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How to Create a UX Designer Portfolio Online

Are you getting started in the world of user experience? Create a beautiful UX portfolio to showcase your talents and who you are as a designer.

The ever-growing number of ways to access the internet and online content has given impetus to the need for a better user experience (UX). When users take the time to visit a site or use an app, they want to be able to navigate easily without needing much instruction. The design of the website should appeal to users visually while also making it more intuitive to navigate.

People access the internet from a range of devices, like smartphones, computers, tablets, televisions, exercise equipment, and even their watches. This list will only continue to grow as we learn how to use new ways like voice activation, to connect with information online. With so much competing content, how will most users choose which apps to use? The answer is user experience.

What is user experience?

User experience (UX) is how you feel when using a website or app at any time or from anywhere. Websites, applications, software, streaming, audio, and video devices all offer access to the internet. Each type of device offers a different type of user experience. How we as users perceive that experience is all-encompassed into UX.

Why is UX important?

The reason that you're hearing so much about UX these days is that UX is a critical factor in why people prefer one website or app over another. Users begin to pair their UX with specific brands, judging the quality of the experience as synonymous with the quality of the brand.

People that have a good UX that accomplishes what they want or need, will interact with that brand more meaningfully and more often. These interactions give the brand better insight into their best customers, so they can continue to serve them. Happy customers will buy from, and also recommend their favorite brands.

What is a UX portfolio?

A UX portfolio is a collection and presentation of a UX designer's work and background. Similar to a resume, it presents a designer's UX examples, so that hiring managers or a design team can interact with them just like a user would. How the portfolio is set up, and the examples of UX work presented are important for visitors to see and experience themselves.

What should be in a UX portfolio?

Before you get started, you should take the time to really understand what your portfolio will be created to achieve. Once you've decided on an outcome, you can build a UX portfolio to achieve it.

Remember that your UX design portfolio isn't just a list of your best UX work. You should also include how and why you decided to design each one, what you went through when designing it, and what you achieved once completed.

Your UX design portfolio should introduce you as a designer to the world, and show how you resolve problems and meet challenges. And present your portfolio in a way that engages visitors, is easy to navigate, and shows off your visual design qualities.

How to build an amazing UX design portfolio?

There are certain things you need to include in your portfolio:

  • UX design certification (if you have one)
  • An interesting introduction
  • The right number of UX case studies
  • Evidence of how you learn and grow with each design
  • A user-friendly format
  • A top-notch user interface (UI) design

UX Portfolio Examples

There are many excellent UX portfolios that you can use as inspiration. Here are a few of them:

1. Moritz Oesterlau

This UX portfolio offers a lot of insight into how to build your portfolio. One of the key features is how Moritz Oesterlau tells his story through case studies.

The portfolio starts with a brief introduction that talks about who Moritz is. We learn that he is a skilled UX designer in Germany. He's also involved in some UI and frontend development projects.

Next, we get to the body of the portfolio in which Moritz dives right into a tour of how he works on UX. He describes the process he's used to solve a specific problem by means of a case study. The case study takes you through the entire process with each step clearly illustrated and detailed to demonstrate the activity and results.

Each case study gives you the opportunity to observe how Moritz worked with his client to achieve their goal. You get to know the designer as if you are standing right next to him as he works.

2. Sophie Brittain

The first thing you learn about Sophie Brittain is that she is based in New York. Her presentation is clean and simple with easy navigation. She has an About page with a few more details about her history or you can go straight into her work examples.

She displays two projects, for Kia and Cadillac Fairview, that were marketing website designs. Then she lists a Case Study for an agriculture project.

What is great about Sophie's portfolio is that you meet her briefly above the fold in a colorful geometric display. But her work exhibited below the fold is sophisticated, even in its simplicity. This portfolio has sections that are password-protected, so you can't see the in-depth information. You still get a feeling of excellence and distinctive style.

3. Dalya Green

Dalya Green's UX portfolio gives you a thorough look into her design skills and capabilities. From the moment you land on the page, you experience a unique color effect. Then as you scroll down you can see some animation and interactive elements that are eye-catching. A lot of the page has elements that move and also have movement within them. There's even a toggle switch to go from blue and green to pink and turquoise.

Another fun element is a set of stickers that pop up when you click on the round sticker on the bottom right. Here's where you can gather more information about who Dalya is. This makes the page very fun and friendly.

Dalya's portfolio gives you an insight into her personality before you even get to her work experience. She includes so many interactive features that you might feel like you're playing a game. Through these elements, she showcases her creativity at the same time as she leaves you with a memorable moment.

4. Pendar Yousefi

It's not really surprising that the person who leads Google Translate has a very creative style in his UX portfolio. The home page has several geometric-inspired abstract designs that take you to information about different projects. But that's not what really stands out in Pendar's UX portfolio. Instead, it is his storytelling that really draws you in.

His first story, called A Fish in Your Ear, discusses a dilemma Google Translate had regarding two features - instant camera translations, and real-time voice interpretation. While these tools are very helpful when translating from one language to another, at least 40% of users didn't know the features existed.

Pendar takes you through the problem, attempts at resolution, and goes back to the drawing board until they figure out the best practice to make the features more visible. The story draws you in even though it's just in standard text with close-up images of the app. There's no fancy animation here. The story is easy to understand and makes you cheer for the successful solution.

In this case, the personal approach and storytelling in the first person guide you through the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

If you search online for "top UX designers portfolio" you can find other examples of UX portfolios that you can learn from when you make your own.

How do I make a UX portfolio with little experience?

Mailchimp can help you when you are ready to set up your UX designer portfolio website. Using UX best practices, you can create a showcase of your capabilities and experience. You can discuss web design vs. graphic design and how you've used both in UX designs.

If you don't have any professional experience in UX, you can still craft a UX portfolio. Include any certifications, classroom experience, or mock-ups featuring your skills. Mailchimp can offer a lot of information like tips on designing a website, for example. Think about how you want to communicate with visitors and clients. If you want to use email, Mailchimp's email design guide can get you started.

As you gain more experience, you can add it to your UX designer portfolio.

Establish yourself in the world of UX with a strong portfolio

There's really no better time to start creating your UX designer portfolio than right now. You can work on it between other jobs until it's complete enough to publish. Since your experience is a work in progress, so too can your portfolio.

Add new case studies or other projects when they're fresh in your mind. At least get your notes in order, so you can later compile them into a new chapter in your own career's story.

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