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7 Marketing Resolutions from Mailchimp Customers

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Each of our customers has a unique story, which we love highlighting in our What’s in Store series. Every week we showcase another e-commerce brand, including the tips and tricks they use to navigate the ups and downs of running a business. Our hope is that you can use that information to improve your own e-commerce operation.

To kick off 2018, we asked 7 of our customers what their New Year’s resolutions are, and the answers we got were so insightful and motivational that we had to share them. Without further ado:

Third Piece wants to get consistent.

“My 2018 resolution is to really focus on the brand’s messaging and create a consistency online and offline. We have a truly unique business model where we want to inspire people to explore the craft of knitting, whether it’s through our handmade collections, knit kits, yarns, or through our knitting classes.”
Kristen Lambert, Founder

The Harvard Shop would like to home in on its target audience.

“We’ve consistently emphasized how The Harvard Shop is run by students, but this year, we’d really like to transition into something that is not only by students, but also for students. Even though tourists or alumni might be a big part of our market, we believe they will support and like what the current students like. So making ourselves more accessible and visible on campus to students through campaigns, advertising, and social media directed to students would be a big improvement.”
Christi Lee, Marketing Manager

Smudge Ink will work on setting time aside to organize to avoid a big rush.

“Marketing is always less stressful when I plan ahead and work in batches. My goal for 2018 is to schedule more planning days (and more batch days to execute said plans) so that I’m not rushing at the last moment to put together emails and social media posts. I’ll commit to at least 1 full planning day per month at the bare minimum.”
April May, Owner

Made With Love Brands is going to increase its web presence.

“Our new year’s marketing resolution is to make more meaningful connections with customers via video reviews and features, Facebook lives and Instagram lives, giving customers access into our world. More behind the scenes.”
Uyo Okebie-Eichelberger, Founder/Creative Director

Adventure Cats wants to partner with similar brands that share their mission.

“I think we do a great job of engaging our audience, but this year we’d like to focus more on reaching relevant brands that share our mission and look for ways we could potentially partner with them .”
Laura Moss, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Native Bear will use its voice to connect more.

“More newsletters and more blogging. I know everyone says they’re going to blog more and they never do it, so I hope I didn’t just jinx myself. I love to write, and I find that Native Bear is a lot more than just a bunch of products. People really like to hear about your perspective and what you’re all about, and I’ve found whenever I post anything remotely personal on social media, I get a huge response. We all need more connection. So, I’m going to focus on using my voice more this year.”
Leela Hoehn, Owner and Artist

Georgia Crafted is going to interact more with its clients.

“Our goal is to be more interactive with our customers! We only did one live Facebook post last year and plan to do these fairly regularly in 2018. Everything from updates on our website to live interviews at farmers markets and various Georgia Grown events.”
Erin Zwigart, Founder

Still looking to improve your e-comm ways? Try these 10 resolutions that Mailchimp can help you keep.

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