The result: Boosted sales and even more journeys
In just one week, Miranda and Joe’s first automated customer journey experiment resulted in a ~35% boost in sales from recent previous weeks.
The key was speaking to their customers in a timely, targeted way. For the customers who regularly interacted with Dirty Girl’s marketing, the emails were playful in tone. For those who had strayed further away, the emails created a sense of urgency. Both groups received a strategic follow-up.
“It was really cool to see those results,” says Miranda. “People need to be pinged a couple of times before they end up purchasing.”
So far, Dirty Girl Produce has also used Customer Journey Builder to sell the last of the farm’s tomatoes at the end of the season—targeting all customers who’d bought tomatoes the season before. They also used it to test a new product. Joe and Miranda had seen great success selling farm boxes, which offer customers a family-sized share of what’s fresh that week. When Miranda pointed out that a smaller farm box might be more appealing to people who live alone, they used automations built in Customer Journey Builder to confirm that she was right. Both initiatives resulted in more sales than weeks prior, as well as insights that Joe and Miranda can continue to apply.

“My favorite part about the integration is being able to bring the products directly into those newsletters and campaigns,” says Miranda. Images like those of juicy strawberries, bright rainbow chard, or the cornucopia offered in Joe’s farm box tell customers what’s on offer and give them a direct path to buy. Miranda says that’s important. “The more steps or blockers that you put in front of customers, they're going to get lost.” Instead, Joe’s customers can make a purchase immediately, from wherever they are.
Automating their marketing with Customer Journey Builder also means a more sustainable operation—in all senses—for the produce Joe sells and the people who pick it. His products are picked to order, which prevents waste and saves time. It also gives him a clear indication of what his customers wanted this season, so he can estimate for each season accordingly. Plus, with this and other Mailchimp and Barn2Door features at work, Joe and his team can focus on preparing deliveries instead of chasing business.
“Orders come in by 10 o’clock, and then the next day people are getting stuff that’s picked the day before,” says Joe. “Just having that layer of communication between the customers, it’s been pretty huge.”