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Linkable Assets: A Smart Link Building Strategy

Elevate your online presence with linkable assets. Create valuable content that attracts links, boosts visibility, and enhances your website's authority.

Link building is a crucial strategy for enhancing online visibility and improving search engine rankings. However, the link building approach has evolved, shifting towards creating high-performing linkable assets that naturally attract valuable backlinks. Crafting these assets has become synonymous with smart link building. 

In the past, link building often relied on manual outreach and link acquisition tactics. Today, the focus is on content or resources that naturally earn links due to their quality, relevance, and usefulness. This approach aligns with search engine algorithms that prioritize valuable content and ensure that the links obtained are genuine and authoritative. 

Smart link building is a proactive and strategic tactic that involves creating content assets that resonate with the target audience, address their needs, and encourage other websites to link back organically. Keep reading to learn more about creating linkable assets and strategies to help you get high-quality links. 

A linkable asset is any content, resource, or feature on your website that is inherently valuable and compelling enough to naturally attract backlinks from other websites. 

These assets are a magnet for inbound links, contributing to a website's authority and visibility in search engine rankings. Unlike traditional link-building methods, linkable assets are designed to attract links because they're valuable and shareable. 

Search engines like Google prioritize content quality and user experience. Linkable assets can meet these criteria by providing users with valuable information, entertainment, or functionality. When other websites link to these assets, it signals to search engines that the content is trustworthy and authoritative, positively impacting search rankings. 

The main goal of a linkable asset is attracting links rather than solely relying on outreach efforts, allowing content creators to focus on developing assets to build links naturally. 

Creating linkable content requires you to focus on your content strategy. These assets are magnetic elements that naturally attract valuable backlinks to increase organic traffic and overall authority for your website.

Here are a few different types of linkable assets to choose from: 

Blog posts

A well-researched and informative blog post can be a powerful linkable asset. These should address industry trends, provide insights, or offer solutions to common challenges. For instance, a comprehensive guide on emerging technologies or a data-driven analysis of market trends can position your blog as an authoritative resource. 

Blog posts are some of the most common types of linkable assets because they can comprehensively cover complex topics in a digestible way. You might survey your customers and use the raw data to create a blog post. The more digestible content is, the more likely it is to get linked to because it's easy to understand. 


Infographics display information in a visually appealing and easily shareable format. An infographic that visually breaks down complex data or illustrates a step-by-step process can become a go-to resource for other websites looking to enhance their own content. 

When information is presented in a digestible way, it becomes inherently more shareable across various digital platforms. Websites and blogs are eager to incorporate visually striking content into their own narratives, and a well-crafted infographic can be an authoritative resource for others who want to enhance their content. 

The versatility of infographics also extends beyond websites. They're well-suited for sharing on social media, where eye-catching visuals garner attention in crowded feeds. 

Interactive tools

Engage your audience with interactive online tools such as calculators, quizzes, or interactive maps. Websites interested in the utility of these tools may naturally link to them. 

For example, a financial website creating content about home loans might create a mortgage calculator, attracting links from real estate and finance websites. 

eBooks and whitepapers

In-depth guides, e-books, and whitepapers establish your website as an authoritative source of industry knowledge. These comprehensive resources demonstrate expertise and can earn links from educational institutions, industry publications, or other businesses seeking authoritative resource pages. 


Video content is gaining prominence, and platforms like YouTube provide opportunities for creating a linkable asset through embedded videos. Whether it's a product demonstration, industry insights, or entertaining content, well-produced videos can become shareable assets, earning backlinks from websites embedding or referencing your video content. 

