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Preparing for the Future: Understanding Which Jobs AI Might Replace

Read this guide to prepare for the future and learn about how artificial intelligence is changing the job market and how you can adapt to the times.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the hottest topics throughout the world. With generative AI technologies like ChatGPT changing the way many businesses operate, many workers wonder how secure their jobs really are.

While AI offers benefits and creates opportunities, many worry about how automation may displace jobs. As technology continues to evolve, it becomes crucial for businesses to understand which jobs are susceptible.

The impact of AI on the job market is complex, and we can't say with certainty which jobs AI will replace in the near future. However, by knowing what jobs AI might replace, organizations and workers can begin upskilling and reskilling to keep up with the times and prepare themselves for the future.

What jobs will AI replace? Keep reading to learn about how AI is disrupting the job market and the jobs at risk.

Artificial intelligence has already changed the job market and the way we live and work. Some individuals have already had their jobs replaced by AI, but job displacement due to technological advancements isn't new; it's been happening for decades.

Now, machines can perform more tasks typically performed by humans, such as data entry, customer service, assembly line work, logistics, and so forth. Unfortunately, that means many industries have already started laying workers off in favor of more efficient AI technology.

That said, AI can also create opportunities within the job market. Jobs associated with machine learning, data science, and robotics require specialized knowledge and skills, creating jobs for more individuals. In addition, AI can help ease the burden of some jobs, allowing for new roles and opportunities when used correctly within the business environment.

In any case, AI is driving a massive skills shift, with jobs that require problem-solving, creativity, and emotional intelligence becoming more valuable. At the same time, tasks that can be easily automated are less in demand. Therefore, workers may need to reskill themselves to adapt to the ever-changing job market and acquire the necessary skills to complement AI technology.

Unfortunately, the longer-term implications of AI are relatively uncertain. While we can predict what jobs AI will replace, we can't know for sure. However, we can determine the potential impact of AI on the market, which can result in:

  • Job displacement: The more advanced and human-like AI becomes, the more roles will be automated, which can lead to job displacement.
  • Job growth: Artificial intelligence may create new job openings in some industries, especially those concerning AI tools.
  • Expertise: As AI becomes more commonplace in business, hiring managers will be looking for individuals with expertise using these technologies.
  • Pay disparities: AI could worsen pay imbalances in specific industries as machines handle most tasks while humans supervise.
  • Economic impacts: AI adoption in the workplace can significantly impact our work. Some industries and workers will benefit from AI more than others, while workers may face job insecurity that affects their individual financial situations.

It's impossible to fully predict the jobs AI may replace because AI is so new. However, we do know that AI has already replaced some jobs at individual companies.

While AI offers incredible opportunities for businesses, it poses certain challenges to actual workers. What jobs will AI replace?


Self-driving cars have always seemed like an idea from a science fiction film. However, self-drive or autonomous vehicles are an emergency technology that will revolutionize the transportation and logistics industry. Companies like Uber have already started to focus on autonomous driving, while trucking companies have started using it to transport goods.

Self-driving trucks are a solution to the issue of truck driver shortages across the nation, so while this job isn't necessarily in demand, it is at risk of being replaced by AI.

Customer service

Customer service jobs may also be replaced by generative AI chatbots. Many of the questions customer service reps receive are repetitive in nature.

Customers may ask about certain product or service features, shipping options, and order information. AI can be used to automate the customer service process, and it's already being used to free up time for customer service reps who need to focus on more pressing matters.

Unfortunately, AI isn't currently at a place where it can replace human customer support agents. Instead, agents must be able to solve complex problems and empathize with customers on a deeper level. While chatbots and automated systems can handle basic queries, they can't address emotionally charged situations and can often make them worse.

Data entry

Data entry is a repetitive job and is at significant risk of being replaced by AI, which is faster and more accurate than a human worker. AI systems can rapidly analyze and interpret large volumes of data, completely eliminating the need for manual entry.

However, human oversight is still critical to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data. In addition, judgment and problem-solving skills are crucial for certain scenarios that require decision-making.


Many companies are already using AI to improve bookkeeping because it involves a lot of data entry. AI-powered bookkeeping systems efficiently process large volumes of data, categorize transactions, and generate reports while learning from data to make them capable of making AI predictions, identifying trends, and detecting anomalies.

That said, bookkeepers do more than simply process data. Bookkeeping requires contextual knowledge and the interpretation of that data and other financial situations while ensuring regulatory compliance. AI can't replicate all aspects of the job, so while AI can automate some tasks, it can't fully take over bookkeeping.

