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7 Announcement Email Best Practices (With Examples)

Learn the importance of announcement emails and get started writing your own!

Announcement emails are a great way to make sure your email subscribers know about changes your business is making, whether you’re adding a new product or service or making important changes to your brand. These emails are a good tool if you want to keep your customers in the loop, but it’s important to make sure you’re crafting good announcement emails.

Over 90% of people over the age of 15 use email regularly and 99% of those users check their inbox daily. That’s a lot of people, but there are also a lot of other emails your content will be competing with. Announcement emails are an important part of regular email campaigns, but they’re a bit different from the emails you’d normally write. If you want to know more about writing quality announcement emails, here are some best practices to help you out.

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What is an email announcement?

An email announcement is an email that’s sent to announce a big change you’ve made. It could be that you’re offering a new product or service, or maybe you’ve redesigned your website to make it more user-friendly. When you make these changes, sending an announcement email to your subscribers is a good way to keep them in the loop since almost all users check their email multiple times a day.

Email announcements are also helpful if you’re launching a limited edition product or service, or if you’re offering a limited-time sale. The thing is, you don’t want your subscribers to feel like you’re spamming them with announcements. Putting a personal touch on email announcements is important, so make sure you take some time to carefully craft each announcement.

Different types of emails require different types of email templates, so writing an email announcement is a lot different than writing a newsletter or a response to a customer service inquiry.

How to write email announcements

Following an announcement email template is easy enough, but writing an exciting announcement is another story entirely. When it comes to email announcements, here’s the basic process you should follow.

Every email announcement starts with a good introduction, which is where you establish your company name and tell readers what the email is about. This is also the spot where you want to include a hook to catch readers’ attention, so try to make your introduction interesting.

In the body section of your email, you want to focus on why this announcement is relevant to readers. Tell readers why this announcement is so exciting and what it means for them. Putting your new product, service, or website overhaul in context helps readers understand why you’re emailing them and why they should be excited about your announcement. Rhetorical questions can be a good way to get readers thinking about how your announcement can help them.

At the end of your email, write a call to action statement that tells readers what they can do next. You can let readers know to visit your store, take a look at your website, or check out the newest products you’ve launched online.

Email announcement tips

Writing exciting email announcements can be tough, but following some basic tips can be a huge help. Whether you’re writing a new design announcement for your website or launching a limited edition product, here are some tips you can follow to write effective email announcements.

1. Focus on branding

First and foremost, you want your email announcements to reflect your brand and give readers a good idea of who the announcement is coming from. You can do this by including your company name and logo in the email header and introducing yourself properly at the beginning of your email.

Branding is important because readers care more about announcements from brands they care about. You can engage readers immediately by helping them connect with your brand. It’s also important to consider branding when you’re writing the bulk of your email. Your email should sound like your brand, so don’t be afraid to get creative with your email announcements and use plenty of friendly language.

2. Write a catchy subject line

The subject line is the first thing readers see when they look at an email, so you need to make sure you’re hooking them right from the start. Writing a catchy subject line is always an important part of crafting the perfect email, but it’s even more important when you want to grab readers’ attention to announce something. The main goal of your subject line should be to inform readers and grab their attention, that way they’ll open your announcement email.

So, what should you include in a subject line? As important as it is to write a catchy subject line, you also need to make sure you’re telling readers what the email is about. Let readers know you have a big announcement and give them a brief description of what you’re announcing, but try to use catchy, attention-grabbing language.

3. Be clear and concise

It’s easy to get carried away trying to write an elaborate announcement email, but that’s not always the best way to go. The average reader may receive several announcement emails in a given week, so they don’t want to read thousands of words about your product. Instead, try to be clear and concise and give readers all the information they need in as few words as possible.

Of course, being clear and concise shouldn’t come at the cost of including valuable information. If there’s anything you feel that readers need to know about an announcement, include it in your email.

4. Use multimedia

Business emails used to be boring walls of text with a little bit of formatting tossed in, but you can do so much more with today’s technology. Graphics, buttons, and other multimedia can make your emails look more appealing, and they can also improve readability. You can include charts or graphs with important data, graphics that help with branding, and pictures of your new product design.

Animated graphics and videos can also be a good way to enrich announcement emails, but you don’t want your emails to load slowly or be hard to read. Feel free to use graphics and GIFs, but try to keep things simple.

5. Include contact information

If you want customers to take action based on what they’re reading in an announcement email, you should make it as easy as possible for them to do that. You can start by including your contact information in the header within your email, that way readers have a phone number, email, and website they know they can use. It’s also smart to include a button that allows readers to contact you with a single click.

You can also include your contact information at the bottom of the email or include a link that allows readers to contact you with the click of a button. The easier you make it for readers to take action after reading an email announcement, the better your announcements will be.

6. Customize announcement emails for each subscriber

You're not the only business sending out announcement emails, so you need to make sure your announcements don’t feel like spam to readers. Customizing announcement emails for each subscriber is a good way to make them feel more personal and less like corporate spam. People don’t want to feel like they’re being marketed to, they want to read important new information from companies they care about.

You can also make announcement emails feel a bit less spammy by making sure you’re only announcing things that need to be announced. You don’t need to announce weekly sales every week, for example.

7. Choose the right email service provider

The biggest key to making business email easier is choosing the right email service provider. Don’t stick with the same email service if it’s not working for you, or if you feel like your workflow is constantly interrupted. A good email service provider can make it easier to write a good email announcement and get it sent out to the right subscribers.

Make sure you compare email service providers to find one that works for you. Features like email automation can save you a lot of time.

Announcements are important!

Writing a good email isn’t as easy as you might think, but a little effort goes a long way. Find ways to connect with your readers and show them that what you’re announcing is valuable and your email announcements will be great. It also helps to integrate multimedia, contact information, and branding to help your announcements stand out and make them easy to read.

The good news is, Mailchimp can take the hassle out of writing quality email announcements. With tons of announcement email samples, templates, and tools that make email marketing easier for business owners, Mailchimp is the simple solution to better email marketing. Try Mailchimp today and stop settling for low-quality announcement emails.

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