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Mailchimp Partner Alessandra Farabegoli Gives Back

By donating her professional skills, she gave a nonprofit client a lifeline

It’s no secret—our Mailchimp partners are phenomenal. This community of experts boasts some of the best email marketers around. Every day, partners help clients achieve their marketing goals. But many also donate their professional skills to help nonprofits expand their reach, so they can focus on their mission.

Alessandra Farabegoli is one of these partners. Along with 6 other freelancers, Alessandra has been working to overhaul the Centre For Adolescent Reproductive Health’s marketing. This Uganda-based nonprofit—dedicated to helping youth affected by HIV/AIDS, reducing teenage pregnancy, and decreasing child marriage—had an important mission, but needed help to achieve it. Prior to Alessandra, the organization’s future was in jeopardy. They needed donations, or would be forced to halt their life-saving service.

Here, we sat down with Alessandra to chat about her work with the CEFARH and her commitment to professional giving.

How were you introduced to CEFARH?

I heard about CEFARH through the Mailchimp community. Simon Ogwang, the organization’s founder, had reached out to a number of Mailchimp partners in the experts directory hoping to get some pro bono help. CEFARH was in a desperate position: their chief fundraiser, Lisa Mora, had passed away unexpectedly from COVID-19, leaving the organization without the influx of donations needed to run their programs. When I heard about Simon and CEFARH, I reached out and offered to help.

Why were you interested in helping them?

When I heard about CEFARH through the Mailchimp community, and I read what they were doing to empower girls, give them a better future, bring health services in small communities and prevent child marriage, I knew I had to step in. I do believe that if we want to build a better future we have to help girls, and help communities help themselves. And CEFARH—a Ugandan organization, whose members have lived through war and all sorts of problems—is most entitled to play this role.

“In previous years, we donated money. But this year, we decided to volunteer instead. It was so much more gratifying and intense because we established a relationship with the people we were helping.”

Is volunteering your services something you do often?

I'm as busy as everybody, but I think that I owe much to the community and all the people who taught and helped me, so I try to give back. It may be helping some organizations to improve their online communication, or discussing with parents, teachers, and students about digital literacy.

Many folks would just donate money to a nonprofit and call it a day. Why do you think it’s important to volunteer your professional services?

Donating is important—it’s what allows NGOs to pursue their mission! I am the co-founder of Freelancecamp, a networking and training community for freelancers, and each year we pick an organization to help. In previous years, we donated money. But this year, we decided to volunteer instead. It was so much more gratifying and intense because we established a relationship with the people we were helping.

“Most importantly, perhaps, we set CEFARH up to receive donations. It was a difficult task to accomplish, as many donation platforms don’t work in Uganda. Getting this donation landing page working was truly a feat!”

What marketing assistance did you offer?

Along with 6 other volunteers from Freelancecamp, we created a new logo for the organization, redesigned their website, took over posting on Instagram and Facebook, and optimized their Mailchimp account. Most importantly, perhaps, we set CEFARH up to receive donations. It was a difficult task to accomplish, as many donation platforms don’t work in Uganda. Getting this donation landing page working was truly a feat!

That’s an impressive marketing overhaul. Can you share any of the results from your efforts?

CEFARH has seen a huge rise of traffic coming from SEO, social media, and direct visits from all over the world. They went from a few dozen website visits per month in January to 10,000 visits in April, and over that same period, their Facebook page monthly reach increased from around 2,000 to more than 40,000 views. With this exposure, they’ve also gathered new volunteers and partners—in Uganda and abroad.

Learn more about CEFARH and founder Simon Ogwang’s work with Alessandra.

This is part of our Partners Who Give Back miniseries. Read more about marketers who donate their professional skills to worthy causes:

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