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14 Important Empathy Statements for Customer Service

If you want to put your business in the best position for success, you need to prioritize your customer service. Customer relationships are more important than they have ever been in the past, and you can build stronger connections with empathy statements for customer service. Empathy phrases and words are essential for showing your customers that you care about more than just your bottom line.

There are a lot of customers that think business owners only value their profits. Even though you're likely focused on generating revenue, you need to show your customers that you want to solve their problems with your products and services. If you're willing to go out of your way to help your clients and show empathy, you may have an easier time boosting your conversion rate.

But how do you empathize with a customer? Whether you run a small business, a medium company, or a large corporation, there are a few important points you should keep in mind. Take a look at some of the examples below to put together a few empathetic statements you can use to foster customer loyalty and retention.

What are empathy statements?

Before diving into empathy statements for customer service, defining what they are is essential. Empathy statements are phrases often used to show clients that you understand and respect them. If you can use empathy words and phrases, you can demonstrate that your sole focus is on them. You're taking personal responsibility for their experience with your brand in your conversation, and you can also develop trust and mutual understanding.

What are empathy statements?
Statements that are often used in customer service to show clients you understand and respect them.

If someone walks into your store or interacts with a representative online, they may think they're only trying to land a sale. You can use empathy statements for customer service to show them that this is not necessarily the case. Instead, you'll demonstrate you're focused on helping them. Once you establish a stronger relationship with your potential client, they'll be more open to what you have to say. Then, you'll have an easier time closing the deal or winning a new customer.

14 empathy statements to use

Customer care is an essential part of empathy statements. If you want to reduce your rate of customer churn, you can use these types of statements to grab and maintain the attention of your clients. Different empathy phrases have different impacts, which is why it's helpful to divide them into five categories.

Some of the categories for customer service empathy statements include:

Conversation starters

I'm happy to help you with this issue–This is a great statement you can use to introduce yourself to the customer. It shows that you're willing and able to address their concern.

What can we assist you with today?–If you phrase this as a question, you show the customer that you expect a response. As such, you're willing to help them address their concern, regardless of what it might be.

Building rapport

Thank you for letting us know about this–Sometimes, customers are hesitant to provide feedback or criticism because they think you don't want to hear it. This statement can build a stronger relationship with your customer because it shows you're open to improving the quality of your customer service.

We value your feedback–This statement can convince customers to return for repeat visits. If you let your customers know that you value their honest feedback, you establish that you're committed to improving their experience.

Deescalating situations

It seems like…–It's best not to make assumptions about how your customer feels. Instead of starting a statement with “you,” use “it seems like.” It shows that you're open to being wrong while figuring out how your customer feels.

It sounds like…–This statement is very similar to the one above. It doesn't make any assumptions, but it shows you're listening to your customer and taking their feelings into account.

Thank you for your patience–You must show your customers that you respect their time. By letting them know that you appreciate their patience, you demonstrate self-awareness and indicate that it may have taken you longer than usual to address your customer’s concern. This is one of the most critical empathy statements for customer service.

Responding to pain points

You're right–This is a great way to let your customers know that you understand their pain points and will address their concerns. Even if you feel their accusations are misplaced, this phrase can help defuse the situation.

I understand the issue here–This empathy statement can move customer service conversations along. However, be open to the possibility that you may not totally understand the customer’s situation. Therefore, you must make yourself available for any corrections they might want to make.

I see how that's a problem–Before you can provide the customer with a solution, you need to understand why the situation they're discussing is a problem. This is another way to reduce customer frustration and ensure you and the client are on the same page.

We’ll get your issue solved quickly–By promising to get the customer’s issue solved quickly, you can put their mind at ease. This will ensure customers that you have a plan in place to address their concerns.

Ending interactions

I'll get back to you as quickly as possible–You need to end the interaction on a positive note, and promising to address the issue quickly is a great way to do so.

Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with–Let the customer know that you're open to hearing from them again. If there's an adjustment they need to make, or if they have another problem they want you to address, inform your customer that you want to hear it.

It was a pleasure assisting you today–Customers don't want to make people angry. If you let the customer know that you're happy to help them, they'll be more likely to return to your business in the future.

Make sure you and your customer support team know when to use the statements above. Knowing a few phrases of empathy for different situations can help your business deliver outstanding support and demonstrate your brand's values. As a result, you can have a competitive advantage over other businesses that don't provide an excellent customer experience.

Why are empathy statements important?

There are several reasons why empathy statements for customer service are so important. Some of the biggest reasons include:

Why are empathy statements important?

Shows you care: You need to demonstrate to your customers that you genuinely care about their feelings. If customers think you only care about your bottom line, they may not open up to you, and you may have difficulty converting them into paying customers.

Build trusts and loyalty: Empathy statements are also important because they can help you build trust with your customers. This is necessary for fostering loyalty, which can turn them into repeat customers.

Provides a better understanding of customers: If you want to boost your conversion rate, you need to have a better understanding of your target market. The only way you can do so is if you get your customers to open up to you a bit more. Empathy statements can help you do that.

These are the biggest reasons why you need to use empathy words and empathy phrases to connect with your customer base.

How to use empathy statements effectively

How do you empathize with a customer? There are several ways you can use empathy statements effectively. They include:

How to use empathy statements effectively

Use "I" and "you": Use these pronouns to show that your focus is on the conversation you're having with your customer.

Remain professional: Don’t let your emotions interfere with your decision-making. Regardless of how difficult or angry customers may be, always put their experience with your brand first and maintain a respectful tone.

Ensure you understand the situation: Make an effort to understand the situation before providing possible solutions.

Refrain from using negative language: Avoid using negative language, no matter how frustrated you may be.

Maintain a positive tone: If you stay positive, you can create a feeling of optimism, showing your customer that you can solve their problem.

Be authentic: Always be authentic. Customers can tell when your heart's not in the right place to solve their problems.

Avoid over-promising: Even though it might be tempting to promise a possible solution, don't make promises you can’t deliver during a customer service conversation.

Other ways to show empathy to boost customer satisfaction

Some of the other ways you can show empathy and deliver outstanding customer support include:

Always have a smile on your face when you work with your customers.

Let your customer finish speaking before you respond, and listen closely to what they have to say. It's just as important to be a good listener as it's to respond appropriately.

Let them know that their problem is your problem.

Always offer to get extra help if the situation demands it.

Make an effort to think outside the box. Show your customer that you're willing to get creative.

Incorporate these behavioral tactics with the statements above, and you can empathize effectively with your customers.

Build stronger customer relationships with Mailchimp

Providing great customer service means improving the way in which you communicate with potential and existing clients. By using empathy statements, you can ensure those interacting with your brand feel valued and heard. This can go a long way and help develop the trust they have with your brand.

Marketing tools can also be valuable if you want to strengthen your customer relationships. With Mailchimp, you'll have access to various tools that can allow you to build a connection with your customers.

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