Byta’s Mailchimp integration helps senders securely share digital audio in Mailchimp mailouts.
- Uniformity in design across all mailouts
- Share audio in any format and with any security settings
- Only one contact list to manage, plus pull your Mailchimp contacts into Byta with one click
The result is a consistently clean & simple user experience for your recipients.
Users can share any combination of singles and albums, with or without watermarking, set streaming or # of downloads, as with any normal share in Byta.
Users simply choose the audio they would like to share and Byta generates a snippet of code to paste into their Mailchimp mailout template.
Contacts receive Mailchimp mailouts as normal yet when clicking through to listen they are redirected to Byta, same as if they were clicking though a normal Byta announce email, completely secure.
Sender tracks opens/clicks in Mailchimp and number of streams/downloads in Byta.
Plus active contacts not in Byta are automatically updated, meaning only one contact list to maintain.
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