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30 Social Media Post Ideas to Upgrade Your Brand’s Social Presence

Having a strong social media presence is important for any brand. It’s how you communicate with your customers, grow your audience, and find out what people are saying about your business. But sometimes, the hardest part about creating a social media presence is figuring out exactly what to post.

What you post on your social media can have a direct impact on the success of your business, so it’s crucial that you post the right content to upgrade your brand’s social presence.

Depending on the type of social media platform you’re using, there is a variety of content you can post.

For example, on Instagram you can post pictures of your products and engage with your followers in the comments. But on Twitter, you can post small blurbs about your business and communicate with your customers in the replies.

Knowing what to post on your social media accounts can be tough, which is why you should check out these 30 social media content ideas.

In this blog post, we’ll be going over various social media content ideas that will upgrade your brand’s social presence in no time.

Whether you’re posting on Instagram and Twitter or a new social platform that you’ve never used, it’s crucial that you have a solid idea of what kind of content is right or your business. Continue reading to find out more about our social media content ideas that will help transform your business’s social presence.

Why should you plan your social media posts?

When it comes to running your social media accounts, it’s imperative that you schedule your posts. You can't just post on social media every once in a while, you need to create a schedule.

When you create a detailed plan of exactly what you’re going to post and when it will come out, you can create an effective social media strategy that’s bound to succeed.

Having a content calendar also ensures that you will regularly post. Your business isn’t going to take off if you only post on Instagram once a month and call it a day. You need to stay on top of your social media posts and not only post regularly, but also engage with your followers in the comments.

Social media is more important than ever for business because 75% of internet users use social media to research brands.

A regular social media schedule gives your new followers something to look forward to and ensures that they won’t forget about you. It also helps you build a more personal connection with your followers. When you keep posting, you’ll stay on the forefront of your customers' minds.

Creating a regular social media schedule doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Just write down a few new ideas of what you want to post each day of the week and then make sure you actually stick to it.

It’s a good idea to have a running list of social media content ideas so that you never run out of things to post.

30 Social media content ideas to spice up your feed

So now that you know why it’s important to post on social media regularly, let’s discuss some of our helpful social media content ideas to spice up your social media feed:

User-generated content

User-generated content refers to unsponsored social media content that you or your followers share across different social media platforms.

For example, if one of your customers loved a product and they tweet about it, that’s user-generated content. User-generated content is a great way to generate buzz about your business and broaden your audience.


Videos are a great way to get creative with your content if you’re feeling bored of posting photos. With videos, you can capture a lot more about your brand and inform your audience about important things. Videos are good to post on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Youtube.


Everybody loves free stuff, so it’s always a good idea to incorporate giveaways into your social media content. Giveaways are a good way to engage with your audience and share your products with the world. Someone might win a free giveaway and then end up loving your products and telling all their friends about it.


When it comes to making social media content, you always want to interact with your customers, and one way to do that is with surveys.

Not only are surveys a way to talk to your customers, but they’re also a great way to learn more about your customers and what they like/don’t like about your business.


If you’re releasing a new product or service and want to inform your customers about its benefits, an infographic can do so. With infographics, you can share important information about your company or products in an exciting way.


If you want to generate a buzz about your business, try making a podcast. With a podcast, you can talk about your products and services but various other topics as well. A podcast episode is a great way to build a loyal following of listeners who want to hear what you have to say and increase sales.


With a mini-series, you can keep your social media followers on their toes so they’ll have to keep coming back. Mini-series are a good way to get more engagement with your posts and get people excited and talking about your brand.


Your customers are curious about your business, so it’s important to give them little glimpses of the behind-the-scenes. You can do this with short day-in-the-life vlogs that your employees can post on Instagram Stories or TikTok.

Product reviews

It’s always important to share product reviews on your social media. Your customers want to know what other people think about your brand, so always make sure to share positive reviews across all your social media channels.

Inspirational quote

An inspirational quote once is a great way to share your vision with your customers and motivate them to accomplish their own dreams. You can share inspirational quotes on your Instagram or Twitter.

Customer photos

Sharing happy photos of your customers with your products is a great way to encourage new, potential customers to shop your products. When they see that other people are happy with your products, they’ll be more likely to purchase them.

Sneak peek

Want to get your social media followers excited about something new you have coming up? Share a little sneak peak and have your followers guess what it is in the comments.

