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Send political emails from your voter CRM. Connect your Mailchimp to Ecanvasser to allow you to capture emails and consent to contact from people face-to-face.

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The really great thing about Ecanvasser’s integration with Mailchimp is that campaigns can capture new contacts into their database. They can then get consent to further contact them while face-to-face. Using Ecanvasser’s apps and a unique e-signature system Mailchimp customers who want to get opt-in from their audiences can now do that while talking with someone face-to-face. Pretty neat eh?

Use-case Sarah, a campaign manager is working in HQ , checking in on the work done by her grassroots team over a weekend. One of the questions that her canvassers asked was if people wanted to hear more information about the campaign they were running. After doing a total of 567 canvasses, she is able to filter by the answers to that questions from the Ecanvasser Database page. 233 people answered "Yes", they want further follow up.

The quickest way to reach out to these people is through email and with the new Ecanvasser integration this has never been easier. Campaign manager Sarah, creates a list from this filtered group. She names the list "Interested in follow up". Now go to the Integrations tab and export across the list "Interested in follow up" to Mailchimp. Once exported across, this list will automatically update every time a change is made on the Ecanvasser end - for example if more people are added and so on. Sarah can now email all these people with follow up information, making her job as a Campaign manager so much easier.


Knowledge Base Email

Screenshot of Ecanvasser mobile app, showing settings screen.
Screenshot of Ecanvasser mobile app, showing settings screen.
Screenshot of Ecanvasser mobile app, showing survey screen.