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Simplify Lead Generation with Progressive Profiling

Streamline your lead generation process with progressive profiling. Learn how to gather information gradually to enhance lead quality and boost conversions.

Lead generation has come a long way from traditional email, SMS, and even social media marketing. With Big Data at the helm, it's no wonder that improved privacy solutions are a top priority for many companies and brands today.

As Big Data becomes increasingly invasive in our everyday lives, hackers, digital thieves, and online phishing attacks are also skyrocketing--leading to the need for additional privacy and protection for all.

If you are searching for a method to simplify lead generation without overstepping boundaries in terms of data collection, progressive profiling might just be the right solution for you.

With progressive profiling, learn how to request information from users without overstepping any laws or boundaries set in place by regulations such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) act.

What is progressive profiling?

Progressive profiling is essentially the ability to create a profile for a company's consumers based on information that was and is willfully provided by said customers or consumers.

Essentially, progressive profiling allows companies to build consumer data profiles off of their customers, but in a way in which the consumer is permitting the company to do so from their own end.

How does progressive profiling work?

Progressive profiling works to collect data that is provided by the consumer--essentially as a first-party, permitting the company to collect certain pieces of information about the individual.

Over time, based on which information is permitted to be collected, brands can create healthy profiles with granular data, allowing for highly targeted branding messages and promotions in the short and long term.

Benefits of using progressive profiling in lead generation

Incorporating progressive profiling into your own business model may seem daunting, but it is often necessary for many companies, especially as privacy and personal information become increasingly important to the individual.

Using progressive profiling as a company or brand is extremely beneficial, especially as the term is rolling out and appealing to those who take their privacy demands seriously.

Improved lead quality

One of the most notable benefits of using progressive profiling in lead generation is the ability to improve overall lead quality.

Without progressive profiling, your company is likely to use data collection methods that, in some cases, may be unethical or fall within a gray area in terms of morality.

However, with progressive profiling, stay ahead of your competitors by offering the option for customers to share only the information they feel comfortable with.

More accurate lead scoring

Accurate lead scoring can make all of the difference when it comes to the level of reach your website receives.

With the use of progressive profiling, ensure you are abiding by any and all web standards as well as privacy standards that have currently been put in place.

Better lead segmentation

Lead segmentation is essential, especially when building market funnels and long-term campaign strategies.

Incorporating simplified lead intelligence with the use of a lead generation form is one of the best ways to segment one's own online (or offline) audience. With lead segmentation, target users based on the information they have willingly provided you.

For instance, you may send a separate email to a user who has only provided their email address versus a customer who has provided the following: email address, name, address, and social media accounts.

Increased efficiency in lead nurturing

Proper lead generation requires the ability to innately know exactly what it is that your consumers want and need from your business.

Additionally, the use of collected first-party data is extremely beneficial for the ongoing optimization of campaigns with the use of third parties, social media, and even your own internal marketing strategies (email, SMS, etc.).

Enhanced lead engagement and conversion rates

Finally, the most appealing aspect of using progressive profiling is the ability to enhance lead generation and, ultimately, conversion rates or revenue.

The more engaging your lead intelligence or progressive profiling strategy is, the more likely you are to receive sales, hits on your website, or even referrals to other users and family and friends of previous customers.

Additionally, lead generation becomes enhanced by simply keeping consumers informed. Building trust is key to a successful business or brand, regardless of the market you are in and represent.

With progressive profiling, ensure your consumers that their data is in safe hands and that you are utilizing the necessary data that they permit you to use for marketing and/or internal purposes only.

How to implement progressive profiling

Implementing progressive profiling requires the ability to consider different variables that are important to your brand and business model, such as:

Identify your target audience

First, identify the target audience you intend to reach. The following must be considered when using progressive profiling:


What is the name of your customer? How will you be collecting and using this data? Will you collect your customer's full name?


Where does your customer live? What zip code and state or country? Will you be using this information for geolocated marketing campaigns?

Age range

Is age a factor when it comes to your marketing campaigns?

Income level

Does income matter when it comes to the type of consumers you are attempting to reach? Will you be targeting a specific group based on their income level with a lead generation form?

Hobbies and interests

Do the hobbies and interests of your prospective customers matter? If so, which areas of interest are you targeting for lead generation purposes? Why do the interests of website visitors matter to you and what connection do they have with the form fields and lead generation tactics you intend to implement?

Purpose or objective

What is the purpose of collecting the user data you are interested in? Why are you collecting the data and where is the data to be stored? What purpose or objective do you have with the data you intend to collect? Will you be generating sales, or simply using the information for future newsletters, marketing campaigns, and social media promotions?

Use of data

Where will you be using or applying the data you collect? How do you intend to inform customers and/or users of your website that you intend to use their data in a specific manner? Where will this information be available to the public and to any consumer before it is collected?

Regulations and guidelines

Do you need to abide by any particular regulations and/or guidelines that are currently in effect where you reside or in the country in which your business exists? How do you intend to ensure you abide by these regulations and laws at all times with regard to the privacy of the individual and consumer rights?

Determine the data to collect in each stage

Before getting started with progressive profiling, you will need to determine the type of data you will be collecting in each stage of your marketing funnel(s).

Your funnel will be developed based on the customer lifecycle you have created and/or projected. Data that you can collect from a customer might include the following:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number (Mobile and/or Office)
  • Website URL
  • Social media accounts
  • Social media account integrations and connections (such as connecting to Google and/or Facebook)
  • Profile information (when connected with social media)

To determine what data you intend to collect, consider the short and long-term marketing campaigns you have in mind. What data is useful for the funnel you intend to create for your buyer's journey with your brand?

Create progressive profiling forms

One of the best ways to get started with progressive profiling is to create a lead generation form strategy with the use of traditional form fields.

Progressive profiling with traditional form fields is often best and provides you with the ability to inquire about the data that is collected, used, and shared with consumers and within your future marketing campaigns. Lead generation forms are useful for newsletters, subscription boxes, quizzes, surveys, and even customer satisfaction forms for businesses.

Integrate your forms with your CRM

The right CRM, or Customer Relationship Management solution, can make all of the difference when it comes to your progressive profile techniques and marketing strategy. The right CRM strategy can also provide you with in-depth analytics regarding your customers' wants and needs when it comes to your own business and brand.

Integrating your progressive form fields into your website with the use of your preferred CRM, such as Mailchimp, is optimal. With a CRM, manage your profiling form strategy in one centralized location.

Using a CRM, manage all of your form fields, make edits and updates, and incorporate a variety of marketing automation tools and data-collecting solutions with your next lead generation campaign attempt.

Analyze and optimize your lead generation forms for maximum results

With the use of a CRM such as Mailchimp, easily and effectively analyze and optimize your forms for maximum results.

By using a fully-integrated system such as Mailchimp, you can eliminate tedious work and tasks while ensuring your digital forms are aligned with current online regulations with regard to user protection, data collection, and the privacy of the individual.

Simplifying your lead generation tactics does not require a massive investment or brand-new software.

In fact, with the use of a marketing automation platform, you can easily develop a range of forms, emails, and other solutions that can be used to properly collect consumer data. With the right setup, optimize your forms and email marketing campaigns to ensure the highest ROI in any market or industry today.

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