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10 Email Optimization Best Practices to Follow for Email Marketing

Make your email marketing efforts more effective with these optimization tips. Increase open rates, conversions, and overall performance.

Email marketing offers a high return on investment (ROI) for businesses of all sizes. A robust strategy can increase conversions to help you sell more products and services, but only if you can entice subscribers to open and click on them. Open and clickthrough rates (CTRs) are crucial metrics marketers use to evaluate their email marketing campaigns.

The goal is to improve these metrics to increase website traffic and sales. But unfortunately, many companies don't know how to optimize their emails to increase open rates and ensure their subscribers see their emails.

Creating a well-performing email may seem easy, but it's much more challenging than you'd think. Even with the right tools, you must consider every aspect of the email, from the subject to the body content, to increase conversions. In addition, email marketing optimization requires you to re-evaluate your campaigns and find new ways to improve your metrics.

What is email optimization?

Email campaign optimization is the process of enhancing emails to increase open rates and CTRs. As you may already know, email marketing is effective and affordable, and almost any business can use it to increase website traffic. This marketing strategy has an ROI of up to $45 for every $1 spent, which is why it's effective for small and large businesses.

With email optimization, brands continuously learn from past campaigns and make small changes to enhance their results while aligning goals with their overarching email marketing strategy.

Why it's essential to optimize marketing emails

The main goal of email marketing optimization is to increase sales and boost customer loyalty by remaining in contact with customers throughout the customer journey.

Unfortunately, if your emails aren't reaching the right people at the right times, they can't be as effective as they should be. Remember, email marketing keeps customers returning to your website, so you must ensure they're being opened and clicked.

When you optimize email campaigns, you can ensure your messages reach the right customers and provide them with valuable content that makes them take action, increasing your CTRs and profits.

10 email optimization best practices

Email marketing campaign optimization isn't something you can do overnight. While there are small changes you can make to each campaign, you must give yourself enough time to learn from the successes and failures of each email you send.

Want to learn how you can optimize your emails and increase CTR? Here are a few best practices you can use right now:

Choose a recognizable sender name

Many people will only open emails from people they know, so you should always choose a sender name that will instill trust in your subscribers and make them feel more comfortable opening them.

Unless the individual sending the email knows customers personally, and subscribers will be able to recognize their name in their inboxes, you should always use the business name as the sender. However, you can also use an individual's first name and business name as the sender to instill trust and make the email feel more personal.

In addition to sending emails from a recognizable name, you should keep your sender name consistent throughout all your marketing campaigns. If you change the sender name, subscribers might not recognize it and are less likely to open your emails.

Craft an attention-grabbing subject line

Most subscribers read the subject lines to determine whether to open the email. If it's not catchy and doesn't grab their attention, they will likely skip over it while scanning the rest of their emails. Additionally, while they might read your subject line, it won't guarantee they'll open the email.

Your subject lines are your first impression and the only opportunity you have to entice subscribers to open the email. But, of course, it should also set expectations for what they can expect to find once they open the email.

For example, suppose you're sending a discount on a popular product. In that case, you should include that information in the subject line to help subscribers determine whether to open or ignore the email, such as the product name and discount amount or whether it's a limited-time offer.

To optimize your email subject lines, you should determine whether they and the content inside are relevant to your audience. In general, they should speak to your target audience. For example, if you're a pet company and sell to dog and cat parents, you wouldn't want to send an email about cat toys to a dog owner who won't be interested in what you have to offer.

Personalize email content

If you truly want to improve your email marketing success, you should personalize the content of your emails. You can easily do this with email marketing automation and CRM tools that allow you to add subscribers' names and other important information.

Personalization makes your emails more relevant to your target audience, allowing you to address customers individually without creating specialized campaigns for every person on your subscriber list.

You can add personalization to optimize email campaigns by addressing the person by their first name and using behavioral information you have about them, such as their location, pages viewed on your website, and recent purchases. For instance, if you run an e-commerce website and a subscriber recently purchased a blouse, you can send them an email with recommendations for similar products.

Write engaging emails

Once subscribers open your email, they see your body copy, which can compel them to take action. Therefore, your email marketing strategy should include writing engaging emails that make subscribers want to take action by clicking on links or CTAs in your email.

