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Closing Strong: The Impact of Sales Closing Phrases for Sales Teams

Learn what sales closing phrases are, examples of effective closing phrases, and how they can help your salespeople close more deals.

The ability to close deals effectively is crucial for business success. Building rapport, showcasing product benefits, and addressing customer needs throughout the sales process can help you close more deals. However, whether or not you win a new customer depends on the final interaction with your prospect.

The top salespeople use sales closing phrases that help drive conversions. By mastering these impactful sales techniques, you can help encourage prospects to become paying customers while leaving a lasting impression.

Sales closing questions and statements can help your salespeople close more deals to boost sales and increase your revenue. Keep reading to learn more about how to close a sale with these simple yet effective phrases.

Closing phrases for sales happen at the end of your discussion with a prospect. They're often the last sentence of your sales email. If you're talking to them on the phone, it's the last part of the sales process that enables you to close more sales by gently encouraging prospects to become customers.

Sales closing phrases effectively close the sale and influence the final purchasing decision of a customer. They're used at the end of the sales funnel to create a sense of urgency and address customer objections, convincing them to take action at the moment.

Examples of sales closing phrases

You've probably heard common sales closing phrases if you've ever spoken to a salesperson. They're designed to guide prospects to make a purchasing decision by putting them on the spot.

For instance, a child selling Girl Scout cookies might show you their selection of cookies before asking, "How many can I put you down for?" This sales closing phase is designed to put the prospect on the spot, forcing them to make a decision immediately.

Other examples of sales closing phrases include:

  • Would you like to take advantage of our special offer today?
  • We have limited inventory, so it's best to secure your order now.
  • Are you ready to move forward with your purchase?
  • To move forward today, all we need to do is x.

Using these simple yet effective phrases is a sales negotiation skill that enables salespeople to close more deals by reiterating value propositions, addressing objections, and offering additional information. They also guide the prospect toward a decision, gently nudging them into a commitment to make a purchase.

Of course, the ability of the sales closing phrase to succeed in winning a sale relies on consultative selling, in which the salesperson establishes trust and builds a relationship with the prospect. Once you've accomplished that, you can use the sales closing phrase to drive sales.

The best sales closing phrases are designed to create a sense of urgency. They make customers believe that if they don't make a decision, they might miss out on a great deal or opportunity to use a product. This sense of urgency prevents prospects from falling out of the funnel when they procrastinate. It forces them to commit or at least continue the conversation.

Types of sales closing phrases

There is no single best closing phrase to use. Ultimately, the type of sales closing phrases that work best for your business will depend on the nature of the company and its customers. However, if you're new to sales, knowing the types of closing phrases can help you determine which ones are right for your business.

Assumptive close

Using assumptive closing is one of the best strategies to drive sales because it assumes the prospect is ready to make a purchase. The salesperson appears confident and leads the prospect toward a decision.

An example of an assumptive close would be our Girl Scout cookie seller from before asking, "How many can I put you down for?" In this example, the seller assumes the prospect is going to become a customer, putting them on the spot.

Assumptive closing phrases can come off as aggressive when done incorrectly. To earn a sales deal, a rep must be able to read the room. If you're unsure where the prospect stands, assumptive closing won't work for you and can backfire.

If a sales rep comes across too aggressive without addressing a customer's needs, they can damage a potentially beneficial relationship. A prospect may be willing to hear a sales pitch but aren't ready to sign a contract today. In these cases, you want to avoid the assumptive sales clothing phrase because it can cause negative feelings about your business.

Urgency close

The urgency close is another closing technique sales reps can use to move the deal forward by creating a sense of urgency. For instance, if your business has a special offer to help make closing sales easier, your closing statement can relay this urgency to customers by telling them about the limited-time offer and appealing to their fear of missing out (FOMO).

Benefit close

The benefit close gives you the opportunity to address a prospect's objections before they decide whether or not to sign the contract or purchase a product. It focuses on the value of using the product, not its features.

For example, instead of telling someone a time-tracking software uses AI to predict how long a task will take you, a hard-closing salesperson might focus on the time and cost savings of using the product.

Question close

The question close can be used in conjunction with other closing phrases. You can use an assumptive closing question to ask prospects if they're ready to sign a contract or make a purchase today. This strategy also helps you gauge your prospect's interest and can help you address any objections they might have.

Alternative close

The alternative closing phrase gives your prospects options. If you sell different plans, you might ask them which they prefer. This is a softer selling technique because it doesn't necessarily assume a prospect is ready to make a purchasing decision. Instead, it can help sales reps better understand their prospects and their needs before and after the sales pitch.

Your closing line can make or break your sale. When using these phrases, keep in mind who you're talking to, the products you sell, and your relationship with the prospect.

If you're unsure how to use these phrases or include them in your closing strategy, here are a few sales closing tips to help:

Understand the customer's needs

Your closing phrase won't be successful if you don't understand your customer's needs and pain points. You should always do your research before trying to make a hard sell. Your pitch should cover all the information a particular customer might need to know to make a purchasing decision and address any of their questions.

Set expectations early

You can set expectations with prospects early by asking them about their budget and needs before you pitch them a product or service. This allows you to build relationships with prospects to lead them through the sales funnel before you have a closing conversion.

Listen to the customer and address objections

You should always listen to the customer and address objections. Your sales conversion should always be two-sided. Yes, you're pitching a product, but the conversion isn't all about that product. Instead, you need to demonstrate the product's value, and the only way to do that is to listen to a customer's objections and try to address their concerns.

Focus on the benefits

A prospect isn't looking for a product; they're looking for a solution to a pain point. While features can be a major selling point for some individuals, most prospects care most about the benefits.

For example, if you sell time-tracking software, your prospects care about saving time, not all the product's other features. Focus on the most important features that address the customers' pain points.

Time the closing phrase correctly

It doesn't always make sense to use your closing phrase at the end of every closing conversation. You'll have many conversations when a prospect just isn't ready to commit, and no closing phrase will work. You want to focus on building relationships rather than closing deals.

If you believe a prospect is ready to convert, you should wait until after you've addressed their objections before using your closing phrase.

Arrange for the next steps

Once your prospect has made a commitment, you can arrange for the next steps to set expectations with customers. For some businesses, this means that the customer will send a purchase order. In other cases, the business might set up an account and send an email with instructions.

You should prepare any documents that should be signed and resources a new customer might need to start using your product or service as soon as possible.

Sales closing mistakes to avoid

Closing a sale isn't easy, which is why the world of sales is so competitive. Unfortunately, inexperienced salespeople tend to make mistakes that can cost your business. Here are a few sales mistakes to avoid:

  • Being too pushy
  • Not addressing customer concerns or objections
  • Relying solely on the closing phrase
  • Ignoring body language
  • Not following up with the customer

Master sales closing phrases for successful deal closure

Whether you're sending an email or talking with a prospect directly, a closing phrase can help you close more deals and increase your revenue. Mastering these closing phrases is crucial for sales reps, but their effectiveness hinges on the ability to build relationships with prospects.

Mailchimp's CRM helps you build better relationships with prospects to lead them through the sales funnel and help them convert from prospects to paying customers. Sign up for Mailchimp today and close more deals for your business.

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