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Edit a Customer Journey Map
After you activate a Customer Journey map, you may need to make changes. Pause all or part of your journey to edit your rules and actions, change your starting points, remove journey points, and more.
In this article, you'll learn how to pause and edit a Customer Journey map, and how to edit journey settings.
Before you start
Here are some things to know before you begin this process.
- To manually add contacts to your journey map, the journey must be active.
- To learn more about Customer Journeys, how they work, and what you can do with your plan, check out About Customer Journeys.
Edit journey settings
Access your journey settings to change the Customer Journey name or marketing objective, manually add or remove contacts from the journey, or choose whether contacts can repeat the journey after they complete it.
Here are the editable journey settings and what they mean.
- Journey Name
The name of your Customer Journey map. This is for internal use only, so contacts won’t see it. - Marketing objective
What you want to accomplish with your Customer Journey. Set your marketing objective to help Mailchimp provide more personalized recommendations and reporting. You can edit this setting in draft or paused journeys only. - Contacts can re-enter journey
Allows contacts to repeat a journey multiple times. Set the minimum amount of time a contact must wait before re-entering the journey. - Exit condition
Removes contacts from the journey when they meet the selected condition, even if they haven’t completed the journey. - Manually add contacts
Manually add contacts to the journey who haven’t been added through a starting point, or who were previously removed. You can edit this setting in active journeys only. - Manually removes contacts
Manually remove contacts from the journey, or prevent them from starting the journey in the first place. - Track clicks
If you have Google Analytics connected to your Mailchimp account, you can enable or disable link tracking for all email actions within the journey.
Pause or unpause a Customer Journey
To make changes to a journey’s starting point, rules, and actions, pause the entire journey map. Pause an individual journey point to make changes to that step without disrupting the rest of the journey.
Pause or unpause a Customer Journey map
Pause a journey map to make changes to any starting points, rules, and actions. While a journey map is paused, contacts won’t move through the journey.
To pause a journey map, follow these steps.
- Click Automations, then click All Journeys.
- To pause the journey map without making any changes, click the drop-down arrow for the journey and choose Pause. If you want to edit the map, move to step 3.
- To pause and edit your journey map, click the drop-down arrow for the journey you want to work with and choose View Journey.
- Click Pause & Edit.
- In the pop-up modal, click Pause.
When you’re ready to restart your journey map, click Turn Back On.
Contacts at a Time delay point will move to the next rule or action if the map was paused longer than the time set for the delay.
Pause or unpause a journey point
Pause an individual journey point to make changes to that step without disrupting the rest of the journey. Contacts will continue to queue for the paused step while you edit. Keep in mind that you may need to pause the full journey map to make changes that will affect the rest of the journey.
To pause an individual journey point, follow these steps.
- Click Automations, then click All journeys.
- Click the drop-down arrow for the journey you want to work with and choose View Journey.
- Click the three vertical dots for the journey point you want to pause. Then click Pause.
When you’re ready to restart your individual journey point, click the three vertical dots for the journey point. Then click Unpause.
Edit a starting point
When your map is paused, you can make changes to an existing starting point, or add additional starting points.
To edit a starting point, follow these steps.
- Click the starting point you want to change.
- Click Change starting point.
- Choose the starting point you want to work with. To learn more about the different types of starting points, read All the Starting Points.
- Choose the specific settings for your starting point type. For example, if you choose Tag added, you’ll then choose which tag to work with.
- Optional: Click Get more specific about who can enter this map to use segmenting conditions to filter your starting point.
- Click Save Starting Point.
Copy and paste a journey point
Copy and paste a journey point to replicate a rule or action with its settings. After you paste, click the copied journey point to customize it.
To copy and paste a journey point, follow these steps.
- Click the three vertical dots for the rule or action you want to work with, then click Copy.
- Click Paste here in the location you want to place the copied journey point.
- Click the copied journey point to customize.
Move a contact to another path
The Move a contact feature merges the journey map after an If/Else or 50/50 split. You can move a contact from the end of any path to a different path in the journey as long as it won’t create an infinite loop. A journey must have at least one step under a branch before the drop-down appears.
To move or delete a contact to or from a path, follow these steps.
Move a contact to another path
To add a contact to another path, follow these steps.
- Click the Contact exits drop-down at the end of a path. The drop-down is displayed only for contacts that can be moved.
- Click Move to another path.
- Click on a Move here option on the journey map where the contact should go.
The map displays a dashed line to the new entry point, Contact Enters.
Exit journey
To delete a joined path, follow these steps.
- Click the Contact moves drop-down at the converged path you want to delete.
- Click Exit journey to remove the converged path.
Edit a rule or action
When your map is paused, you can make changes to any rule or action on the map. Each available action and rule has unique settings that you can edit.
- If/else
- Wait for trigger
- Time delay
- Percentage split
- Send email
- Webhook
- Group/ungroup
- Tag/untag
- Unsubscribe
- Update contact
- Archive contact
- Send email with a survey
- Meta Custom Audience
- Send SMS
To edit a rule or action, follow these steps.
- Click the rule or action you want to work with.
- Edit the rule or action settings.
- Click Save.
If you’re working in a Send email or Send email with a survey, you’ll click Close.
Remove a rule or action
To remove a rule or action on the map, click it and then click Remove.
Follow the prompt to remove the rule or action.
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