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Embracing the Metaverse: A Marketing Revolution

Unlock the future of marketing with the metaverse and virtual reality. Explore the limitless possibilities of virtual worlds and revolutionize your marketing strategy.

What is a brand new way of reaching customers without them ever needing to leave their homes? Not by delivery or the internet.

This new way is called the Metaverse. The metaverse was introduced to many people when Facebook renamed itself, Meta, in October of 2021. Before this, the only people who knew much about the metaverse were tech gurus.

Changing its name to Meta was a bold move because it required the company to explain that Meta was a reference to the metaverse.

With its wide membership globally, introducing the idea of the metaverse to a global population, most of whom had never come in contact with the idea of the metaverse, was a daunting task. However, since then the metaverse is beginning to come to fruition.

As the metaverse becomes used more readily, a tool that the average person might use, it is starting to attract interest, especially from marketers and advertisers.

Many digital games use some of the concepts of the metaverse already. Playing games in virtual and augmented reality are in the rudimentary beginnings of the metaverse. Frequent players are familiar with meeting up with others to play a game together in a virtual reality setting. Teams can collaborate on various activities in many games.

Another thing that games and the metaverse have in common is that many apps and games already have in-program purchasing. This can be expanded and scaled in the metaverse.

Why leave home to go to the store, when you can buy the products or services inside virtual worlds?

It's the ultimate convenience because you don't have to leave home to use it, yet you can experience its use inside the application. There are so many scenarios in which in-person shopping can be used in the metaverse, that metaverse creators are probably only implementing a fraction of them so far.

What is the metaverse?

The metaverse is a relatively new idea in digital media. Since it's so new, it hasn't been completely defined. Here are some things we know about the metaverse:

  • An immersive virtual experience that you engage with using augmented reality and virtual reality
  • Continues indefinitely and never ends
  • In real-time
  • Allows people to enjoy a virtual identity
  • Users can craft, own, buy, and sell in a virtual, functioning universe
  • Is in the virtual and physical worlds at the same time
  • Has a mix of content, data, and items
  • Lets participants experience and create content

If you look at all of these functions together, it is essentially virtual worlds in which people can observe, engage, and act as if they are in reality, but with added fantastical elements.

For instance, you can be in your home, but your home has added entertainment like viewing holograms or riding a spaceship. Since it is virtual, you can literally add any element to your piece of the metaverse.

Why does the metaverse matter to marketers?

By using augmented and virtual reality, you can travel anywhere and do almost anything in the metaverse. That includes shopping.

For marketers, the metaverse is a whole new universe that's opening up to reach a target audience. What a great opportunity for small business growth! Once the metaverse is up and running for a majority of people, marketers can advertise and sell to customers while they are inside the metaverse.

Why is metaverse marketing a game-changer?

The metaverse offers marketers an unlimited amount of opportunities to market to users. Just like in movies and television, sales teams can use the metaverse to market to people who are engaged in the virtual world.

Think of how television shows are used for traditional marketing and advertising. With both cable TV channels and streaming services, viewers can see ads during commercial breaks and before and after the content.

Even if you pay more to see fewer commercials, you will still see ads for the streaming service itself between episodes.

But, as has become more common when users are watching movies and TV, product placement is a tool that marketers can use within the show itself.

While currently, you can't buy from within the TV episode, the metaverse offers many opportunities to offer in-program purchasing. This will be buying both digital add-ons within the metaverse, and actual products that you get delivered for use outside the metaverse.

The metaverse gives marketers the ability to reach people when they are immersed in the program.

Since the program is virtual, marketers can literally reach users anywhere they are within the metaverse, making advertising personalized with immersive experiences for users without interrupting their metaverse session. This presents a more integrated, nuanced marketing opportunity for lead generation, conversions, or retail marketing.

Advantages of metaverse marketing over traditional marketing

  • Immersive experience
  • Personalized marketing
  • In-program purchases
  • In-program marketing strategies
  • Easy ability for users to share with their contacts
  • Virtual program allows marketers to create a first-hand experience for users
  • Target audience can opt-in to marketing
  • Users can buy virtual items for the metaverse or real items to use in real life

How to craft metaverse marketing strategies

To start off, marketers should remember that metaverse marketing won't appeal to everyone.

It's more likely that users will be millennials and Gen Zers. Understanding how the metaverse is accessed and used will help marketers determine the type of marketing strategy that will be effective. This means that marketers need to stay updated on metaverse technology and what can and cannot be done with it.

1. Identify the target audience

It's important to know who you're marketing to. This is true of all marketing, but metaverse users will be knowledgeable about how to access and use the metaverse.

Their expertise will challenge marketers to craft strategies that use high-quality elements for providing users with the best experience. This group of people will already be using social media, mobile devices, and other technology.

2. Choose a metaverse platform

Marketing in the metaverse will require selecting a platform for accessing it. Because it's a new technology, pathways to access it are still being developed. This means there will be changes to how it works until it's more established.

A common misconception is that the metaverse is one place. It's really an ecosystem or group of places that may or may not be connected in the real world and virtual worlds. These places are all in competition for customers, using events, contests, and other methods of drawing traffic.

To find the best way for you to market to metaverse users, you will need to research demographics, monthly users, growth opportunities, and land costs.

3. Develop a creative concept

The metaverse offers marketers a blank slate when it comes to creating and developing your metaverse marketing concept. Since this is the digital world, you have the ability to create anything that will appeal to your target market.

This can include a virtual store, unique branding, personalized experiences, live events, or anything you can come up with. You can test concepts to see which ideas appeal to your audience the most. Use your imagination to design one-of-a-kind experiences that will wow users.

4. Create custom content

Custom, personalized content has become the norm in marketing. The virtual nature of the metaverse just increases the ways you can customize content. Metaverse users will be expecting custom experiences and most likely will reject one-size-fits-all metaverse marketing.

5. Monitor and analyze performance

Like any other type of digital marketing, marketing in the metaverse requires constant monitoring and analysis to determine the best return on investment (ROI). Using A/B testing, feedback, and reviews will help you maximize your metaverse marketing.

Metaverse marketing challenges

Marketing to the metaverse will present challenges. Some of these challenges will be similar to other digital marketing challenges, but there will also be challenges unique to metaverse marketing.

Technical challenges

Since the metaverse is so new, technical challenges will present themselves as it gets more users. This will cause unpredictable problems accessing and using the platform.

Much of the metaverse is novel, creating an experimental marketing challenge. No one really knows what type of metaverse marketing will be a success, and what users will like.

Privacy concerns

Hackers and other privacy issues need to be resolved for a fully functional metaverse. The privacy breaches that occur in hospitals, companies, and local governments can occur in the metaverse without sufficient security practices. For many individuals, businesses, non-profits, and government entities, privacy concerns will limit who will engage with the metaverse.

Limited audience

At least at the beginning, the metaverse will have a limited audience. Most of the users will be younger people, and they will need to have a way to access the metaverse. Affordability will be a barrier to some potential users. There will also be a learning curve to get people up to speed.


Using the metaverse will be cost-prohibitive for many people at the beginning. That will also affect the user demographic for metaverse marketing purposes.

Understanding the metaverse community

A key factor in marketing to the metaverse is understanding the community. This reiterates the need to know your audience.

People that use the metaverse will be tech savvy, good with accessing and using mobile and internet technology. They will love exploring the metaverse in a similar fashion as learning and experimenting with a new online game.

Mailchimp offers a wide array of services to help you connect with the metaverse community and get to know them better. You can create personalized communications, and try out new methods of marketing. w way to reach your target audience. Get started learning how to take this opportunity and run with it.

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