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The Art of Selling: Perfect Your Sales Script with Examples

Learn how to perfect your sales script with practical examples. Increase your sales and close deals with confidence using proven techniques.

Selling is crucial in any business, whether you're an eCommerce or B2B company. However, selling is especially important for companies that rely on outbound sales to drive revenue. All types of industries and businesses — from real estate to marketing and manufacturing — use cold calling to generate leads and interest in their business.

Cold calling can benefit your sales strategy by helping you generate interest in your product or services. However, cold calling isn't the only effective method for driving revenue. For example, if you talk to your prospects on the phone, you need a sales script to help convince them to make a purchasing decision.

A sales script helps you learn more about your target customers and convince them to purchase your products or services. Keep reading to learn more about sales call scripts and how to develop them to drive sales.

Why does your company need a sales script?

A sales script, also known as a sales call script, can help companies present their offerings to prospects while learning more about their customers.

Cold calling is complicated and time-consuming. While many companies leverage it less than they used to in favor of newer types of lead generation, sales calls are still a crucial part of the overall sales strategy.

For example, a company might call to generate interest in a product or service, while another company calls prospects after they've filled out a form on their website.

During sales calls, your sales rep pitches your product or service to a prospect or potential customer. Many sales teams use sales call scripts to help them do this more effectively and efficiently. In addition, sales scripts can help you learn about your customers while attempting to solve their problems and teaching them about your offerings.

Sales call scripts are crucial to many businesses because they can help you structure your sales calls, whether it's the first or third time talking to your prospects on the phone. The sales call script — or pitch — typically consists of key talking points you'll need to cover in the sales call to help you properly structure it to provide prospects with as much information as possible without overwhelming them.

The good news is that a sales call script doesn't have to be followed exactly. Instead, your sales rep will memorize it and get comfortable enough talking to customers knowing the exact talking points they need to cover.

As such, they offer several crucial benefits, such as:

  • Help salespeople stay focused: When your job requires you to talk on the phone all day, it can be easy to get off topic. A sales call script can help salespeople stay focused on the main talking points to ensure they successfully pitch the product or services.
  • Build relationships: To be a successful salesperson, you must build a rapport with prospects that helps them learn to trust you. Sales scripts can help you build these relationships by ensuring sales calls aren't too salesy and that salespeople engage in small talk, which can make prospects feel more comfortable.
  • Close more sales: The main goal of a sales script is to close more deals. Having a structured script enables you to address objections and solve common pain points for customers that your competition can't. Additionally, sales scripts can improve online sales by helping you learn more about a specific prospect and guiding them to take action on your website.

Sales call scripts can also be used as a basis for other forms of communication, like sales emails. For example, if your prospects prefer to communicate via email, your sales script can be paired with automation to create a funnel for prospects depending on where they are on the customer journey.

Also, a sales call script is crucial when building your team. The information contained in a script can help new hires learn more about your offerings while giving them a document they can refer to when talking to prospects.

Research and preparation

Before you begin developing your sales script, there are several things you must consider, such as your target audience, their pain points, your competition, and what makes you stand out from the competition. Remember, a sales call aims to sell your products and services. However, prospects don't want a hard sales pitch as soon as they answer the phone. Instead, you have to give them a reason to keep listening to you throughout the entire call.

Research and preparation can help you learn more about each of your prospects, allowing you to tailor your message specifically for them. Here are a few tasks you should complete before picking up the phone:

Identifying your target audience

Who are you selling to? Likely, you already know who your target audience is based on marketing research you've done before getting to this point. If you don't know who your target audience is, it will be incredibly difficult to understand and address their needs.

Understanding pain points and needs

What problems are you trying to solve with your product and service? Your prospects must determine whether spending money on your offerings is worthwhile based on what it can do for them.

Researching competitors

What sales tactics are your competitors using? Sign up for their email marketing offers, review their website, and follow them on social media to see which tactics work best for them and avoid the ones that don't.

Developing a unique selling proposition (USP)

Your USP tells prospects why they should choose your company's offerings over the competition.

Ultimately, your sales depend on your unique selling proposition because it sets you apart from other companies that might have similar offerings.

Additionally, you should always research the prospect beforehand when possible. While you should identify and understand your target audience, each prospect is different and has different pain points or needs. Learning more about your potential customer before calling them can help you determine whether you need to tweak your sales call script depending on certain factors like their values and interests.

How to craft the perfect sales script

After completing your initial research, it's time to begin crafting your sales pitch script. Remember, it shouldn't be too long or leave your prospect little room to ask questions. However, you also don't want it to be so short that it doesn't address your customers' needs.

Your sales script should be conversational; it should never sound like a salesperson is reading a script off their computer screen. Instead, it should highlight crucial information rather than giving your salesperson an entire script to read verbatim.

