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How to use Facebook Business Manager: The Ultimate Guide

Facebook Business Manager allows you to manage several Facebook Pages and ad accounts. Learn how to use FB Business Manager with Meta Business Suite here.

If you are looking for a way to grow your business in the current environment, you have probably thought about using social media. There are numerous social media platforms, but one of the most popular platforms continues to be Facebook, which has recently rebranded its parent company to Meta.

If you look at the Meta Business Suite, you might consider creating a business account for Facebook. FB Business Manager can help you grow your company’s online presence, and you might be wondering how to use Facebook Business Manager.

If you want to grow your small or medium business on Facebook, what are a few of the most important points you should consider? Take a look at this ultimate guide to ensure you get the most out of this powerful business tool.

Facebook Business Manager overview

What is Facebook Business Manager?

By creating a Facebook Business Manager account through the Meta Business Suite, you can manage multiple social media accounts and product catalogs at the same time. You also have the ability to provide access to specific team members based on the role they play on your social media marketing team. For example, you may have multiple client Facebook pages that you want to link to your business account for Facebook. Or, you may have multiple Facebook ad accounts that need to be managed. By having a Facebook business account, you can manage your pages or ad accounts without needing to link directly to the personal Facebook accounts of your employees, allowing you to separate work and personal information.

You can also give your employees access to certain pages without giving them full ownership of your Facebook business account. As a result, Facebook Business Manager could be an important part of your social media marketing campaign.

Pros and Cons of Facebook Business Manager

Should you create a Facebook Business Manager account for your business?

If you are interested in learning how to use Facebook Business Manager, you might be wondering if you should create a business account for your company. If you have a small business that you are running out of your house, or if you are the only person working for your company, then you might not need to worry about setting up a Facebook Business Manager account.

On the other hand, setting up a Facebook Business Manager account can be particularly beneficial if you have a team of people working on your social media account at the same time. By creating a Facebook Business Manager team, you can ensure different employees have the ability to manage separate aspects of your account without granting access to team members who might not need it. Therefore, you might find it easier if you provide your employees with access to only the pages they need instead of all of them.

Benefits and drawbacks of setting up a business manager account

If you decide to set up a Facebook Business Manager account, there are a few advantages you might experience. They include:

  • Easy to manage: You can manage several Facebook pages and Facebook ad accounts at the same time. Using a single interface through your business Facebook account, you can see everything, making it easier for you to manage your marketing campaign.
  • Separate personal and business accounts: You don't have to worry about your personal Facebook account overlapping with your business manager account. You can keep the two separate, which might make it easier for you to craft a firm brand identity.
  • Delegate roles to employees: You can provide individual roles to employees, giving them access to certain aspects of your business manager account they might need to do their jobs.
  • Collaboration: When using your business manager account, you can collaborate with other companies in your industry, setting up more powerful business partnerships.
  • More control: You will have complete control over your pages, resources, and social media ad accounts. This can make it easier to create Facebook advertising campaigns that align with your goals.
  • Increased productivity: Because you don't have to go through your personal newsfeed, you might find that it is easier to stay focused on work.

On the other hand, there are a few drawbacks that come with setting up a Facebook Business Account. They include:

  • Learning curve: For some users, the interface might not be easy to figure out. If you have not had a lot of experience using social media advertising tools, the learning curve can be steep when creating a Facebook page for your business.
  • Different interface: Even though some of the tools that you will use for your Facebook business account are the same as the ones you use for your personal account, the tools are not in the same locations. This can make it harder for you to find what you are looking for.
  • Inability to remove ad accounts: If you decide to add a new Facebook advertising account to your business account, you will not be able to remove it. It is always linked to your account.
  • Limited number of ad accounts: There may be a limit on the number of Facebook ad accounts you have. Even if you are not using that account anymore, you might not be able to remove it, which can make it harder for you to manage your assets.
  • Bugs and errors: The program itself has a few bugs, so you need to be patient and work through them if you want to maximize this tool.

You need to think carefully about the benefits and drawbacks of each option before you make a decision. Even though having a Facebook business account could help you run an online store, you need to be prepared to overcome a few obstacles and hurdles.

How to set up Facebook Business Manager with Meta Business Suite

How to set up your Facebook Business Manager with Meta Business Suite

Facebook advertising is a great way to reach a broader audience and grow your brand. If you are interested in setting up a business account for your company, there are a few steps to follow. They include:

Step 1: Create a Facebook Business account

First, you need to create your business manager account. You should start by logging into your personal Facebook account. Then, navigate to the business area of Facebook. Once there, you should see a button to create your account. Go ahead and click on this button. You will be asked to enter some demographic information, such as your company name, your actual name, and the email address that you want to be tied to your Facebook account.

After this, you'll be asked to confirm your email address. After you do so, your business account will be created, and you can move forward.

Step 2: Choose a default view

Next, you will want to choose your default view. Immediately after creating your Facebook business account and confirming your email address, you may realize that the Facebook business homepage looks a bit outdated. That is because it is the old homepage for Facebook business. Ever since rebranding to Meta, there has been a new layout.

If you head to the Manager section of the business page, you can switch it to the Meta Business Suite, if that is the layout you prefer. Down the road, you may decide that you want to go back to the Facebook business version. If that is the case, there is a menu titled “Give Feedback,” and you can make the change there.

