welcome email that invites them back to your site without you having to send a new email yourself every time. This first interaction can help establish your credibility and help you build a relationship with your new subscriber.

Recover lost customers

Over time you may have lost contact with some of your customers. While you might think they’ve lost interest in your product or service, it could simply mean they’ve forgotten to return to your site. Additionally, if a customer has previously purchased from your site, it’s likely they’re interested in what you’re offering currently. In a recent Nielsen survey 1 out of every 5 small businesses said customer retention was their top marketing objective.

The holiday season could be the perfect time to remind your customers to come back to your site with a Recover Lost Customer pre-built journey. Imagine reengaging a customer who bought a gift through your site last year and is stumped on where to holiday shop this year. This message can be a timely nudge for them to come buy again.

Recover abandoned carts

We’ve all been here before: we finally find a gift for a loved one, we put it in our online shopping cart, then we second guess ourselves, and abandon our carts. We’re not alone. About 3 out of every 4 shoppers stop short of checking out after they put items in their cart. There are a number of reasons this happens, including the customer not having the correct payment option or simply finding your site at the wrong time.

This pre-built journey allows you to re-engage with your audiences by sending automated reminders of what they left in their cart, further tempting them to push their purchase over the conversion line.

2. Complete your journey with personalized content

Now that you’ve selected your pre-built journeys, you can start personalizing them according to your own data and observations. Or, as you get more comfortable, you can even start building your own custom Customer Journeys from scratch.

In the pre-built journeys, all of the rules and actions are already set up and you can modify them to your specific needs. Remember to create custom emails for each of your journeys, and speak directly to where they are in the shopping experience. Also, be specific in your email about the action you want your customers to take. You can build your own or pick from dozens of our templates to ensure you take full advantage of the personalization of our automations.

3. Just keep building

Finally, make sure you keep up with how your campaigns are performing. Figure out what’s working and what’s not so you can improve with each new iteration. If click through is lagging, improve your CTAs by moving your links and buttons to more prominent locations, or try using more action-oriented copy in your buttons. If your open rates are low, revise your subject lines and experiment with length and sense of urgency. Need a little help getting started? Check out our subject line tool below.

Finally, keep building more journeys. Send personalized product recommendations to recent buyers, or follow up with your VIP customers for ratings and reviews. Set aside a little time each week or each month to optimize and build your journeys. The more personalized you can be with your customers, the more effective your marketing may be.

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