You should know how to write an email for your target audience that's relevant and engaging. Your email marketing campaigns should use the same tone and personality as the rest of your marketing efforts and website to remain consistent and help subscribers develop trust. In addition, your copy should target specific audience segments based on customer data you've collected through your website.

To optimize your email marketing, use the same branding elements you use throughout your marketing, and write copy that makes subscribers want to learn more.

Design with mobile in mind

Good email design is just as crucial as the copy you use, and it should be responsive. Many people check their emails on their phones instead of on a computer, so if you want to optimize your emails, you should ensure your campaigns are mobile-friendly and will look good across various screen sizes, devices, and apps.

When designing your emails, always view them in desktop and mobile versions. If you know individuals using different email providers, screen sizes, and devices, consider sending them test emails to see how they appear on several different devices before sending your campaign. You can also use email marketing software to preview how your campaigns will look on other devices.

Use graphics and rich text

You can use several types of email formats when creating your campaigns, including rich text. Rich text emails are formatted and allow for links and bullet points. Many email providers convert rich text emails to HTML, and it's widely accepted across most apps and programs, making it ideal when you're unsure which type of document subscribers can see and read.

In addition, you should always use graphics in email marketing, except when you want your emails to appear as letters and more personal communication.

For example, salespeople may send emails without graphics because they're unnecessary for conveying a message. Meanwhile, if you're promoting any product or something that requires a visual, you should always use graphics to show users what they can expect.

Expand your reach by allowing subscribers to easily share your emails with friends and family or on social media. If you send a newsletter about financial information for parents, subscribers can easily share your articles or the newsletter by clicking shareable links that automatically send them to social media channels or open their email applications.

You should include sharing links in your emails and give your subscribers options. For example, some may want to share your email as a link, while others may wish to email it to friends and family or share it with their followers on social media.

Include CTAs

All emails need a strong CTA if you want subscribers to take action. However, the type of CTA you use may vary depending on your business. For example, a salesperson sending an email to a customer may have a CTA asking them to reply to the email or give them a call.

Meanwhile, an e-commerce email campaign may include a "buy now" or "learn more" CTA button to entice users to take action while making it easy for them to understand what to do next.

To optimize your email marketing CTA, consider the goal of your campaign. For example, if you want to sell products, you can use a CTA button. Of course, you should always experiment with the type of CTA you use, including its placement, size, and color.

As you may already know, keeping your CTA near the top of the email where subscribers can easily find it is more effective than one that's only seen once a user scrolls down after reading the entire email.

Additionally, your CTA should always use actionable language to tell users what to do next. Then, you can experiment with the action words you use to help you find the most effective ones for increasing your CTRs and website traffic.

Include an option to unsubscribe

All emails must include an unsubscribe link to ensure you comply with US CAN-SPAM laws enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. These laws state that businesses must include a prominent method for subscribers to opt out of marketing communications.

Additionally, if your readers don't want to hear from you and don't have an obvious way to unsubscribe, it will affect your open and CTR rates. Therefore, the easiest way to ensure inactive subscribers aren't giving you inaccurate results is to provide them with the option to unsubscribe with every email marketing campaign.

Most consumers expect to find the unsubscribe link in the email footer. But, of course, you don't want your audience to unsubscribe, and if you find that you have a high unsubscribe rate, it could indicate that your emails aren't relevant.

Always test your emails

Testing and comparing the results from your email campaigns is crucial for optimizing them. When creating your next email campaign, you can choose to A/B test variations to find the most compelling subjects, CTAs, content, and design elements. In addition, you should always monitor email marketing metrics and campaign performance to determine which types of emails subscribers are most likely to open and engage with.

Every email marketing campaign is a chance to learn and improve. Arming yourself with data is crucial for optimizing your email marketing campaigns and brainstorming new ways to increase engagement, CTRs, and open rates. In addition, continuously testing and measuring campaign results against each other can help you make better decisions and get better results from each campaign.

Improve your email marketing performance

Email marketing optimization can increase open rates and CTRs, bringing more traffic to your website and allowing you to build valuable relationships with customers that can build loyalty.

Mailchimp's email marketing automation makes it easy to optimize your email campaigns by reviewing metrics and the performance of other campaigns, creating A/B tests, and designing visually appealing emails that are sure to increase clicks. Optimize your emails with Mailchimp today.

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