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Integrations Integrate Mailchimp with any app

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Deeply integrate your marketing tech stack with the Tray Platform

The Tray Platform empowers marketing professionals to integrate and automate any cloud-based web application without clicks or code. Using our flexible visual workflow builder, you can bi-directionally sync data between multiple apps to ensure constantly-refreshed data across your tech stack and easily orchestrate sophisticated marketing processes.

With, your business won’t outgrow your automation platform. Scale your business and do more, faster with automated workflows such as:

Mailchimp <-> CRM Connecting Mailchimp with your CRM lets you periodically sync lead list data from your email campaigns, providing your sales team with up-to-the-minute information on the best leads to follow up with now. You can also add, remove, or update leads in Mailchimp directly from your CRM to drive higher engagement by boosting open rates and ensuring list accuracy.

Connect Mailchimp with popular CRMs such as Copper, Salesforce, Hubspot CRM, Microsoft Dynamics, and many more.

Mailchimp <-> Event Management Import event attendee lists directly from your event management platform to instantly execute error-free, custom-targeted email campaigns.

Connect to any event app, including Eventbrite, Cvent, Aventri, and many more.

Mailchimp <-> Collaboration Tools Manage any Mailchimp project with every stakeholder by receiving real-time alerts on email delivery, subscribes/unsubscribes, and vital campaign statistics, direct to your inbox.

Connect to platforms such as Slack, Asana, Trello, G Suite, and many more.

With, your integration and automation options are endless. Easily integrate Mailchimp and automate with best-in-breed software applications. Explore our collection of over 300+ integrations.


"Implementing the Tray platform has improved deliverability from approximately 60% to about 90%, with open rates increasing by about 26% and click-through rates by about 9%." - Caryn Ryan, Senior Consumer Marketing Manager at FICO

“This is the most powerful and flexible process management tool out there. Anytime you have a use case where two systems need to talk to each other; the Tray Platform is ideal.” - Brendon Ritz, Marketing Operations Lead at AdRoll

Additional Information & Help

Mailchimp Integration
How-to Article: Connect with Mailchimp
Read Customer Success Story
Request a Demo


+1 415 418 35870

Image of logo connecting to other logos

Integrate and automate with clicks-or-code using our drag-and-drop interface

Image of dashboard

The Tray Platform dashboard is your home for managing account settings, workflows, and accessing analytics.

Image of workflow builder

Powerful drag-and-drop builder and features available on the properties panel, lets you create just about any workflow automation.