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Create a Lead Capture Form That Works

Have you ever clicked on a website and immediately noticed a section of the site encouraging you to enter your email for some sort of content in return? If so, that means you've encountered a lead capture form, and it's actually a great tactic for businesses.

If you want to drive potential customers to your business and increase conversions, you should include a lead capture form on your website. But what is a lead capture form, and how can it benefit your business? We'll discuss that and more in the content below.

In this article, we'll go over why you should use lead generation forms and 10 tips for creating the best lead capture forms for your business.

Lead capture forms can help generate high-quality leads and move potential customers through the sales funnel, so continue reading to find out how to create a lead capture form for your business's website.

What is a lead capture form?

A lead capture form is a section of a website that prompts website visitors to fill in their information in return for some sort of content, such as a free ebook or a free gift.

Lead capture forms are a way to collect basic information from website visitors, such as their email, phone number, or zip code. When a person enters their information on your website, they become a sales lead, and you can send them more content about your business and hopefully initiate a sale.

A lead capture form essentially encourages someone to trade in their information for content from your business, which is beneficial for both parties involved.

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Why is lead generation important? It allows you to target the right audience, It builds brand loyalty, It creates a lead/sales pipeline, It personalizes your messaging

Do you need to use lead capture forms?

Lead capture forms are beneficial for many reasons. They're an excellent way to generate high-quality leads and increase conversion rates for your business. They can help with lead generation and gaining the interest of potential customers.

Lead forms are also great for moving people along the sales funnel and turning leads into actual customers. If someone knows they will get something in return from your business, they will give you their information. And when someone gives you their information, you have a direct way to engage with them, send them content, and encourage them to make a purchase.

So, if your goal is to drive more qualified traffic and convert leads into paying customers, a lead capture form is the way to go.

10 Tips for creating the best lead capture forms

So now that you're familiar with lead generation forms and why they're so important, let's discuss some lead capture form best practices.

A good lead capture form should immediately grab your visitor's attention and encourage them to enter their information.

lead capture best practices visual

If you want to create the best lead capture page for your business, check out the following 10 tips:

Grab the user’s attention

If your lead capture form doesn't grab the user's attention as soon as they visit your website, it's not going to do you any good.

A lead capture page is your chance to make a great first impression and find quality leads. You should position the content you're offering as irresistible.

Write a strong headline that clearly explains what they will get from completing the form and how it can benefit them. Remember, this is one of the first things website visitors will see, so you need to make it count.

Keep it short

When it comes to lead capture forms, keep things short.

No one wants to spend their day reading about your business on your website. They want to be able to skim the writing and get the gist of what you're saying.

Lengthy writing will drive potential customers away, so keep things as short as possible. Shorter forms typically have much higher conversion rates than longer forms, so aim to find the right length with your forms, and it'll be smooth sailing.

Include quality CTAs

If you want your lead generation form to generate leads, you must include a quality call to action. Your call to action should be direct and clearly tell the reader what you want them to do, whether that's to enter their information or open another page on your site.

A call to action can be a submission button, download button, or anything else that explicitly directs the reader on what to do.

Be strategic about placement

Another thing to keep in mind when creating lead capture forms is placement.

If you place your form on the wrong part of your website, it's not going to get any clicks. You need to be strategic about placement and put your form somewhere it will get noticed.

There are a few options for where you can place your form. You can put it beside the landing page, within the landing page, in a chatbot, or at the bottom of an auto-scroll landing page.

Only include relevant fields

You don't want to bore your readers with information that serves them no purpose. So if you want to create the best lead capture forms for your business, be sure to include relevant form fields with information that your customers are interested in.

If your form fields aren’t relevant to your target audience, they’re just going to click off your page, so make it a point to include the best content for them. You should also keep your fields short and to the point, so readers can quickly scan the content to get the gist.

Use interactive elements or images

If you want to capture the attention of your website visitors, you need to include interactive elements or images in your lead capture form.

The best lead capture forms include relevant images that entice a website visitor to keep reading. It's best to have a snippet of the content to give interested customers more insight into what you're offering.

Include privacy policy information

You need to include a privacy policy on your form if you're going to ask people for their personal information.

It's important to show visitors that their information is safe and secure. This will also help to increase brand loyalty because people know you have good intentions and can trust you with their sensitive information.

Ensure forms are secure

If you want people to willingly submit their information, you need to make it clear that your forms are secure. Make sure your forms are safe and appealing to visitors. You can do this with a third-party security service to ensure your customer's information is safe in your hands.

Set up post-submit emails

Your job isn't finished once someone hits the submission button.

Following through and setting up post-submit emails is just as important as creating the form in the first place. You should email visitors as soon as they submit their information to keep them engaged.

Some marketing platforms offer automated services that can automatically send post-submit emails for you.

Test lead capture forms

The last step in creating good lead capture forms is to test them. A/B tests are a great way to gain insight into how your forms are doing so you can figure out the best version of the form that will generate leads.

A/B testing helps with generating leads and increasing conversions because you can understand how each element of your form is performing.

How do you create a lead capture form

Now that you're familiar with lead capture form best practices, you're probably wondering how to actually create one.

Fortunately, there are a lot of tools and templates that are designed specifically for creating quality lead capture forms. Having a template can make creating these forms easy because you're given the outline, and all you have to do is fill in your business information.

Just make sure you follow the above tips to create the best possible lead capture form for your business.

Effective lead generation efforts are propelling 56% of organizations to surpass their revenue goals.

Build better forms to capture qualified leads

Lead capture forms can improve your business in countless ways. Lead capture forms can help you gather more information about your website visitors, so you can turn quality leads into paying customers. If you want to build better forms to capture qualified leads but don't know where to start, consider using Mailchimp.

Mailchimp is an all-in-one email marketing platform that can help you improve your marketing strategies. With Mailchimp, you can get help with everything from sales prospecting to landing page optimization so that you can identify the best possible customers for your business with effective marketing techniques.

You can build better custom forms with Mailchimp that help you find higher-quality leads who are actually interested in your business. You can also check out our landing page best practices to learn more about creating a functional and eye-catching website.

With Mailchimp, you can build stronger marketing campaigns, find more leads, and increase conversion rates to grow your business to new heights.

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