Successful linkable assets have distinctive qualities that make them appealing to users and other websites looking for valuable content. These include: 

  • High quality: Linkable assets must meet high standards of quality, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and a professional presentation. These assets attract backlinks and enhance the credibility and reputation of your website. 
  • Uniqueness: Uniqueness sets your asset apart, offering a fresh perspective, innovative strategies, or original data. Websites are more likely to link to content that stands out, adding value to their audience and providing a unique resource. 
  • Usefulness: A successful linkable asset is useful and addresses specific needs or solves the problems of your target audience. Assets that offer practical value become go-to resources, increasing the likelihood of other websites referencing or linking to them. 
  • Relevance: Linkable content assets are relevant and align with the interests, concerns, or trends within your industry or niche. Websites require content that resonates with their audience, making relevant assets more likely to be linked to as a valuable resource. 
  • Shareability: Shareable assets have a format that encourages easy sharing on social media and other platforms. Social sharing expands the reach of your asset, potentially leading to more visibility and organic backlinks from various sources. 

Benefits of linkable assets

When you create linkable content, don't just think about earning backlinks. This content is a strategic investment that yields numerous benefits for your website, including: 

Improved SEO

Quality backlinks earned through linkable assets can significantly enhance your website's search engine rankings. Search engines view backlinks as endorsements of your content's quality and relevance. The more high-quality backlinks your linkable assets attract, the more search engines recognize your site's authority and value. 

Increased authority

Linkable assets contribute to establishing your website as an authority in your niche or industry. When other reputable websites link to your assets, it signals to search engines and users that your content is trustworthy and valuable. This builds your site's authority, leading to increased visibility and credibility. 

Better brand recognition

Linkable assets increase your brand's exposure and online visibility, improving your brand's recognition. More people become familiar with your brand as your linkable assets are shared and referenced across the web. This increased visibility attracts potential customers and positions your brand as a key player in your industry. 

How to create linkable assets 

Building linkable assets requires a thoughtful and strategic process encompassing research, content creation, and effective promotion. Here's how to create link-worthy content as part of your link-building strategy:

Research and ideation

Conduct thorough market research, keyword research, and competitor analysis to generate linkable asset ideas. Understand your industry landscape, identify trending topics, and recognize gaps your content can fill. Conduct comprehensive market research to uncover relevant themes, challenges, and opportunities in your niche. 

Identify keywords and phrases relevant to your target audience and industry. Use keyword research tools to find keywords that inform your content strategy and help your linkable assets begin ranking before promotion. 

Competitor analysis will also come in handy. Gain insights into successful content strategies in your industry. Analyze competitor content to identify gaps, assess engagement metrics, and find inspiration for your unique approaches. 

Content creation

Create high-quality content with engaging visuals, infographics, and interactive elements. Develop content that stands out in terms of depth, accuracy, and uniqueness. Your content should be well-researched, address the audience's needs, and provide valuable insights that attract links. 

Pay attention to design and user experience. Ensure your content is visually appealing and user-friendly. Consider design elements, readability, and overall user experience to keep users engaged and attract high-quality links. 


Your high-quality content is only effective if people see it. Develop strategies to promote your linkable assets, including outreach to potential link-building partners and leveraging social media. 

Connect with potential link-building partners and influencers by reaching out to relevant websites, bloggers, and influencers, showcasing the value of your content, and encouraging them to link to it. 

Use social media to amplify your content's reach and engagement. Share your likable assets across social media platforms using compelling captions, visuals, and relevant hashtags. 

While this method won't directly increase backlinks, it will increase your content's reach. Reaching more individuals within your niche, including bloggers, journalists, and influencers, increases the likelihood your linkable asset will be used on other websites. 

Use email marketing to target your existing audience and collaborators. Leverage your email list to promote your linkable assets, encouraging subscribers to share and link to your content. 

Increase your reach with effective linkable assets

A strategic implementation of linkable assets can help you expand your online reach and bolster your brand's authority. By crafting high-quality content that naturally attracts backlinks, you enhance your SEO and solidify your position as an industry leader. The diverse range of linkable assets ensures your content speaks to various audience preferences, creating a well-rounded digital strategy. 

Use Mailchimp's suite of marketing automation tools to create linkable assets and drive personalized marketing messages. Harness the power of Mailchimp's analytics to gain insights into the performance of your content, refine your strategies, and make data-driven decisions. Then, seamlessly integrate with social media platforms to enhance your asset's visibility. 

With Mailchimp, you can promote your linkable assets to enhance your content marketing strategy and increase your reach online. Sign up for Mailchimp today. 

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