Stop spending time checking services and start monitoring your business in real-time. All your information available all the time, at a glance.
Geckoboard business dashboards allow you to display everything from uptime and analytics to check-ins, and of course Mailchimp campaign stats.
Our Mailchimp integration allows you to:
- Display total number of campaign clicks and total number of unique clicks
- Display the order total for a particular campaign Where Twitter integration has been used, it displays the total number of tweets and retweets of the campaign survey URL
- Display the total number of delivered and bounced mails for a particular campaign
- Display the total number of total complaints and unsubscribes for a particular campaign
- Display the total number of list subscribers and either a sparkline or percentage figure displaying how that number has changed over the last day, week or month.
Additional Information & Help
Track Mailchimp campaign data in Geckoboard
Help Center