Step 3: Connect other business accounts

After this, you will want to connect your other business account. For example, you may have an Instagram account that you want to tie to your Facebook business account. If you take a look at the settings menu, you should find a section for business assets. Once you click on this page, you should view a few options for assets that you would like to add. Examples include a Facebook page, an Instagram account, and a WhatsApp account.

If you decide that you want to link a Facebook page to your business manager account, you have several options available. You can create a new Facebook page, claim an existing Facebook page, or request to share a specific Facebook page with your business account. You need to select the option that works best for your needs.

If you decide that you want to add an Instagram account, you will be asked to log in to the Instagram account using your business suite. The process will be similar, and you can decide to link multiple Instagram accounts if you would like.

Additionally, through your Facebook business manager account, you can add your Facebook Ad Accounts. You can add an existing ad account, create a new account, or add someone else's Facebook ad account.

There are plenty of other accounts that you might want to add as well. This could include Pixels, WhatsApp, and others. You do not necessarily have to connect them all right now. You can always come back to the page if you want to add more accounts down the road.

Step 4: Grant access to users

One of the biggest advantages of using Facebook business manager is that you can give different people, employees or admin access to different areas of your account. Therefore, you might want to add some other users and give them admin access to different aspects. You can do so if you navigate to the settings page and select the option for “people.”

Then, you should see an option to add people to the account. You will need to enter the email address of the Facebook account they use. Then, give them a specific level of access. You can provide them with employee access, or you can provide them with admin access.

If you decide to provide someone with employee access, you can specify the content they can access. For example, you might want to give them the option to create advertisements, or you might want to give them the option to send messages. You might also want to give them the option to monitor community activity or publish new content on your behalf.

After you decide the level of access you want them to have, whether admin or employee access, you need to send them an email invite. After the invitation is accepted, the individual user should be there under the “people” tab. You can always come back to this page if you want to make more changes down the road.

Step 5: Download the mobile app

Finally, you may want to try out the mobile app as well. As a small or medium business owner, you are probably very busy, and you might not be able to sit by your computer all the time. Now, you can take advantage of a mobile app, which is available for Android and iOS devices. You can access many of the same features on the go, allowing you to stay in contact with your business. It may take some time to get used to the mobile app, but it can help you save time in managing your account.

After you are done with these steps, you should be ready to leverage your Facebook business account. Don't forget to take a look at different tools that can help you create digital ads that can help you move your social media marketing campaign forward.

Do I need a personal Facebook account to use Business Manager?

Yes, you need to have a personal Facebook account to use Facebook business manager. You need to have someone available to act as the administrator of your business account. In order to name someone an administrator, there has to be a personal Facebook account linked to your business account. If you do not have a personal account, you will not be able to act as the administrator of your Facebook business account, which means that you would have to find someone else to act as the overall administrator on your behalf.

Make the most of Facebook Business Manager with these tips

Because Facebook Business Manager is such a powerful tool, you need to know how to get the most out of it. Some of the tips that you might want to follow include:

1. Set up Facebook Pixels

When you put together Facebook ads, you want to make sure that they are seen by the people who are most likely to convert. That is where Facebook Pixels can help you. Using this tool, you can improve your conversion rate and maximize your return on investment. You can track your audience, see where they are coming from, and learn more about their behavior online. Then, you can customize your Facebook ads to meet your needs, helping you move your social media marketing campaign forward.

2. Set up your locations

You also need to fill out information related to your business location. In the business manager section, there is an option for open store locations. You can add stores, include your contact information, and let people know where you are physically located. Adding a location is important because you might want to target people who are close to the geographic area of your business. That way, you can make sure that you are focusing your Facebook ads on people who are most likely to shop with your business.

3. Use A/B testing

If you check the Ads Manager section, you will see an option for A/B testing. This is important because it allows you to compare two separate options for your advertising strategy. You can pair them directly with one another, seeing which one works the best. You can fill out information related to your ad campaign, decide which metrics are most important, and then track your Facebook ads campaign over time. Make sure you put A/B testing to work for your business.

4. Focus on the “About” section

Even though there is a lot to fill out, you should not overlook the “About” section. This is one of the first things that people are going to see when they arrive on your business page. They will see a preview of it on the left-hand side of the page, and it'll be located directly underneath your profile picture. You need to optimize the previous section, giving people an overview of everything your business is about. This is your opportunity to make a positive impression, so be sure to optimize it to meet your needs.

5. Be responsive to your messages

You may have seen that Facebook will give you information about how quickly certain businesses respond to messages. Now, this is something that people are going to see about you. You must make sure that you are as responsive as possible to your messages. If your badge indicates that you are very responsive, people will be more likely to reach out to your company and shop with your business. If you have a response rate of over 90 percent and an average response time of 15 minutes, you should earn this badge, which will help you increase your online visibility.

If you keep these tips in mind, you should get the most out of your Facebook business manager. Do not hesitate to reach out to an expert if you would like to learn more about how to put this tool to work for your business.

Create robust multi-channel marketing strategies

It is important to take advantage of every channel available to you if you want to maximize the visibility of your business. For example, you might want to purchase a domain, but you also need to think about social media marketing.

If you are looking for tools that can help you improve the quality of your marketing campaigns, you should take a look at the options available from Mailchimp. With Mailchimp, you can track the most important metrics related to your social media marketing campaigns, increase your conversion rate, and maximize the return on your investment. With hundreds of millions of people using social media every day, this is one of the most important marketing channels at your disposal. Make sure you get the most out of it by using the right tools.

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