Some sales scripts are comprehensive and about a company's entire selection of products or services, while others are tailored to individual products or services based on the prospect's needs. To create an effective sales call script to increase purchases, follow these steps:

Determine your objectives

Sales calls are usually at the top of the sales funnel when prospects first learn about your business. However, depending on the nature of your company, they can take place anywhere throughout the funnel.

Before you start writing your sales script, it's crucial to determine your objective. Maybe you need a more general sales call script for cold calling that introduces your business and tells potential customers about your offerings. Alternatively, you need a sales script for specific product offerings depending on what you sell and your target markets.

For example, a mortgage lender has several target audiences, including residential homebuyers and investors. In this case, you wouldn't want to highlight your home loans for investors looking to purchase apartment complexes.

Instead, you may have several versions of your sales call script to use after identifying your prospects' specific needs.

Know your audience

For your sales call to be successful, you must learn about your audience, including their specific needs.

Before calling your prospects, try to learn more about their industry and competitors to get insights into the types of problems they might face. You should also research your point of contact to determine whether they're someone who can make purchasing decisions.

While not all your prospects are decision-makers, they can influence important decisions like purchasing your solution.

For example, if you sell marketing software, you might speak to the marketing manager who requires permission to make a purchase. Yet, convincing them will convince their boss, who relies on them to make the right decision for the business.

Highlight benefits, not just features

While you want your prospects to learn as much as possible about your product or service by highlighting its features, they really want to know how your solution benefits them.

Start the conversation off by learning about the customer's pain points and addressing them. You should ask questions like what products or services they use and why they don't find them effective.

Asking these questions can help you learn more about their specific pain points while giving you a method for addressing them without coming off as too salesy.

Overcome objections

If you're cold calling, you'll be faced with more objections than a company that invests in lead generation tactics.

With lead generation, you secure personal information like phone numbers from warm leads — individuals who have expressed an interest in your offerings. However, when you're cold calling, your leads are cold, and many prospects may not want to speak to you or hear about your offerings.

Always expect some degree of hesitation when you call someone who doesn't know you or the business you represent. Prospects can object without reason, giving you no way to potentially sway them to listen to you.

If this is the case, your script should have some instructions for dealing with it, such as letting the prospect know you understand and offering to email them more important information about your business.

Prospects can also be very forthcoming about why they're objecting. For example, someone may have budget concerns or is happy with their current providers. In this case, it's up to the sales script to pivot based on the specific objection.

In any case, it's important to share information about why a prospect should continue listening to you on the phone and offer them the opportunity to speak to you further if they change their minds.

Test and refine your script

You won't know your sales script's effectiveness until you start testing it. Every sales call script should have a friendly greeting, small talk that includes asking them if they have time to chat, and your prospect's challenges.

Only if your prospect has agreed to talk should you continue on to your sales pitch and adjust it according to the information you've learned about your prospect by talking to them about their wants, needs, and pain points.

Additionally, all sales scripts should have several methods outlined for handling objections and end with a call to action. You can learn about the effectiveness of your script by reviewing sales data and refining the script the more you learn about your specific audience.

Sales Script Examples

Sales scripts vary depending on the organization, prospect, whether you're cold calling or contacting warm leads, and how many times you've already spoken directly to the prospect.

Remember, while sales scripts are commonly used for cold calling, they can be used throughout the entire sales process, regardless of how often you've already talked to your prospect on the phone.

To understand what a successful sales call script consists of, take a look at these examples:

A real estate agent

Real estate agents often have to rely on phone communication with prospects.

Its possible prospects come from marketing and advertising tactics in which the prospect is already familiar with what the agent does. However, some real estate agents might rely heavily on cold calling, depending on their target market.

In any case, the first phone call with a prospect would look something like this:

"Hello, [Insert Name]. My name is [Insert Name] from [Insert Name]. I saw that you were interested in selling your home and would like to learn more about you and how we can work together. Do you have a few minutes to discuss selling your home?"

This type of sales script helps you learn more about your prospect and helps you warm the lead without trying to sell them immediately on your services.

Instead, it opens up a dialogue for how your company might help a home seller sell their home and gives you the opportunity to highlight what benefits they'll get from choosing to work with you.

A marketing agency

Marketing agencies commonly use a combination of cold and warm prospecting methods to find new clients, which often lead to a discovery call to learn more about the prospective client and their needs and determine if you're the right fit for them.

The discovery sales script might look something like this:

"Hi, [Insert Name]. My name is [Insert Name] from [Insert Name]. I noticed you weren't investing in social media marketing and wanted to ask you a few questions about why you've decided to stray away from this type of marketing and learn more about what you do and your challenges in reaching customers. Let me know if now is a good time to talk or if you'd like to schedule another time."

This sales call script immediately shows that the caller has done their research and uncovered a potential customer need — social media marketing.

Additionally, this type of script is flexible for a variety of different industries as long as you focus on any information you've uncovered during your research process.

