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Manage Your Popup Form
After you create a popup form in Mailchimp, we’ll collect data so that you can monitor your form’s performance to grow your audience. Manage your forms to ensure they are visually appealing and functional for customers interested in engaging with your brand.
In this article, you’ll learn how to manage your Mailchimp popup forms.
Things to know
Here is something to know before you begin this process.
- To complete the tasks in this article, you’ll first need to create a popup form.
- Your popup form design must comply with GDPR requirements. To learn more, check out Collect Consent With Popup Forms.
Popup forms overview
On the popup forms Overview page, you can create new forms, review performance metrics, manage popup form settings, and more.
Here’s what you can view and actions you can perform on the Popup forms overview page.
Create a popup form
Click Create popup form to create a popup form. To learn more, check out Create a popup form.
Popup form settings
Click Popup form settings to manage connected sites and stores. You can also view and set visitor rules, edit, duplicate existing rules, or create new ones.
Overall popup performance
After you've created a form and it’s live on your website, we’ll collect metrics on your form’s performance. This section will show the overall performance of your popup forms. View statistics on site visitors, unique popup impressions, email, and SMS subscribers. The default setting collects metrics for the last 30 days. Click the Date range drop-down to change the range setting, or you can enter a start and end date.
All popup forms
In this section, you’ll see a list of all your forms. Here are some actions you can perform.
- View status
Click the Status drop-down to view your form by status.
For Draft status, you can edit, duplicate or delete a form. For Published or Not published status, you can duplicate or archive a form, and for Archive status, you can recover or duplicate a form. - Sort
Click the Sort drop-down to sort by most recent or alphabetical order. - Archive
Click the View form drop-down next to the published form you want to archive. - View metrics
If a form has been published, it will show individual performance metrics. Click View form to navigate to the Forms details page. You’ll see additional details about your form. You can perform actions like unpublish, edit your form’s name, and scheduling information. - Edit a form
Click View next to the form you want to edit. You’ll navigate to the Forms details page. If the form is in Draft status, click Edit. If the form has been published, click View. Click Edit content, then follow the prompts. You can select Create a new draft to update and then publish or Make a quick edit to see your changes immediately. Use this option with caution as you won't be able to undo your changes. - Unpublish a form
Click View next to the form you want to unpublish. You’ll navigate to the Forms details page. Click Scheduling to enter a stop date to pause or unpublish your form.
Popup form status and version
Understanding the status and version of popup forms helps you manage the lifecycle and iterations of your forms. Let's first define the two concepts.
Form status
Form status refers to the current state of the popup form in the context of its lifecycle. You can track and manage how the form is behaving at any given time.
Here are the status options for Mailchimp forms.
- Draft
You are still developing the form and it has never been published - Published
You have published your form and it's live and available to website visitors - Published/Scheduled
The form is currently live on your website but you’ve set a date to unpublish - Not published/Scheduled
The form isn't live on your website, but you’ve set a date to publish - Archived
The form isn't live or available to visitors on your website
Form version
Form versioning allows you to keep track of different iterations of your popup form over time. You can quickly iterate, test, and adjust without losing track of the changes made. We’ll keep a history that you’ll see on your Overview page.
Here are the version options you can use with Mailchimp forms.
- Draft
The design has never been set as the current design - Current
The design you’ve finished editing, and what is shown on your website when published - History
The design previously set as Current but replaced by a more recent design. Designs in your History allow you to keep performance metrics of previous designs and compare over time.
Imagine you’re running an online store and you want to collect email addresses through a popup form. Here’s how you might use versioning and status.
Version A
You create a simple popup asking visitors for their email address in exchange for a discount.
Status: Draft (you're still editing the copy and design).
Version B
After some testing, you update the form to add a field for the user’s name and adjust the design for mobile responsiveness.
Status: Current - You’re satisfied with your form's design and its published and live for site visitors.
Version C
You want to do additional testing (offer a free ebook instead of a discount), so you make extensive changes, and then create a new draft.
Status: The “Current” design in step 2 is now History and is replaced by version C.
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