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What is Generative AI?

Discover what generative AI is and how you can use these AI tools to enhance your business processes.

Generative AI is revolutionizing the business world as we know it, with well-known generative AI programs, like ChatGPT, taking over the Internet. For example, ChatGPT had a million new users sign up the week after its launch, and the numbers has only grown since.

From E-commerce to marketing, the applications for generative AI programs are endless. But it’s both an exciting and worrying time for creative professionals worldwide.

With all the news and popularity surrounding generative AI technologies, you may be wondering "What is generative AI? And is it helpful or harmful for my business?".

This article will examine the rise of different AI programs, their role in marketing and business, the pros and cons of using generative AI, and how you can successfully bring AI tools to your workplace. Continue reading to learn more about generative AI models and how advanced tools can revolutionize your business.

What is generative AI?

First, let’s define the term generative AI. Generative AI refers to AI algorithms that are capable of producing realistic, seemingly original content.

Examples of AI content include essays, short-form content, books, lifelike images and art, and audio clips. You can use generative AI to write news articles, blog posts, and stories. If you can dream it, there is a chance that an AI program can create it.

Many different AI tools exist, but they all work roughly the same way. A generative AI tool asks for a prompt to get started. You can submit the prompt as a question, a direction, or a description of what you want to create. The algorithm goes to work, scours the Internet, and gives you content in return.

An AI generator can be an asset at work, especially regarding content creation. Let’s take a closer look at how companies can use generative models and AI to revolutionize their own business models.

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How can you use generative AI tools in the workplace?

There are many applications for generative AI in business. AI tools can help scale your company’s output and assist employees with their workload. Business owners can use technology instead of employees if they run a small business and don’t have the staffing to get everything done.

  • Content generation: With text, audio, and even image capabilities, generative AI programs can generate content in a short amount of time. Many marketing professionals have adopted AI tools, like ChatGPT, to help with social media. It can be beneficial to use generative AI when you have many posts to create but don't have the bandwidth–or perhaps the employees–to complete the task.
  • Product design and optimization: Generative AI is not only for text. Technology can also create AI-generated art. AI tools can help designers make product mockups and develop brand-new ideas showcasing a generative AI model.
  • Process automation: You can use generative AI to assist with mundane tasks. Generative AI technology can run automatic email campaigns, such as drip campaigns, send triggered emails, analyze contact form input, and then route the information accordingly (like to a sales team or customer support team members). It all happens behind the scenes to give you and your team a chance to focus on other projects that require your attention.
  • Customer service and experience enhancement: If you want to improve your customer service, generative AI is the way to go. Chatbots, for example, are a type of generative AI technology that mimics human speech. Businesses use chatbots to improve the customer experience, like launching a live chat feature on a website. Chatbots help customers with essential questions, such as tracking orders, hours of operation, and FAQs. You can also use generative AI tools to personalize customer interactions.
  • Marketing and sales: Similar to process automation, AI in marketing can be beneficial. Generative AI streamlines the sales process by automatically sending out emails based on customer behavior. Tools can also help with creative design, such as using an AI-generated image in marketing materials.

Benefits of generative AI

There are many ways for companies to use generative AI. A generative AI tool can be a tremendous asset to a workplace when used correctly and effectively. Alongside skilled workers, artificial intelligence technology can transform your business.

There are many benefits of using generative AI in the workplace, such as:

Increases efficiency and productivity

Since generative AI systems are machine tech and work quickly, you can create more content faster than humans. With a rapid system, you can work on multiple pieces simultaneously. You can either have artificial intelligence work on all content or have generative AI work alongside employees.

Additionally, generative AI tools can work on background tasks, like data analysis, so that you can focus on more human-centric functions.

Improves quality and accuracy

Generative AI systems can minimize common mistakes due to human error. Fewer mistakes cut down on editing and revisions so that you can get more content and products out the door. With the machine learning capabilities of AI, you can run analytics quicker than a human.

Saves costs

Many generative AI programs are free or cost a small fee for professional use. Even though you might have to pay, spending money on AI tools will not be as expensive as employing staff to write code and do the work themselves. You can generate less expensive products and build up your bottom line.

Gives you a competitive advantage

Publishing more content allows you to reach customers, putting you ahead of the competition. With generative AI tools, you can increase your social media presence, boost SEO, and write emails.

Outside of content, AI tools can identify customer and business trends. Reviewing existing data compiled by AI will help you make informed decisions for your business.

Challenges of generative AI

Unfortunately, technology isn’t without risks or bugs. As much as we want it to be, artificial intelligence isn't perfect, even with the advanced tools of intelligent technology and a computer’s ability to do deep learning.

We previously looked at AI technologies and the benefits of using generative AI in business, and now we will explore the challenges that generative AI presents to the workplace.

  • Data privacy and security concerns: This is perhaps one of the most important questions regarding generative AI: Can other people access the content you create, especially if you’re writing about sensitive topics? How is the output of generative AI programs stored? For example, you may need an encrypted server. These are serious questions, particularly if your business deals with personal data and confidential information.
  • Ethical considerations: Just because you can do something doesn’t always mean you should. Does your brand lose credibility if an AI tool generates most or all of your content? Also, consider your brand voice. Generative AI can write well, but it may not be accurate to your brand’s identity. Lastly, while AI makes fewer mistakes than humans, it’s not perfect. Content created by generative AI tools can provide false information and fake news. It’s vital to check text written by AI tools. Just because something sounds like a human wrote it doesn’t mean it was.
  • Technical challenges: Nothing in technology is guaranteed. Unfortunately, programs don’t work 100% of the time, and generative AI tools can break down like any other tech, especially since most generative AI is open-source. Additionally, not everyone will adapt to using new technology. Some employees will be early adopters and learn to use the tools quickly, while others, most likely the older generation in the workplace, will struggle to use these programs effectively. You could spend more time teaching people to use the tools than actually using them for their intended purposes.
  • Integration with existing business processes and systems: As much as we wish it were true, not all programs work well together. Your company could encounter issues with programs not integrating and breaking existing processes. Outside of technology, your business may have specific functions for writing copy or graphic design. It is possible that an AI tool will not be able to fully follow a style guide to create text or images according to your brand’s criteria.

The future of generative AI models

With all the pros and cons, where does generative AI go from here?

There is undoubtedly a place for AI generators in the business world. By 2025, researchers estimate that generative AI tools will write 30% of outbound messaging, and by 2026, 90% of online content could be AI-generated.

Generative AI has other applications, however. Outside of the creative space, scientists use AI algorithms throughout the world. Machine learning models aren’t going anywhere; our best bet is to learn to work alongside the machines, not against them.

Accelerate business growth with generative AI

At the end of the day, machine learning can’t replace humans, but humans can also learn to work smarter, not harder. There are many ways to use generative AI tools in your business. When used correctly, generative AI creates opportunities to expand your business, increases productivity and efficiency, saves costs, and gives you a competitive advantage.

If you're curious about how you can integrate these AI capabilities into your workplace, check out Mailchimp. Mailchimp offers various resources regarding artificial intelligence and how you can use AI tools to enhance your business processes. Take a look at some of the programs from Mailchimp and see how AI technology can help your business.

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