A mortgage lender

Mortgage lenders find customers in a variety of ways, including cold calling and lead generation. Nowadays, one of the most effective methods is generating leads on a website or third-party website in which potential buyers indicate they're interested in securing a mortgage. An example of a cold call script would be something like this:

"Hi, [Insert Name]. My name is [Insert Name] from [Insert Name]. I saw that you submitted a form on our partner site requesting more information about mortgage pre-approval. I'd like to learn more about your home-buying goals and see if there's anything I can help you with. Is now a good time to talk?"

This sales script addresses where the caller received their information, and instead of trying to sell them on a mortgage immediately, they request more information to qualify the prospect.

In all of these examples, we've only provided the first part of your sales script. The rest of it will depend on various factors, such as the prospect's answer to whether they have time to discuss and what their overall tone is throughout the call.

In most cases, you likely won't have a goal of selling them your product or service immediately. However, this depends on the company, as some have longer sales funnels than others.

After your prospect has decided to continue talking to you, you should introduce yourself again and the company and ask a few questions to learn more about them and their potential pain points.

For instance, the mortgage lender might find that the person they're talking to is self-employed and has had a difficult time finding a mortgage program that's right for them. If the lender specializes in these types of mortgage programs, they'll follow up by discussing them and providing more information about their expertise in the area.

Then, once they've effectively qualified the lead, they can make an appointment to talk more in-depth about their needs.

You can adapt any of the above scripts to your own product or service to make them work for you. Most important is learning about your prospects and qualifying them to determine if it's worth spending more time talking to them. You can typically gauge a prospect's interest by the answers they provide.

Common mistakes to avoid

Crafting your sales call script takes time because it relies on research to learn about your target audience and their pain points. Many companies make mistakes that prevent them from being able to sell their products to customers.

A sales script doesn't guarantee more sales; your script might highlight the offering's benefits and how it solves your prospects' common problems. Mistakes to avoid when crafting your sales pitch script include the following:

Lack of personalization

Relationship building is crucial regardless of your industry. Your customers must trust you before they decide to make a purchase. A lack of personalization in a sales script can immediately signal that you haven't taken the time to actually learn about your potential customer or their needs.

Focusing too much on the product, not the customer

Many businesses make the mistake of highlighting the product and its features instead of how the product can benefit customers. Prospects don't necessarily want to hear about all your product's features; instead, they want to know how your offering can address their pain points and solve their common problems.

For example, if you sell a project management software and your prospect is already using one, they don't want to hear about the features. They want to hear how your product will solve the issues they face when using your competitor's software.

Overcomplicating the script

Your sales script isn't supposed to be a document your salespeople read verbatim. Instead, it should highlight the most crucial talking points to serve as a conversational guide. You should always keep sales scripts short for the first conversation so you're not wasting your time or your prospect's.

Besides, a complicated script can be difficult for sales reps to remember and fully understand, and it can become boring to prospects. The main goal is to generate interest and to do that; you have to have a conversation with the prospect instead of talking at them.

Using a one-size-fits-all approach

All your customers are different and have different needs. Even if your customers operate within the same niche, your product may be solving different problems for them.

Because of this, it's crucial to have a sales script that can easily be personalized and customized on the spot by sales reps, allowing them to insert the client and their specific needs into the script so it makes sense.

Tips for delivering the sales script

Just as important as having a sales call script is properly delivering it. As we've mentioned, your prospects don't want to hear a script; they want to have a conversation with you to learn when your business and its offerings are the right fit for them.

Here are a few tips to help you deliver your script and generate more interest:

Practice and memorize the script

All your sales reps should practice and memorize the scripts so that it comes naturally to them. Of course, they don't have to read the script verbatim, and they shouldn't.

Instead, memorizing the script can help them understand the direction of the conversation while they keep it casual and natural.

Use tone and inflection to convey enthusiasm

If you want your prospects to get excited about an offer, the salesperson has to be excited about it. Your prospects will consider your tone and how you deliver the script before deciding whether they want to continue the conversation.

You should be enthusiastic but also listen to the customer's tone to determine where the call is headed and be able to pivot when necessary.

Build rapport with the customer

Rapport is crucial for relationship building because it helps you understand your customers and communicate with them better. Your prospects must trust you before they decide to make a purchase or work with your business, and building a rapport can help them develop a deeper connection with your business while they learn more about your offerings.

Ask open-ended questions

Asking open-ended questions will help you learn more about your prospects and their specific pain points and needs. Once you learn what your customers care about most, you can tailor your sales pitch script to build personalized solutions.

In addition, open-ended questions show that you're actually interested in a customer's issues and that you can find reasons for them to believe your solution is the best available.

Why a well-crafted sales script is essential for success

A well-crafted sales call script can help you learn more about your customers while pitching solutions that address their pain points, both of which lead to more sales and better customer relationships. But, of course, sales scripts are just for cold calling; they can be used for a variety of customer communications, including email marketing.

Sales scripts can improve your lead generation efforts and support your other outbound sales efforts. Start crafting your perfect sales script today with Mailchimp and test it via email to find the right messaging for your unique customers.

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