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Marketing Shelfie—Growth Marketing Edition

Our list of our growth‑geared marketing reads that will help you navigate scaling your business.

Each month, we put together the Marketing Shelfie—a list of our top marketing reads, all chosen with freelancers and agencies in mind. This shelfie is all about growth. There’s no roadmap to the right way to grow your business, but, here are 5 titles that will help you navigate the journey as you scale.

Agency: Starting a Creative Firm in the Age of Digital Marketing—Rick Webb

The A-to-Z of growing an agency.

Many young digital marketing agencies experience similar growing pains as they scale. Avoid those bottlenecks and pitfalls with this straight-talking guide. In it, marketing industry veteran Rick Webb covers everything from hiring employees to eventually selling your agency

The Boutique: How To Start, Scale, And Sell A Professional Services Firm—Greg Alexander

Don’t build big, build a boutique.

This isn’t your standard business playbook. Each bite-sized chapter (purposefully short and easy to digest) is followed by thought-provoking exercises designed to help you flesh out an action plan for building your boutique business.

The Marketing Agency Blueprint—Paul Roetzer

Efficient, adaptable agencies are the future.

The old marketing model—inefficient, siloed, and resistant to change—is dead. Thankfully, marketing maverick Paul Roetzer has a new blueprint: the hybrid marketing agency. Filled with tips to help you win clients, develop management systems, and create stronger account teams, this practical guide will help you build your business from the ground up.

Creative Courage: Leveraging Imagination, Collaboration, and Innovation to Create Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams—Welby Altidor

Handspring over your next creative block.

Flex your creative muscles, flip yourself out of your comfort zone and rise to new heights. Welby Altidor, a former Cirque du Soleil creative executive, has the strategy you need to uncover your creative courage and innovate at the highest level.

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business—Gino Wickman

How to avoid a professional car crash.

Ever feel like you’re slipping off course? This guide offers a helping hand for businesses stuck in a bad groove. Wickman’s “Entrepreneurial Operating System,” will help you remove obstacles and help get back on the right track.

If you’re a freelancer or a member of an agency looking to learn new skills, network with your peers, and build your reputation, join Mailchimp & Co. Membership gets you access to tools (to help you manage your clients) and resources designed to help you grow your business your way.

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