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Organic Lead Generation: A Beginner's Guide for Marketers

Browse our list of the top organic lead generation strategies to build your brand.

Are you wondering how to improve your online presence? If so, it's important to focus on increasing organic traffic. This refers to the process of generating new website visitors naturally, and if you want to do so, you need to learn how to generate organic leads.

There are different organic lead generation strategies that people might use. For example, you might want to increase the results of your search engine optimization campaign, or you may want to generate more organic traffic using an email list. You need to think carefully about how to maximize the results of your organic lead generation efforts, and that includes attracting qualified leads to your website.

Learn more about how to run a strong lead generation campaign, and make sure you create content that can help you improve your search results rankings.

What Is Organic Lead Generation?

Organic lead generation refers to the process of generating more website traffic without having to spend money on paid ads or sponsored content. For example, you may use relevant keywords throughout your website content to help you improve your visibility on search results rankings. Then, people may naturally click on your link in search results, visit your website, and explore your products and services. Because you did not have to pay for any advertisements to drive that traffic to your website, it qualifies as organic lead generation.

Organic Lead Generation vs. Paid Lead Generation

If you are interested in generating leads, there are multiple options available. For example, you might be interested in paid lead generation as well. As the name suggests, you are paying to generate more website traffic, which makes it different when compared to organic lead generation. A few examples of paid lead generation include:

  • Paying to have a guest blog posted on a website
  • Running a pay-per-click campaign at the top of certain search results pages
  • Paying to have sponsored content on various social media posts

Even though this is one way to generate potential customers, it may be more expensive when compared to other lead nurturing strategies, which is why you will have to eventually maximize the results of your organic lead generation campaigns if you want to get the most out of your online presence.

What Are the Benefits of Organic Lead Generation?

It is critical for you to focus on maximizing the results of your organic lead generation strategy because there are several significant benefits you will enjoy. They include:

  • Cost-effective: First, organic lead generation is significantly more cost-effective. Because you do not have to pay for advertisements directly, you can reduce your overhead expenses and still generate more website traffic.
  • Improves SEO: One of the backbones of organic lead generation is a strong search engine optimization campaign. You need to maximize the results of your SEO campaign to drive more traffic to your website, and organic lead generation helps you do that.
  • Increases brand awareness: When you generate more organic leads, you also increase your brand awareness. This can help you expand your footprint within your industry and beyond.
  • Builds trust: When compared to paid lead generation, organic lead generation helps build more trust among your target market. When you increase your trust in your customer base, you increase consumer loyalty.
  • Generates high-quality leads: Finally, when you generate your leads organically, those leads are generally of higher quality. This could mean you have an increased chance of generating more paying customers.

These are just a few of the biggest advantages of using organic lead generation to promote your website. What are a few examples of strategies you may follow? Let's take a look.

Organic Lead Generation Strategies

If you want to get the most out of your organic lead generation campaign, there are several strategies that you should follow. A few examples include:

Identify your target audience

Before you can start generating more organic leads, you need to identify your target audience. Who do you think is your ideal customer, and why do you think they might benefit from the products and services you offer?

When identifying your target audience, there are several demographics you should consider. They include:

  • The age of your target market
  • What they do for a living
  • Where they are located
  • How much money they have to spend
  • What their pain points might be

If you can create your ideal customer persona, you will have an easier time figuring out who you are targeting with your lead generation campaign.

Build an email list

The vast majority of people have mobile devices in their pockets at all times, and you need to make sure you have a direct line of communication with them. One of the best ways to do so is to build an email list.

You need to create a subscriber list, and you may want to segment that email list using tools from Mailchimp. With an email list, you can create tailored follow-up emails to match the responses of your customers, send weekly newsletters, and more to generate more organic leads.

Invest in search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, referred to as SEO, is the process of optimizing your online presence to match the needs of search engines. A strong SEO campaign can help you improve your search results rankings for specific terms and phrases, which will drive more traffic to your website. In fact, 27% of organizations claim organic search generated the most leads.

Some of the most important elements of a strong SEO campaign include:

  • Keyword research: You need to figure out what words and phrases are most relevant to your target market, and you need to optimize for those terms throughout your website content.
  • Optimizing title tags: You also need to optimize your title tags to make it easier for search engines to determine what your website is about.
  • Increasing page speed: You should maximize your page speed. A page that loads quickly will often rank better when compared to a page that loads slowly and drives customers away.
  • Improving user experience: Elements of a website with good user experience include easy navigation, such as through a navigation bar, text that is easy to read, white space, and fast page speeds.
  • Building links: You should try to generate high-quality external links to position your website as an authority in the field.
  • Optimizing for mobile: Remember that your website has to show up well on mobile devices, as well as desktop devices and tablets.
  • Use internal links: Use internal links to improve your website architecture.

A strong SEO campaign can increase your website visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

Create high-quality content

There will never be a replacement for high-quality content. If you want to generate more organic traffic, you need to have quality content on your website. You should use keyword research and relevant headers to break up copy to make it more readable. While this includes blog posts, remember that content comes in many shapes and forms. You may want to share images, videos, and infographics that provide valuable information for your visitors.

Leverage social media

Social media can also be a valuable tool for increasing referrals and generating leads. Some of the most popular social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and YouTube. You do not necessarily need to have a presence on all of these platforms, but you do need to figure out where your target market hangs out most. Then, you can use regular social media posts to share information about your products and services, which can drive more traffic to your website. Encourage your followers to share your content on their social media profiles, as this could help you expand your online presence.

Host webinars and online events

As visitors continue to move down your marketing funnels, you need to get to know them better. One of the best ways to do so is to host Q&A events, panels, and information sessions. These events can help you generate more organic leads, increase trust among your customer base, and position your brand as an authority in your field.

Use video

Video can help you stand out from the competition, and search engines care about quality content that is not only educational but also entertaining. The right video content can help you increase your dwell time, which means that visitors spend more time on your website.

In fact, 90% of marketers say video marketing has helped them generate more leads. Video marketing can play an essential role in helping you generate more organic leads.

Tools for Organic Lead Generation

There are several tools that can be helpful for organic lead generation. These tools are beneficial because they can help you increase your efficiency and better reach your target market. A few examples of tools that can be helpful include:

  • Keyword Research Tools: These tools can help you identify the keywords that are most relevant to your field. A keyword research tool can also tell you how competitive certain terms are.
  • Social Media Management Tools: Social media management tools can help you keep track of key performance indicators, such as likes, shares, and comments. They can also help you schedule posts in advance.
  • Content Management Systems: A content management system will make it easier to help you keep track of various types of content, ranging from blog posts to videos and infographics.
  • Email Marketing Platforms: An email marketing platform can help you keep track of your subscriber list and segment it depending on certain criteria. You can also schedule emails in advance.

Use these tools to help you generate more organic leads.

Start Growing Your Brand Organically

With access to Mailchimp, you can take advantage of a variety of tools that can help you better reach your target market. Use the right tools to generate an effective lead generation strategy today.

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