Get batch operation status | Mailchimp Marketing API Reference
Get the status of a batch request.
615 results
Get the status of a batch request.
Stops a batch request from running. Since only one batch request is run at a time, this can be used to cancel a long running request. The results of any completed operations will not be available after this call.
Use batch operations to complete multiple operations with a single call.
Start all emails in a classic automation workflow.
Pause all emails in a specific classic automation workflow.
Get a summary of an account's classic automations.
Get a summary of an individual classic automation workflow's settings and content. The `trigger_settings` object returns information for the first email in the workflow.
Archiving will permanently end your automation and keep the report data. You’ll be able to replicate your archived automation, but you can’t restart it.
Create a new classic automation in your Mailchimp account.
Mailchimp's classic automations feature lets you build a series of emails that send to subscribers when triggered by a specific date, activity, or event. Use the API to manage Automation workflows, emails, and queues. Does not include Customer Journeys.
Remove a subscriber from a specific classic automation workflow. You can remove a subscriber at any point in an automation workflow, regardless of how many emails they've been sent from that workflow. Once they're removed, they can never be added back to the same workflow.
Get information about subscribers who were removed from a classic automation workflow.