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Connect ZeroBounce to validate email addresses hassle-free, land more emails in your customers’ inboxes, and boost email ROI.


Do you use email to keep in touch with your customers and promote your business? It’s a powerful tool – and it’s even more effective when you use fresh, valid data. This is where ZeroBounce helps: it cleans your email list so you can increase your chances of landing in the inbox and making more sales.

This integration allows you to import your Mailchimp contacts to ZeroBounce, verify them and export them back to Mailchimp – all in just a few clicks. You save time and you have peace of mind knowing that your email list is in the best shape.

ZeroBounce imports only your “subscribed” contacts and checks them for more than 30 potential statuses. Once your email list is validated, you get a clear breakdown of your results so you can be aware of the quality of your data. Import your list back to Mailchimp and send your next email only to valid email addresses.

ZeroBounce’s Mailchimp integration helps you:

  • ensure that you follow email best practices and send emails only to real, valid contacts
  • land more emails into your customers’ inboxes
  • connect with your audience, boost your brand awareness and conversions.

With its 99% accurate email validator, ZeroBounce helps more than 200,000 customers reach the inbox and hit their marketing and sales goals. We look forward to making email work better for you.


How many of your email contacts are real and valid? Find out by running your list through ZeroBounce's email verifier. You'll know which emails are fake, old and likely to bounce – and who could mark you as spam. "A game-changer!" our customers say.

Avoid Sending Emails to Invalid Contacts

More than 22% of your email list goes bad every year, and sending emails to invalid and abandoned contacts can cause you to land in the spam folder. Weed out the risky data from your list – with ZeroBounce’s Mailchimp integration, it’s easier and faster.

Avoid Sending Emails to Invalid Contacts