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10 Benefits of Blogging for Business

Not sure if starting a business blog is right for you? Read on to learn the top 10 benefits of blogging for business.

Small businesses need to make themselves known and heard in order to build their customer base. Blogging for business is one of the best ways to introduce yourself to new customers, reinforce your relationship with existing clients, and share just about anything you like that relates to your business. Starting a blog for your brand is quick, easy, and beneficial for your organization, regardless of the industry.

So, how might a business use a blog? A business can use a blog in many ways, but the overall goal is to convert readers into customers by convincing them that the products you're selling are worth buying.

The benefits of blogs for business go beyond attracting customers and selling your products–they also allow you to increase your SEO organically. As you learn how to write a blog post, you'll find that careful use of keywords and backlinks helps your website look credible to search engines. Keywords allow search engine web crawlers to categorize your site and return it as a hit when someone searches for something you sell.

Read on to learn more about the 10 benefits of blogging for your business and why you should build one out.

Benefits of blogging for your business

Starting a blog for your business helps it grow, develops your authority, and makes you a go-to for people interested in what you sell. Let’s take a look at a few other top benefits of business blogging.

Drive conversions and profits

When running an e-commerce business, your main goal is to make sales. Every individual who lands on your website to see what you have to offer represents a potential sale. However, some people want to learn more about your company and the product they're interested in or discover why you're selling the merchandise. A blog delivers the information they seek and encourages them to finalize their purchase.

Become an industry leader

People typically appreciate it when someone has expertise in their field of focus. It also demonstrates that you're selling your products or services because you have a passion for whatever you do. Starting a blog for your brand allows you to show customers all of this and more as you share your insights, opinions, experience, and results. You can increase your conversions because you've helped customers understand more about what they're buying and what they're likely to experience when they use the product.

Increase website traffic

There's no denying that the internet is crowded when selling just about anything. Blogging helps you increase website traffic by improving search engine rankings, engaging viewers for longer, and increasing the potential for conversion.

In fact, a study by Orbit Media Studios found that 77% of bloggers report an increase in results due to blogging.

Enhance link building efforts

Hyperlinking to an authoritative source, be it a manufacturer of a product you sell or a government agency that has data to back up your assertion, helps improve your search engine ranking. Readers can also follow the backlinks and learn more about a particular aspect of a product, the testing that's been performed, or the health benefits provided by the merchandise you're selling. This also adds to your overall authority and fosters a feeling of trust from a customer.

Educate consumers about your business

One of the benefits of blogging for business is the opportunity to give insight into your business and how it's run. This is a chance to talk about the day-to-day operations, how you source materials, introduce your employees, and highlight experiences you want your customers to know about. You can also talk about why you got into your particular line of business and your goals for its future.

Promote your brand for free

Blogging is a form of marketing where you get to talk about your business to your heart's content. You can use the blog to promote a particular product, tease about something new and exciting that's arriving soon, and announce an upcoming sale. There's no cost to you apart from the time you spend writing the blog.

Nurture the relationship between you and your customers

One of the benefits of blogs for businesses is that you're putting a face to your business. A reader can learn more about who you are, your business values, how you feel about providing a quality product or service, and delivering top customer service. This gives a sense of familiarity to your customers and makes them feel good about buying from you.

Repurpose blogs for social media marketing

There's no denying that it takes time to write a blog, but that effort can be repurposed for social media marketing and save you time. You can use the entire blog or a snippet to encourage people to follow a link to your blog and read more.

It's a widely accepted marketing tactic, with Statista reporting that 90% of online bloggers used social media to promote their blogs in 2021.

Boost brand awareness and loyalty

When considering how a business can use a blog, you may not be thinking about how it can boost brand awareness and create customer loyalty. Customers like to connect with businesses because they feel they're getting value from their interactions. A business blog that gets in-depth on a variety of topics makes a customer feel like they're in alignment with what your business offers them.

Partner with influencers or brands for guest blogging

Partnering with an influencer or a related brand helps raise brand awareness. Their followers are interested in what they have to say, and if the influencer or brand spokesperson posts on your blog, you'll gain the attention of an audience that may not have found or considered your products otherwise. Specific audiences respect the authority of an influencer or brand spokesperson and will put you into the same category of trustworthiness.

How to start a business blog

Starting a business blog doesn't have to be complex, but you should create a content strategy for the best results. Content strategy consists of figuring out the topics you want to cover, ones to stay away from, how frequently you wish to post blogs, the inclusion of videos for demonstration, and guest bloggers. You may also want to look into trading blogs with others who share your field of expertise and knowledge for increased awareness.

After you've laid out your content strategy, it's not quite time to start writing. Look at the blogs of competitors to get a feel for their writing styles. Some industries work best with tight and concise writing that's to the point, while others need to be in-depth to help the reader understand an aspect or how to perform a series of steps.

Business blogging best practices

There's no right or wrong way of blogging for businesses, but you should follow blog design best practices to engage your readers and deliver quality content. They include:

Create unique, high-quality content

You want your blog to represent you and the products that you're selling. That requires creating original content that's unique and offers value to the readers. Be you, be original, and make sure you give something to the reader.

Optimize blogs using SEO

Engaging in on-page SEO optimization makes your business blog useful to search engines and readers. It involves carefully using keywords throughout the page and naturally including them when it makes sense, using headings and backlinks for authority, and clean formatting of your text for readability and searchability.

Share your blog on social media

Make sure to post your latest blog on your social media accounts to improve visibility and attract viewers. Customers like to read new content and learn about the latest products, but they may not be in the habit of going directly to your blog. Posting on social media helps remind them to look at your blog.

Answer frequently asked questions

You can do this by making a stand-alone blog post about FAQs or answering questions in the comments section of the blog. If you want to create an FAQ blog, take note of the questions commonly asked in emails or comments, and use them to create a FAQ.

Write for your audience

Make your content relatable to your audience. That's not to say you can't stray from your main topic and talk about a related subject, but you want to make sure your reader finds it interesting and worth reading.

Start blogging for your business today

There's no time like the present to explore the benefits of blogging for business and experience how it can improve your conversion rate. Blogging is enjoyable and brings your business to life. Creating a blog can be challenging work, but Mailchimp can help you get the most out of your blogging by helping you make a website and blog that link together, send marketing emails to your email list, schedule your social media posts in advance, and track your visitors and blog performance.

Mailchimp acts as your blogging partner, allowing you to spend more time writing quality content for your readers to enjoy. You get to build your brand with less effort and demonstrate your experience and knowledge of your business. In turn, you can engage potential customers and improve sales.

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