Ask me anything (AMA)

Hosting an Ask Me Anything (AMA) is not only a great way to engage with your new followers, but also answer important questions about your business. With an AMA, your followers will ask you questions and you can answer however many you want.

Don't limit your social strategy to just one social media platform! The average person bounces between 7 different social networks per month.

How-to video

Came out with a new product and want to show your customers how to use it? Easy, make a how-to video. It will be much easier to demonstrate how to use a new product with a short video clip than it would be with written instructions.

Go live

You can go live on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and various other social media channels. A live video is a great way to interact with your customers and show your followers that there’s a real person behind the screen. You can also answer questions in a live video that your followers write in the comments.

Do a poll

Curious how your customers would feel about a new product? Easy, just do a poll on Instagram or Twitter, and you’ll get immediate feedback.

This or that

Asking your followers, “this or that?” is a fun way to engage with them but also learn more about their preferences so that you can cater your products better for them.

Success stories

Did your business win an award or did you sell out a new product? Share that with your followers! Sharing success stories is a great way to get people talking about your brand and show off your success.


Posting GIFs is a fun and different way to engage with your audience, especially if you have a younger demographic. You can post GIFs on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Influencer partnerships

Partnering up with an influencer is a really great way to expand your reach. With influencer marketing, you’ll pay an influencer to promote/talk about your product or service on their own social media pages, which will help to drive traffic toward your business’s social media.


You might blog on your website, but you can easily promote a blog post on your social media. Blogging is an easy way to inform current and prospective customers about your brand and share important details with them.


Everybody loves memes. Memes are a fun way to break up your social media feed and get your followers laughing.

Repurpose old content

Rather than creating a brand new social media post, try repurposing something you’ve already made. Repurposing old content is a great way to share on social media without having to spend all that time coming up with a post. Partner with another brand When you partner with another brand, you can get the attention of all their followers as well. Partnering with another brand is a good way to increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. Host an interview On Instagram, you can go live with another creator or brand and host an interview with them. You can come up with questions yourself or ask your followers to submit questions that they want to know more about. Trending topics If you see a topic is trending, it’s in your best interest to make a social media post about it. Making social media posts about trending topics will almost always guarantee success because the topic is already being talked about all over social media.

Always engage with your followers across your social media accounts. 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand.

Respond to your followers

Did one of your followers post a Tweet about how much they love your products? Take a few minutes to write out a thoughtful response to them. It will do more for your brand than you can imagine.

Introduce your team

Team intros are a great way to build a closer relationship with your followers. When your followers know who is actually working for your brand, they’ll feel more connected to it and will be more likely to support you in the future.

How it’s made

Get real close and personal with your followers and show them how your products are made. This way, your customers can see all that really goes into their favorite products.

Instagram Reels

If you want to post a longer video to Instagram, try out Instagram Reels. With Instagram Reels, you can engage with your followers in a different way and even reach new audiences.

How to create a social strategy

Once you have an idea of what you’re going to post on your social media channels, then you need to come up with a social media strategy. There are a few steps you can take to accomplish this, such as:

Determine your goals

First things first: Figure out what you want to accomplish with your social media. Write down your goals and what you can do to achieve them.

Define your target audience

Once you’ve determined your goals, then comes the important part: finding your target audience. Defining your target audience is key so you know who you’re going to reach in your social media campaigns

Research your competitors

You can learn a lot from your competitors, so before you actually get started creating social media content, it’s a good idea to research your competition. You can learn what works and what doesn’t work for them, and use that information to tweak your own social media marketing strategy.

Create content

After you’ve accomplished all the above steps and have a solid idea of who your audience is, then you can actually create your own content.

Content creation is one of the most important steps because it’s what your followers and customers will actually be seeing, so make sure you take your time and create good content.

Measure your results

Measuring the results of your social media posts is just as important as making them in the first place. You need to know what’s working and what isn’t. You can track key performance indicators (KPIs) to have an idea of how your social media channels are performing.

Leverage multichannel marketing across the board

Having a social media presence is important for all small business owners, but building that presence can definitely be challenging. So when you’re in a rut with your social media and aren’t sure what to post, just check out our social media content ideas for some inspiration.

If you need help managing your social media marketing strategy or establishing a social presence, Mailchimp is here to help. Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform that helps with everything from email marketing to content creation.

With Mailchimp, you can create beautiful social media posts that will generate traffic to your brand and increase sales, so your small business can have the social media presence they need to succeed.

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