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5 Blog Examples to Get You Inspired to Write Your Own

Blogging is a great marketing tool—and a great personal outlet. Check out these blog examples and learn how to leverage the power of content for your brand.

Blogs engage your audience and customers. That is their primary purpose. The great thing about blogs is the ability to use them in a variety of ways. Sometimes, having too many choices is a problem, but don't let the versatility of blogs slow you down. As you will see, that flexibility makes it even easier to write great blogs.

We all need a little inspiration from time to time. That is why you have blog post examples to help light your fuse. Many times, examples of blog posts are all you need to get that spark. Want to know how to write a blog post?

If you are considering starting a blog, then finding a starting point is often a stumbling block. That is also another situation where blog examples, like those of first or early blog posts, can help to inspire your own.

Before getting started, however, there are a few tips that can also make your blog writing experience more productive and enjoyable. Blogs are now something that virtually every business with a website has, and it is a tool that offers many benefits.

Here are a few tips to get you started and to help you write blogs that keep your audience engaged. Remember, these are just tips, take what works and leave the rest, and like your blogs, make it yours.

5 tips for writing a blog post

People have been writing since the dawn of time. Here are a few tips, pointers, and tricks writers have picked up over the years.

Find sources of inspiration

Does music fill your mind with words? Do you find clarity in writing outdoors? Does your brain seem to think better with background noise? Do you prefer complete silence when you write?

For everyone, what works best to inspire words is different. The best way to find your most productive environment is through trial and error. The good news is it typically doesn't take long to find out what doesn't work and what does.

Find a good place to write

In addition to inspiring the words within you, it is also good to find a place to write. In other words (no pun intended), that means a place where you can work without constant interruptions. Ask any writer, few things are more difficult than having a line of thought interrupted, then trying to resume.

It is also a good idea to have a place to write where you have all the materials you will need. Additionally, and especially if you spend hours at the keyboard, it is meaningful to have a supportive and comfortable chair (and desk setup if you use one). Try writing in an uncomfortable chair for four or five hours, and then see how much inspiration you feel to continue writing.

Write. And then write some more

It is a common cure for writer's block, and it is also the easiest way to get started when creating a blog. Just write. While that sounds simple, it is also one of the more difficult concepts to grasp. You can spend hours (again, ask any writer) waiting for the right word or sentence and still have written nothing.

Just write. Want to start a blog for your business? Don't worry about the perfect sentence, story, or idea, and remember, you can always go back and edit. The most difficult part is often getting started, and the easiest way to get over that hurdle is to start.

Read blog post examples

Getting ideas, concepts, and motivation from other blog post examples is a good idea. Just be careful to remember that imitation is the highest form of flattery, not plagiarism. Simply put, ideas and inspiration are free for the taking. Just leave the author's words alone.

Did you like those blog examples that used humor to lighten a serious topic? Did you find the format and layout of that one article easy to follow? Examples of blog posts are excellent ways to find your own words and ideas and a good way to help you get started.

Write what you know

Another good thing about writing blogs is that they normally are written around and about topics familiar to the author. That means you will most often be writing about what you know, have experienced, or have insight into.

That means blogging about your business. That looks like blogs related to your industry, product, or service. It means writing about what you know. You have experiences, insights, and knowledge that others do not. Write about that.

5 blog examples

These are some of the most popular types of blogs today and, hopefully, a source of inspiration for you.

Food and travel blogs

Food and travel rank as some of the most popular blog topics. Examples of blog posts like food and travel can teach us many things, like how to relate to your audience. To begin with, who does not eat or travel? Exactly.

These blog examples can also show us how to tie our business into these blogs and conversations. Do you travel for work? Do you eat at work? Using well-written examples of blog posts on food and travel can help you find creative ways to relate to your customers. Blogs will also help make your business or brand more relevant and relatable.

Lifestyle blogs

Customer engagement is the first, second, and third most important reason for using blogs. That also means engaging your audience in a variety of ways, such as informing or entertaining them. People from all walks of life like and want to see how the other half lives, and they want to be informed and entertained.

Lifestyle blogs are great blog examples of the types of blogs that do just that. No, a blog does not need to be directly or even remotely related to your business. In fact, blogs on your business website do not need to be related to your company in any way. And if you choose, after writing a wonderfully entertaining blog, you can add a simple CTA at the end.

Business blogs

Although writing about your business or industry is not a requirement, it is a good idea if you choose. Many people read blogs for sources of information or insight into a particular line of work. Those are also often people who are not as familiar with your business or industry.

Business blogs offer an ideal opportunity to educate and win potential customers. These types of business-related blogs also afford the opportunity to position and frame your company and brand as an expert and a leader.

Personal blogs

Examples of blog posts can also be personal blogs. Do you want to give your company or brand a more human feel? Would you like to connect more closely with your customers? Personal blogs are simply that, and by sharing the personal anecdotes of your life, personal blogs offer one more way to engage your customers.

You can also use personal blogs to allow customers to share their experiences with your product or service. This is also a customer-driven technique that has gained traction in recent years in the marketing world. Finding strong blog writing examples of personal blogs is an effective way to stir your imagination and get started.

Self-help, DIY, and how-to blogs

Many businesses use blogs to provide helpful information and tips for their customers. These blogs can range from self-help tips to DIY guides and how-to blogs. If you have information to help your customers, blogs are a popular forum to share those DIY and self-help tips.

This style of blog does more than engage your audience, but it also presents your business as a trusted source. Additionally, instructional blogs that add value to your customers also lend credibility to your image.

Find your brand’s voice

Blogs are no longer an afterthought or a quirky little section on your business website. When used effectively, blogs can empower your business, promote your brand, and most importantly, help you engage with your customers.

Want to find your brand's voice, or even give your brand a voice? Are you curious about blogging for local search results? Using blogs to connect with your audience will also offer insights into how your customers respond. What kind of blogs are people reading, and what kind of blogs are people not reading?

Using blogs to not only find the voice of your brand, but also the voice that resonates with customers will help you connect. From building trust and credibility to making customers feel like friends, blogs are a smart option for any business.

Do you want to start a blog for your business? Would you like to learn more about how to use blogs to improve your image, brand, and business? How about small business blog post optimization techniques?

Mailchimp can help. If you are ready to begin blogging, and to learn how to promote your small business blog, contact Mailchimp. Get the help and insights you need to start blogging and start writing great blogs today.

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