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Blog vs. Podcast: Finding the Right Way to Communicate Your Message

Explore the benefits and limitations of blogs vs. podcasts to identify the best medium for your business and create an effective content strategy.

Building an online audience requires more than posting content on your website or social media and hoping it goes viral. In order to cultivate a thriving online community, sharing your message on a wide range of platforms is ideal. Two of the most popular mediums include blogs and podcasts.

When it comes to content marketing, you may wonder the difference between a blog vs. podcast and how each one can affect your communication efforts. Understanding that podcasts are significantly different from blogs can help you gain valuable insight into which marketing strategy is right for you.

Overview of blogs and podcasts

If you're asking yourself "what's a podcast?", it's a spoken medium used to discuss topics or spread a message. Podcasts typically involve 1 or more individuals talking about particular subjects or promoting various products, services, and ideas.

On the other hand, blogs are written articles or pieces of content used to attract visitors, garner followers, and generate sales.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of podcasts and blogs before choosing the most suitable medium for your message.

Podcast advantages

  • Audio and voice-based
  • Ideal for those who enjoy public speaking
  • Suitable for long-form interviews
  • Convenient for audiences who don't have time to sit and read

Podcast disadvantages

  • You need to learn how to record high-quality audio, edit it, and upload it online
  • Creating audio content can be time-consuming
  • Not as easy to promote or build a new audience
  • Access to podcasts may be limited, specifically when content is only available on a particular platform
  • Consistent content archive over time
  • Saved content for later access and visits
  • Boost your website's SEO, or search engine optimization with a blog
  • Develop and establish your brand's voice of authority using an official blog

Blog disadvantages

  • Most markets are highly competitive and saturated
  • You must consistently post, upload, and optimize content for SEO
  • Requires in-depth research and unique, evergreen content
  • Content creation can be time-consuming, especially for businesses with minimal in-house support

Blog vs. podcast: Key differences explained

Before you venture out and start a podcast or blog, it's important to familiarize yourself with the differences between each medium. Both blogs and podcasts have plenty to offer, and knowing key differences will help you identify the best type of content for you.


In terms of popularity, who wins the podcast vs. blog debate? According to Exploding Topics, there are over 460 million podcast listeners globally, correlating to 22% of all internet users. On the other hand, Neal Schaffer reports that 77% of individuals on the internet read blogs.

While podcast listeners stagger behind blog usage, the audio medium continues to grow as more and more businesses create podcasts and people tune in. Moreover, the popularity of a blog or podcast will depend on your target audience and content topic.

Monitoring the popularity of your blog or podcast is possible when you opt to gather marketing analytics along the way. Blog analytics can range from demographics (age, location, and gender) to engagement and bounce rates. Podcast analytics typically provide information about the total number of listeners and streams. However, it's not always possible to determine demographics with a podcast, depending on your hosting platform.

Startup costs

Creating a blog is cost-effective. In most cases, you'll need a computer with access to the internet and a web hosting solution. Some web hosts allow you to build a website and blog for free, but you may have limited features. Generating podcast listeners can be more expensive since you'll need a high-quality microphone and other equipment. Selecting a podcast platform or host to share your podcast is also essential.

While there are free hosting platforms for blogs and podcasts, choosing a host suitable for your brand's purpose is important, especially when doing so commercially. You may need to pay a monthly fee for a podcast host that's more appropriate for commercially-based podcasts.

Return on investment

When investing in a blog or a podcast, it's also vital to consider the potential ROI, or return on investment. Blogs and podcasts require immense work and consistent content to garner a following over time. Once you begin driving traffic, you can consider monetizing your endeavor.

With a blog, it's possible to use third-party ad services to include advertisements on your website. You can also work directly with sponsors and brands, selling ad space based on the monthly traffic your site receives.

When it comes to podcast revenue generation, working with sponsors who are relevant to your brand and mission is ideal. Some hosting platforms also provide third-party ad solutions for popular podcasts.

Necessary skills

Choosing between a blog or podcast will also highly depend on your own skills and abilities. When launching a blog, you must know how to write and be a grammar expert. Additional blogging skills may include, but aren't limited to:

  • Linking content
  • Conducting research and citing sources
  • Sharing images
  • Uploading videos
  • SEO
  • Keeping up with the latest technology surrounding blogs for current trends

You'll need the following skills to create a podcast:

  • Public speaking
  • Audio editing
  • The ability to communicate effectively and relate to your audience
  • An understanding of industry trends
  • Consistency in creating podcast episodes on a regular schedule

Is a blog or podcast better for your business?

Deciding between a business podcast and an official blog can be challenging if you're unsure where to begin. As a business, there are a few factors to consider when choosing the medium that's most likely to result in visitors, sales and revenue.

A podcast and a blog can be extremely beneficial in establishing authority in any market or niche. However, knowing which medium will work better for your business is essential.

Consider the type of content you intend to create and the audience you want to reach. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who am I trying to reach? Is my audience more likely to read blogs on a mobile or computer screen, or are they likely to stream a podcast online to discover industry news?
  • What social media platforms does my audience typically use?
  • How can I help my blog or podcast stand out amongst my existing competition?
  • How does my current competition succeed with its online presence using a blog or podcast?

Benefits of creating a blog first

If you're thinking of starting a blog before moving forward with a podcast, it's important to become familiar with the various types of blogs you can create and the benefits for your business.

Blogs can range from informational, how-to content to news blogs and press releases, depending on the type of content you intend to share. Some of the most notable benefits of creating a blog before a podcast include:

  • Build authority. Launching an official blog for your business is one of the quickest ways to establish an authoritative presence online.
  • Cost-effective. Creating a blog is extremely affordable. This is ideal for those with a limited budget who want to establish themselves online.
  • SEO-oriented. Building an online presence requires consistency and an understanding of the latest SEO best practices. Creating a blog provides the perfect opportunity to optimize your reach within top search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
  • Flexible schedule. While posting regularly and consistently is recommended, you can do so at your own pace when you're first starting. This gives you more flexibility, which is ideal if you're working independently.
  • Improve your writing and blogging skills. Launching a blog is a great way to develop your writing skills. Learn how to integrate HTML links and short and long-tail keywords that are most relevant to your content.
  • Convert blog content to a podcast. Once you have an established blog, you can convert your blog posts to a podcast. Converting your blog post into a podcast episode can be done by reading your posts verbatim or having them narrated by a professional speaker.

Benefits of creating a podcast first

With podcasts becoming increasingly popular, launching a podcast before a blog isn't uncommon. If you choose to create your podcast before establishing your blog's online presence, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Less competition. Unlike the blogging market, the podcast industry is still growing and expanding. This provides more opportunities to promote your business and brand.
  • Personal connections. If you're determined to make a personal connection with your audience, you may choose to create a podcast before a blog. Podcasts use voice, spoken word, conversations, and debates to help listeners connect with podcasters. If you want to build a quick connection in less time, you're likely to succeed using voice instead of text.
  • Build your public speaking skills. Another reason to consider business podcasts is to improve your public speaking skills. Learn how to navigate conversations and complex topics while appealing to your target audience.

Choosing the best content strategy for your business

Both a podcast and a blog provide numerous benefits to businesses today. Understanding the benefits of blogging for business and launching a podcast can help you solidify your digital marketing strategy for the best outcome possible.

Regardless of your chosen medium, use Mailchimp for all your business marketing needs. Leverage email marketing and automation tools to boost the reach of your content today. By optimizing all your marketing channels, reach your target audience and grow your brand globally in less time.

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