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10 Elements of a High Converting Landing Page

To keep up with today’s fast-paced marketing industry, businesses are doing everything in their power to generate leads and convert visitors to their websites into paying customers.

In addition to quality content production and building a foolproof SEO strategy, creating an eye-catching, persuasive landing page can also lead to high conversion rates.

Unlike a home page that urges web visitors to explore your website and take a look at all of your offerings, a landing page is designed with one goal in mind.

Often created for a single campaign, landing pages are tailored to the target audience and focus on calls to action for conversion, whether that is purchasing a product or signing up for an email newsletter.

In this article, we will take a look at 10 key elements crucial to designing high-converting landing pages. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, all good landing pages have a number of similarities, from clear and concise copy to fast and seamless performance.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a standalone web page created with the goal of conversion in mind. It is a page your visitor “lands” on after clicking on a link from a marketing email, social media post, or ad on Google.

Typically designed for a single marketing campaign, landing pages are very focused in nature. They are customized to your audience’s interests and often only include one link, so visitors don’t click off.

Through landing page design elements, signup forms, clear call-to-action buttons, and a lead magnet such as a free trial, webinar, or whitepaper, landing pages seek to persuade visitors down the sales funnel.

Why are landing page conversions important?

In the world of digital marketing, a conversion takes place when a website visitor completes a desired goal, whether that is registering for an account, signing up for a subscription, or the ultimate goal of making a purchase. Conversions turn a passive member of your audience into an active participant.

Conversion rate is an important metric to track in order to grow your business and boost your profits. Comparing conversion rates between marketing channels can help you understand what appeals to your target market, how you can improve your marketing, and which channels are the most effective.

Not only are landing pages created with conversion as a goal, but they are also proven to boost conversions. While they are the least popular type of signup form, the landing page conversion rate is the highest at 23%.

What is a good (and bad) conversion rate?

what is your average landing page conversion rate

While the average conversion rate for a website is somewhere between 2 to 5%, this number can vary dramatically depending on which industry you are in, what your conversational goal is, and who your target audience is.

Across all industries, the benchmark for a good conversion rate is around 10%. On average, the conversion rate for landing pages is 9.7%, making it an effective tool for lead generation and customer acquisition.

A high-converting landing page urges site visitors to click the call to action button, easily turning them into leads that can be cultivated into paying customers.

10 Features of successful landing pages that convert

Memorable headline

A good landing page that converts should have a headline that is clear, relevant, and relatable.

Compelling headlines do not need to be witty. Rather, it is more important to prioritize straightforward communication to keep your landing page visitor from clicking off the page.

The headline does not need to be long either. In fact, just a few words should do the trick. Keep the messaging consistent with your other marketing materials, and describe how your product or service can benefit the visitor. Headlines that present a problem while offering a solution can easily appeal to an audience.

Engaging subheading

A great subheading should work in tandem with the headline to convince visitors to keep reading. It should provide more concrete information while still being concise.

Don't be afraid of a long landing page. Longer landing pages generate 220% more leads than shorter pages

Digestible copy

Another key element of landing pages that convert is digestible copy. Your landing page copy should grab the reader's attention. A brief description of your offering or a few bullet points detailing its benefits can be much more convincing than a large block of text that eliminates any negative space on the landing page.

Aim to provide direction with actionable landing page copy, so visitors can feel empowered to make the right decision for themselves.

Above-the-fold form placement

Forms are an integral part of high-converting landing pages. Above the fold, or what visitors can immediately see on your landing page without scrolling, is where you want to include your lead generation form to acquire information. This allows you to maximize conversion rates.

A form should also be short and sweet. It should only capture the information that you absolutely need. The less work you create for your visitors, the more likely they are to fill out and submit the form. A long and cramped form can be frustrating and intimidating.

Compelling calls to action

On a landing page, a call to action button typically submits the lead generation form that collects personal information from visitors. Good call-to-action buttons can help you close the deal and turn visitors into leads and customers.

Call to action buttons should tell your visitor exactly what they need to do, focusing on the action you want them to take without being boring. Create a sense of urgency, including words such as "limited edition" or "now", to give them a reason to click the button.

CTAs should be personalized as well, so visitors can feel like they are making a good decision for themselves. CTAs that can adapt to a visitor's location, for example, may have a better chance of converting them.

Evocative hero image

As the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, having a hero image that stands out will leave a good first impression. In terms of landing page design, visual elements tend to be easier to retain and have more impact.

Always include images with your landing page content. Users are 80% more likely to read content that is combined with images.

The hero image should represent your offering; this can be accomplished in an abstract way through images that evoke a certain positive feeling or in a literal way. More importantly, it should help your audience envision themselves using your product or service, compelling them to engage with the call to action button.

In general, it may be a good idea to utilize images that contain human faces as they are more likely to elicit an emotional response and foster a sense of connection.

Fascinating video content

A great landing page will also effectively utilize video content. A short video that provides information about your offering can lead visitors to spend more time on your landing page, giving you more opportunities to drive your value proposition. In fact, 83% of video marketers say videos have helped increase the time visitors spend on their sites.

73% of consumers are also more likely to make a purchase or sign up for a service if they can see how it works in a video, but demo videos are not the only type of video that can be included on landing pages. Videos featuring customer endorsements or special offers can also be successful.

Social proof

Social proof is the idea that people will conform to and emulate the behavior of the group, their friends, or those with influence or credibility. Add social proof to your landing page to encourage visitors to convert.

By including social proof in the form of social media testimonials, customer reviews, awards, trust seals, and other relevant data such as how many people have already purchased a product, you are demonstrating that there are people who can vouch for your business. Social proof is another important element for landing pages that convert.

Fast performance

Create landing pages with performance in mind. A slow and laggy landing page can negatively impact user experience, search engine rankings, and conversion. A fast-performing landing, on the other hand, keeps visitors engaged with your products and services.

Optimization for all platforms

Landing page optimization is just as important as landing page design. Businesses that use optimization software on their landing pages see a 30% conversion lift on average. A good landing page optimized for mobile can generate more leads and conversions. Mobile landing pages provide convenience and on-the-go access, reaching a larger audience.

How to track your landing page KPIs

Creating a perfect landing page can be a trial-and-error process. To know how well your landing page is performing and what you can do to improve it, there are a few important metrics to track, including:

Website traffic

The more people visit your landing page, the more chances you have to convert them into leads and customers. Drive more traffic to your page using social media, paid ads, or SEO strategies.

Form submission rate

How many people are completing your form and clicking on the CTA button? Use A/B testing to evaluate how to best set up your lead generation form.

Conversion rate

Conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of people who completed your desired goal upon visiting your landing page by the total number of visits.

Bounce rate

A high bounce rate indicates that people are opening your landing page and immediately exiting. This can alert you to a series of issues, such as unappealing web design and slow load times.

Form abandonment rate

If visitors start filling out your form but stop halfway through, they may be confused by your form, think it's too long, or not have enough of an incentive.

These metrics can be tracked in-house or by using Google Analytics. To use Google Analytics, sign up and get a unique tracking ID by entering your URL, industry, and time zone. Then, install the tracking ID on your website and start analyzing KPIs. Want more options? Take a look at some more of the best analytics tools.

Build effective landing pages from the start

Knowing how to design a landing page is a skill that every digital marketer should have. Other than its free, easy-to-use website builder, Mailchimp also provides a variety of resources that will help you build effective landing pages from the start.

Draw inspiration from the best landing page examples or explore other topics in Mailchimp's Marketing Library to boost your conversion rates.

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