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Call Loop—SMS Marketing & Voice Broadcasting

Call Loop makes it easy to capture emails through text messaging to send both sms text messages and voice broadcasts.

Last Updated
Call Loop

Call Loop's simple SMS marketing software makes it easy for you to send targeted mass text messages, create sms autoresponders, and deliver voice broadcasts.

Collect Names & Emails from Text Messages

Grow your Mailchimp email list automatically adding by having people text message in their email address or name. SMS marketing has never been so simple. It’s a little feature we call “text to join.”

Automated Mailchimp List Building Integration

Literally with one click, you can easily integrate Mailchimp with Call Loop to start growing and building your text message list from Mailchimp webforms.

Send Scheduled or Instant Broadcasts

Set your own delivery date and time or immediately broadcast your message to your subscribers. Up to you and completely flexible.

SMS Text & Voice Autoresponders (Followups)

Create unlimited voice broadcasts and SMS autoresponders to work right alongside your Mailchimp mail autoresponders.

SMS Contests, Promotions, & Coupons

Get fast and powerful results by sending out special sms promotions, creating unique SMS contests, and SMS coupons to drive more sales.

Sign Up FREE and get 25 Free Credits

Additional Information & Help

Call Loop + Mailchimp
How To Collect Emails From SMS Text Messages
How to Build Your MailChimp Email List With SMS Text Messages

