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Disruptivos’ Desert Island 5

We asked Mailchimp partners Javier Moral and María Ortiz, co‑founders of Disruptivos, to share the 5 things they need for success.

Disruptivos is a 10-person Andalusian agency that takes its name—which translates to “the disruptors”—as a mantra. These performance marketing specialists refuse to play by the rulebook.

Even their nonhierarchical company structure (there are no bosses at this horizontally structured agency) flouts the norms.

Disruptivos founder Javier Moral, an SEO specialist, says he didn’t start Disruptivos with the aim of creating an agency. Rather, he decided to join forces with CRM expert María Ortiz because “we were both freelancers and we thought if we can join forces we can go for bigger projects, and it just kept growing.” Almost 5 years later, this Málaga, Spain‑based marketing outfit continues to thrive.

Here are 5 things Disruptivos co-founders Javier and María can’t live without:

Minaal Backpacks

Before the pandemic, we spent more time traveling than in the office. One of the reasons we founded our agency was so that we could work from wherever. This practical-yet-fashionable backpack is made for digital nomads like us. Minaal bags have pockets for your laptop and chargers and are amazing for traveling. When you’re flying, they fit in an overhead cabinet. When you’re on the go, there’s a rain cover just in case.


This app helps keep us organized, so our team’s always on the same page—no matter where everyone is. For us, Asana is a project management tool, a task manager, and a master calendar. Slack is like the coffee room (a place for chitchat), but all the important things in the office are on Asana. If something is not in Asana, it doesn't exist.

Alhambra Reserva 1925

We can’t live without Alhambra 1925! This Spanish beer comes in a beautiful green bottle and is high in malt, so it has a strong flavor. When you have one, you’re not just having a beer—you’re having a Verde! Once you drink it, you’re immediately relaxed... probably because it has a little more alcohol than other beers. Drinking one (or two!) to unwind at the end of a long week is one of our rituals.


This is one of our favorite apps. It’s a collaborative, cloud-based design tool that’s very easy to use and great for developing frameworks, newsletters, and mock-ups to send to clients. We’re not creative designers, but with Figma that doesn’t matter. It makes things look beautiful and professional.

Untitled (Rise) album by Sault

Now that we’re doing more management, there’s also more stress in our lives, so it’s important to turn on some music and relax. We love Sault’s new album. Their music has a freshness and unique mix of styles that we really appreciate. We also really like that their messages and songs have reached a global audience without the help of a big record label behind them. They’re not a product, as so many bands are nowadays—they’re just musicians composing great songs and amazing lyrics. You know what Mailchimp says: #empowertheunderdog.

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