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Chiropractor Marketing: Stand Out from Competitors

Looking to grow your chiropractic business? Check out our comprehensive guide to effective marketing strategies for chiropractors.

Marketing for chiropractors helps them expand their patient base and deepen their relationships with patients. It involves using different digital marketing techniques to catch the eye of an interested party and get them to call the clinic for an appointment. It's also effective for chiropractors just starting to build their brand and established chiropractors looking to boost their credibility, attract new patients, and retain existing ones.

Digital marketing draws together multiple strategies used for patient outreach, which stem from traditional marketing efforts. So, what is marketing for chiropractors, and why does a chiropractor have to be specific about the type of digital marketing they engage in?

According to the American Chiropractic Association, there are approximately 70,000 chiropractors in the United States, making marketing essential. A chiropractor must show potential patients they're trustworthy and trained in the latest techniques. Investing time in building your email marketing campaign, learning about social media marketing, and creating strategies for attracting and retaining patients is crucial to ensuring your practice stands out from other local businesses.

Good chiropractic marketing strategies generate trust in patients who have not picked up the phone and show your existing patients you care about their business and health. Read on to learn more about marketing campaign ideas for chiropractors and why they work.

What is chiropractic marketing?

Chiropractic marketing uses different marketing techniques and strategies that align with the chiropractor's goals to expand their patient base, sell a new treatment or therapy, and establish the chiropractor as someone who can help patients resolve painful physical conditions. This form of marketing also aims to promote the services the chiropractor offers.

Why is marketing important for chiropractors?

Chiropractors are at a disadvantage when it comes to attracting clients. This is due to the fact that chiropractic care is an adjunct to the medical care provided by a physician. In other words, when people seek out medical care, they typically see an MD first.

However, chiropractic treatment doesn't need a referral from a physician, and this type of marketing helps chiropractors sell their services as a stand-alone therapy.

Here are a few other reasons chiropractor marketing is important for your business.

Attract new patients

Brand-new and established chiropractic clinics need to attract new patients on an ongoing basis. The main goal of marketing for chiropractors is to entice the casual viewer to become a patient through effective messaging and explanation of the benefits of chiropractic therapy.

Retain current patients

You can retain your current patients by offering them incentives, such as a discount on a therapy package or a reduced price on services for a period of time. Existing patients are often left out of incentives in favor of new ones. Rewarding loyalty through a discount or a package helps retain your current patients.

Build brand awareness

Getting your clinic's name to the public at large is the basic concept of marketing, and it also makes people aware of your brand. The connection of your clinic's name to your chiropractic service enables you to build your brand by increasing the general public's awareness of your existence.

Boost revenue

Marketing your business not only increases awareness of your brand but also brings in new customers. Your clinic sees an increase in the number of new patients and the return of existing patients, both of which improve your revenue.

What are the top chiropractic marketing strategies?

The top chiropractic marketing ideas fall under digital marketing because it's the most direct way of reaching your target market. You can choose which ones to start with and incorporate others later, or create a campaign that uses as many strategies as possible.

Here's are a few effective chiropractic marketing strategies you can use:

Email marketing

Email marketing tends to have less of a return on investment than physical marketing efforts, but you should still consider using email marketing. This is because you can provide subscribers value by sharing your newsletter, promoting local events, and more.

You can reach your target audience through good email marketing techniques that help your emails avoid spam folders. Some email marketing tips for reaching your desired audience include using a segmented email list, avoiding spammy subject lines, and using A/B testing to determine which type of email is the most effective in generating a response.

Social media marketing

Social media sites have hundreds of millions of people engaging with businesses on a daily basis, so increasing your social media presence is essential for success.

Chiropractors can easily get their message to their target market on Facebook and YouTube, 2 platforms that use geotargeting and demographic information to get your advertising to your intended audience. Instagram and TikTok are great for getting your message to a younger demographic who may not realize they can benefit from chiropractic treatment.

Marketing strategies for social media sites are different from traditional marketing techniques, which tend to be passive. Social media requires active engagement with regular posts and incentives, such as giveaways, discounts for following, and using hashtags.

Referral programs

Referral programs are a way of turning word-of-mouth into measurable results. The basic premise of a referral program is asking your existing patient base to refer your services to their friends and offering a discount for both the current patient and the new one.

Providing a discount to both patients tells your existing client that you value them, thus encouraging them to stay loyal to your brand. Meanwhile, the new patient gets to experience what their friend or family member is talking about and learn how chiropractic treatment benefits them.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the practice of building and maintaining your website in a way that attracts the attention of search engines. The various search engines reward websites that show regular updates, use good keyword density, and have a blog with regular updates. However, there's more to SEO than having a web page that loads fast and has the basics.

SEO is the most important part of digital marketing for chiropractors, as it can help bring people to your site organically. That means using local keywords, ensuring clean and solid UX design that encourages the viewer to interact with the site, utilizing calls to action for booking an appointment, and creating a Google Business profile.

All these aspects build your brand, make it inviting for the viewer to explore further, and motivate potential patients to schedule a consultation.

Social proof through reviews and testimonials

A potential patient needs to have confidence that you're as good as you say you are as a chiropractor. A page of positive testimonials from current patients lets consumers see you can deliver results and can be trusted.

It's a good idea to encourage your patients to post on Google Reviews, as that's a trusted source for social proof. Make it easy for people to find your licensing status so they can be assured you're operating in compliance with state laws.

User-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is content your patients create to show your effectiveness as a chiropractor. This is one of those marketing ideas for chiropractors that lends itself well to videos. You can have patients post videos of their mobility before a session and after on their personal social media accounts and ask them to tag you in the post. It's an organic form of social media marketing for chiropractors that helps you build your brand.

People who watch the videos get to see first-hand how you've helped your patient recover their range of motion and experience less pain as they go about their daily life. UGC is invaluable since it shows that you're results-driven and want to get your patients back to normal in the best possible way. The viewer develops a sense of trust in your abilities before they call your clinic for an appointment.

Pay-per-click advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is where you pay the search engine to place your ad content near the top of the page or to the side. This gets your clinic or professional name above the organic search results and is also effective for geotargeted advertising. If the viewer clicks on your ad, you pay a fee for that click.

This type of marketing also works for geotargeting people interested in chiropractic treatment. When someone types in "chiropractor near me," they're much more likely to see your ad at the top of the page if they're within a certain distance of your clinic.

Start growing your chiropractic business

There's no time like now to start growing your chiropractic business through digital marketing efforts. Going the digital route helps you save money, and you can find ways to create an effective email campaign, build a website with an excellent user interface, and use social media marketing to teach viewers about the techniques you use. A compelling marketing campaign makes it easy for you to build your business and find success.

Mailchimp provides you with the tools you need to build your chiropractic marketing strategy, create a quality user experience for people who interact with your website, and help you attract new patients to your chiropractic practice. Our small business marketing tips make it easy to develop your own campaign that reflects who you are as a chiropractor and what you seek to provide for your patients.

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