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Yotpo: Ratings and Reviews

This integration between Yotpo & Mailchimp allows brands to enhance their email marketing strategies by leveraging the power of reviews and social proof.

Last Updated
English, Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch

Utilizing an advanced AI algorithm, Yotpo's integration with Mailchimp automatically identifies your best reviews, extracts top customer quotes, and displays them in an eye-catching in-mail widget that's easy to set up. Connecting Yotpo user-generated data to your contacts will allow you to view how many reviews each contact wrote, including the review score and content, helping you create richer segments and trigger campaigns through Mailchimp.

Additional Information & Help

Mailchimp Integration Guide
Blog Post


ContactUs Form

Screenshot of the Yotpo interface

Intelligently display the most relevant reviews by topic or product using AI-powered automation

Screenshot of Yotpo integration

Create more targeted email campaigns by segmenting your email contact lists with data from reviews

Screenshot of Yotpo interface

Automatically trigger effective emails flows based on review scores

Create more targeted email campaigns by segmenting your email contact lists with data from reviews