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How to Write an Email for a Job Application: Best Practices & Examples

Today, applying for a job can be done in person as well as online via social media, through email, or even directly on a company's official website. From working with recruiters to venturing out on your own for work, there are plenty of options for those in the present-day job market.

If you are thinking of sending an email for a job application, there are a few tips, tricks, and best practices to keep in mind. When you know how to email job application resumes, you can begin hunting down your dream career contacts in an attempt to make a connection. Continue reading to learn how to send the best job application emails—we’ve even included a template to make the process as easy as possible.

How to apply for a job through email

Crafting an email to apply for a job may or may not be recommended, depending on the type of position you are interested in, the industry you work in, as well as the company that is currently hiring.

A company that prefers to receive a job application email will often provide potential applicants with a guide on how to provide an application via email. However, this information is not always readily presented or available, which can make it confusing for job-seekers who are unsure of how to go about applying for a particular position. Using the tips below, learn how to email job application requests and/or resumes that you wish to share with prospective employers.

Graphic with envelope in motion and the headline "How to apply for a job through email"

Conduct research

Before applying for any position via email, it is highly advisable to conduct an adequate amount of research on the employer you are interested in working for and the role you desire. Understanding the company's background, mission statement, and company culture can go a long way when choosing the right format and language for your job application submission.

Prepare necessary documents

Another step you will need to complete before you can submit a job application via email is collecting and preparing the necessary documents. Most often, you will need to send both a downloadable cover letter as well as your resume itself. These documents are often saved in standard .DOC (Microsoft Word Document) format or in .PDF format. Sending your cover letter and resume in PDF format is highly recommended as it is extremely versatile and recognized universally, regardless of the device or operating system that is being used to view incoming job applications.

Create a compelling subject line

If you want to truly stand out among other applicants when applying for a job via email, begin with the email’s subject line. Creating a compelling subject line is not only a way to garner the attention of hiring managers and potential employers, but it can also help you distinguish yourself from other applicants, especially if you intend to work in a highly competitive field.

When creating a compelling subject line, think of what skills and abilities you possess personally as well as the characteristics you are proud to bring to the table. Ask yourself the following questions when crafting your subject line before submitting your next job application via email:

  • What company or individual am I interested in working for?
  • Does this company or brand have a specific image to maintain?
  • Is there a distinguished voice for the company that I am interested in working for?
  • Is it best for me to approach my email casually, or with a more formal format?

Write your job application email

Once you have a clear idea of the layout and formatting of your job application and you are satisfied with your chosen subject line, you can then begin the process of writing your actual job application email itself. Whenever you are in the process of writing a job application email, it is important to consider the specific position you are interested in to determine the optimal methods of approaching the email format, layout, and message.

Proofread your job application email

After you have completed the process of writing your job application, do not send it to prospective employers just yet. Instead, take time to proofread, edit, and make the necessary changes to your email before hitting the 'Send' button. Not only will this ensure that your job application email appears professional and grammatically correct, but it will also provide you with the confidence and peace of mind you need while awaiting a response.

What to include in a job application email

If you are unsure of what to include in a job application email—or if you are new to sending job applications via email—there are a few standard items that should not be left out, such as:

Graphic with an exclamation mark at the headline "A job application email should include"
  • Your full legal name (as it is printed on your official birth certificate)
  • Methods of contact such as telephone numbers, email addresses, and official mailing addresses.
  • The title or position of the role you are interested in filling
  • Your resume (in .DOC or .PDF format)
  • Your cover letter (if requested in .DOC or .PDF format)
  • Additional documentation that may have been requested or required in the job description. This is especially important for individuals who are applying for positions that may require proof of educational certificates, degrees, training, creative portfolios, or other credentials.

Tips for writing a job application email

While writing a job application email may feel nerve-wracking—especially if it’s for a job you really want—it’s actually fairly simple as long as you keep a few things in mind. Whether you are exploring the possibility of branching out into a new field or if you are interested in applying for a job via email for the first time, there are a few tips to remember while learning how to write an email that can help guide you along the way.

Subject line

When choosing the subject line for your job application email, it is important to include two bits of information: your full name as well as the job title or job reference number you are interested in. Most hiring managers use a variety of filters to find ideal candidates for positions based on the number of applications they receive for each role. Using your name, the official role title, as well as reference numbers helps employers and hiring managers easily find more information about you and the role you would like to fill.


Introducing yourself with the proper salutation in your job application can also help to make a stronger connection to the hiring manager or employer you are trying to reach. Whenever you are submitting a job application via email, it is highly recommended to do so by addressing the hiring manager using his or her last name. If you do not know the hiring manager's name, you may have the ability to locate the name by accessing and reviewing the company's official website or “About Us” page. If neither of these options are available, feel free to use a salutation such as "Dear hiring manager" when starting out your email.


The introduction paragraph of your job application email should cover your bases and why you are sending the email. Your first paragraph should include the date of your email as well as the job listing that you are responding to (along with a link if it is applicable).