Assembly line

Robots have been used for decades to perform repetitive tasks on the assembly line much faster and with fewer errors than humans. AI technologies like robotics and machine learning have made substantial progress in mimicking movements to perform precise tasks involved in manufacturing, warehousing, and fulfillment.

In a warehouse, AI technologies can pick, weld, solder, package, and perform quality control. As AI continues to advance, it may lead to job displacement, but it's also an opportunity for workers to transition to higher-skilled roles and work alongside robots to improve their work.


Sales jobs may also be at risk of being replaced by AI-driven automation. These tools and chatbots are capable of handling various aspects of sales processes, including lead generation, customer service, and closing deals.

Because AI can analyze customer data, identify patterns and trends, and provide personal recommendations, it may one day completely replace salespeople in stores and online.

Creative industries

Individuals in creative industries that weren't previously at risk of being replaced by technology are now more fearful than ever.

AI may one day replace editors, and AI content moderation is already used to classify communication into categories. There are already tools that proofread and provide suggestions for content, allowing writers to check their own writing.

In addition, some marketing jobs may be replaced by AI. With AI's ability to make predictions and discover trends in data, it can replace some duties of market research analysts.

Of course, while some aspects of marketing are already automated, there's no telling when marketing will become fully automated because it requires a deeper knowledge of human behavior and emotional intelligence that AI doesn't currently have.


Telemarketing is another job that AI may replace in the foreseeable future as companies invest in robocall technology that saves them money and time.

Unlike other sales roles, telemarketers don't require the rapport necessary to close a deal. Since people are less likely to purchase from a telemarketer, it makes sense for many businesses to replace them with a machine.


Agriculture already uses automation and machines to manage and monitor crops. With advancements in robotics, precision agriculture, and analytics, AI-powered systems and robots can plant, harvest, irrigate, and monitor crops better than human workers.

Retail services

With the rise of e-commerce, self-checkout systems, and AI retail solutions, the need for human shopkeepers may diminish over the next several years.

Now, algorithms can analyze customer behavior, make product recommendations, and handle customer inquiries. In addition, self-service tools in brick-and-mortar stores eliminate the need for in-person help.

What jobs can AI not replace?

AI has currently replaced only a few jobs because it's not quite ready. Many AI systems still require some human oversight, working in tandem with human counterparts.

As of right now, there are several jobs AI can't replace. These jobs rely on human qualities and skills AI can't replicate, such as creativity, complex problem-solving, and human social interaction.

So what jobs will AI not replace? Here's our list of AI-proof jobs.


While AI tools can automatically create graphics and images based on descriptions provided by graphic designers and other artists, they can't replace a true artist because they're not actually creative — they mimic creativity. Instead, artistic creation comes from emotion and imagination that AI doesn't have.


Believe it or not, some writers have been displaced by AI, with companies choosing to use AI language models to create content. However, writing of all kinds requires emotional intelligence and creativity that requires more than the ability to generate text.

Whether you're a copywriter or author, storytelling, nuance, and emotion are all necessary.


While AI can learn the law, it can't replace a good lawyer because of the complex reasoning skills every lawyer needs. Lawyers need more than the knowledge of the law; they engage in critical thinking, analyze cases, and negotiate, something AI can't do because it doesn't understand ethics or empathy.


Doctors are another job AI can't replace because the practice of medicine requires more than medical knowledge; it requires empathy and human interaction to fully diagnose and treat patients.

Doctors also provide emotional support and compassion to patients, so while AI can assist in data analysis to help doctors diagnose illnesses, it can't provide the quality of care a doctor can.


While AI can share information and teach anyone just as well as any blog on the internet, it can't replace teachers. Teachers help students understand various concepts, tailoring the approach to each person's needs, strengths, and weaknesses while providing guidance and support.

Unfortunately, AI just doesn't have the human touch of an actual human to ensure students are actually learning.

Social workers

Social work is another job that requires empathy and compassion, which AI doesn't have. Social work also requires understanding social dynamics to help vulnerable individuals and address their unique challenges.

While some aspects of social work can be automated, such as data entry, AI doesn't understand cultural sensitivity or the ability to connect with others.


We won't be replacing our politicians with robots any time soon. Political leadership involves complex decision-making that changes the way we live our lives. AI doesn't have the capabilities to understand social, economic, or ethical issues.

There are some jobs AI might completely replace one day, but there are countless opportunities for workers to upskill to adjust to the times.

AI may excel at some tasks, but it can't replicate human creativity, emotions, or critical thinking. However, it can still help you streamline your business operations.

Use artificial intelligence in marketing to understand your business data and make better decisions while automating time-consuming, repetitive tasks. Mailchimp uses AI to empower users to create better content by understanding their customer data. Start using AI with Mailchimp today.

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