Add email to allowlist | Mailchimp Transactional API Reference
Adds an email to your email rejection allowlist. If the address is currently on your denylist, that denylist entry will be removed automatically.
597 results for “email”
Adds an email to your email rejection allowlist. If the address is currently on your denylist, that denylist entry will be removed automatically.
Recent and scheduled updates to the Mailchimp Marketing API, Transactional Email, and Open Commerce.
Send transactional email with Open Commerce.
Search all campaigns for the specified query terms.
Search all of an account's campaigns for the specified query terms.
Get a list of member's subscriber activity in a specific campaign.
Get list member activity for a specific campaign.
Get all campaigns in an account.
Retrieves your email rejection allowlist. You can provide an email address or search prefix to limit the results. Returns up to 1000 results.
Retrieves your email rejection denylist. You can provide an email address to limit the results. Returns up to 1000 results. By default, entries that have expired are excluded from the results; set include_expired to true to include them.
Queries your scheduled emails.
Cancels a scheduled email.