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Training Your Clients to Be Better Marketers

How one agency sets clients up for email success.

The Agencia Reinicia team smile at each other.

Learning from your mistakes isn’t easy. But Agencia Reinicia, a Madrid-based agency that offers in-company training for clients, actually encourages them to mess up. That’s because if you confront your fear—say, of hitting that “send” button on an email campaign—you’re less likely to be afraid of it in the future.

An introduction to email marketing is the agency’s bestselling on-site training course, and for good reason: Email marketing can seem daunting if clients have never tried it before. Typically, a Marketing Manager or Sales Manager hires Agencia Reinicia. To date, the agency has trained more than 2,000 people in email marketing and marketing automation using Mailchimp.

“People are afraid of failing,” says Néstor Tejero Bermejo, Strategy and Marketing Advisor. “They are scared because they think that they are going to break something. But the good thing with Mailchimp is that if you do something wrong, you can sort it out.”

Whether you help clients with the basics or more advanced features, here are some training tips from Agencia Reinicia to ensure they succeed.

Doodle of an alligator.

Establish trust

The agency’s main goal is for clients not to be afraid to do something wrong. But before teachers can nudge students to leave the nest, they have to build some trust. To do so, Agencia Reinicia usually starts with something simple, like creating a newsletter using Mailchimp’s campaign builder, so clients can stretch their wings first.

"Once they obtain that knowledge, clients start to feel more confident—and as a result, trust you as a source for even more expertise."

Once they obtain that knowledge, clients start to feel more confident—and as a result, trust you as a source for even more expertise. Because Mailchimp offers more marketing tools than just email, it’s easy to transition to other courses that feature automations or landing pages.

“We love training our clients. It's a way to see other people grow,” Néstor says.

Doodle of hand building a house.

Learn by doing

A typical course lasts 8 hours, which can be broken up into a couple of days. Instead of just lecturing clients, though, Agencia Reinicia dedicates about 5 of those hours to letting them practice. That way, mistakes can be made and quickly remedied. In the beginners’ course, for example, clients build a list or create a campaign. “That's the trick to make people learn faster,” Néstor says.

When one hour is left, everyone splits into groups to prepare an email marketing plan. The teacher gives each group a different issue to resolve. The group then puts together a plan that includes 6 to 8 marketing campaigns to be sent over the course of 3 months. This exercise helps them make their own campaigns and calendar when they return to their business.

Doodle of a fast moving bunny.

Push them out of the nest

Typically, the teacher’s enthusiasm is so infectious that the client starts to get excited about all the possibilities of email marketing. “It's really important that they see that we like what we are doing,” he says. “That way they learn more.”

The excitement usually mounts when clients are finally able to analyze their data. They’re astonished, Néstor says, because they’re happy that they can improve what they’ve been doing.

“If they have good results with the newsletters, then they will try to do new things.”

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