Using a job reference number is also advisable if it is readily available, as this can help a prospective hiring manager quickly pull up the job you’re referring to.

Body of the email

The middle paragraphs of your email regarding the job application you are submitting should also include further details regarding your candidacy and qualifications. Ask the right questions before writing the second and third paragraphs of your job application emails:

  • What do I have to offer that can help with the role I am interested in?
  • Are my qualifications adequate for the position I am applying for?
  • How can I use my skills to help with growing the company I want to work for?
  • Closing paragraph

    Close the job application email you send by requesting a follow-up and restating your desire and eagerness to fill the role that is currently available. You may also reiterate your contact information and preemptively thank the hiring manager for reviewing your application.


Choosing your email signature is also important whenever you are attempting to apply for a job via email. When you submit a job application via email, it is best to do so using a professional format that includes the following information:

  • Full name
  • Professional email address (if available)
  • Phone number
  • Official LinkedIn URL or professional portfolio website

When to follow up on a job application

After submitting your job application via email, you may be wondering when it is best to reach out to prospective employers if you have not yet received a response. In most cases, it is appropriate to follow up with a job application that has been submitted via email between one and two weeks after you have sent your initial email.

Following up on a job application via social media

While you typically follow up on a job application via email, in some cases it may be appropriate to follow up using social media. If you choose to follow up on a job application via social media, waiting at least 1-2 weeks is essential. When you follow up on a job application via social media, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Locate the official company page: Find the official company page to contact regarding your job application. Avoid attempting to seek out hiring managers or the personal pages of employers, especially if you do not already have a personal connection with them. You want to appear professional at all times, and this includes when following up regarding your recent job application.
  • Use a professional page or account: Avoid using social media accounts you own that appear unprofessional, crass, or inappropriate in nature. If you do not have an existing social media account that is appropriate for the workplace, consider creating a new presence that is more suitable for contacting hiring managers and/or employers.
  • Keep it simple: When following up with a previously submitted resume and job application, it is important to do so in a simple and concise manner. Avoid submitting lengthy paragraphs and redundant details regarding the role. Simply include your request to hear more regarding a follow-up along with a job reference number or a link to the job listing you have applied for in your email.
  • Include contact information: While it is easy to send a simple message with the use of social media, it is important to remember that all of your contact information is not automatically included in the messages you send, even when you are sending a message to an official corporate page. When submitting a formal request to a company regarding a job application follow-up, include your full name, your phone number, the job reference number or job posting link, as well as the email address used to submit your job application for the role.

Job application email examples

Use the job application email samples below to better understand how to format your own email for job application purposes the next time you choose to submit your job application via email.

Job application email sample #1

For Recent Graduates/Individuals Seeking Internships

Subject Line: Your Name - Position Title, Job Reference # (if applicable)

Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name (typically this will be directed towards a specific hiring manager or a referred individual who is awaiting your application),

I recently came across the open JOB TITLE role on your company’s website and I am interested in applying. I am extremely passionate about working in communications and would love an opportunity to begin my career in this field.

I recently graduated from the UNIVERSITY NAME with a degree in YOUR DEGREE TITLE. I am now seeking to fill a role in which I can apply my skills while helping my company or organization to grow. I am deeply committed to the evolution of communications and wish to implement my own knowledge into the industry in a positive manner.

I have attached both my resume and cover letter below. Please take a moment to review these attachments to learn more about who I am and what I have to offer.

Given my passion for your company and this industry, I believe I would be a great fit for this role. Please reach out to me if you have any questions regarding my application.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.






Job application email sample #2

For Experienced Professionals

Subject Line: YOUR NAME - NAME OF POSITION, JOB REFERENCE # (if applicable)


I have been working in X INDUSTRY for more than X years as a programmer and video game developer. I recently discovered an intriguing open position for a Senior Game Developer (INCLUDE JOB REFERENCE AND/OR LINK) on your official website. I have professional experience working with many AAA game developers, including both Ubisoft and Rockstar Games. I understand the ins and outs of planning the scope of a project, sticking to deadlines, and working collaboratively with others to fix and improve bugs throughout the process.

After working in the field for more than X years with a X DEGREE/CERTIFICATE in X INDUSTRY, I feel confident that my skills and professional experience in the field can help to fill the available role at your company. I am seeking a position that not only helps me to grow in the development industry, but one that also challenges me professionally and on a personal level.

The Senior Game Developer position sounds like a very exciting opportunity and I would love to speak with you and go into more detail about what I could bring to the role. Please review the resume and cover letter I have attached to this email and let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.






Template for job application email

If you are a job seeker looking for a new position in the current market, you may be wondering where to start. Using the template below, you can quickly and easily submit your job application via email.

Final notes

Discovering the best methods for writing an email for a job application can help you on your journey to finding success in your own way. Using the tips job application email samples in this article, you can ensure that all of your communications with potential employers leave a good impression.

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